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Kicking Tramadol

Well first hello group. My first time posting anything in public.
I am in trouble and I need help.
Situation I have been taking 40 50 mg caps Tramadol per day for the last year or more.
I am scared ******** to stop them. My body even notices if I reduce down to 30 I start getting some withdrawal
I have not had a good BM for about as long as I been on these things, no sex drive, plus they make you stupid your brain fires much more slowly and it seems to take forever to mentally do what was a snap before.

I am a Forex trader i trade currency for a living. As you may know it's a very stressful profession with over 97% failure rate. So I know I will probably be dopesick for a while and not clear enough to trade. However I have to trade to keep the money coming in. I am a American but I live in Central America. down here where I live in Panama almost everything needs a script. Basically they just copy what the US does. Somethings I can get pretty easy like cattapress, Lunesta for sleep.

What I really need is a list of things I can take that will help the Wds and also how many days will this last and if possible can your rate Tramadol withdrawal as far as pain and discomfort if 10 is the highest and 1 the lowest where would you put Tramadol with this dosage.

Thank you much
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It's probably why I am taking so many trams they are working as AD medicine.
I understand what your saying whay I don't know and need to find out if it's actually true.
Many things with drugs and medicine seem to make perfect sense but when examined one finds out that this drug or that drug does not metabolize as it should so it's not a danger. Trazadone according to my reading and what the studies show is you need to take a lot for the AD properties taking a half of one at night and maybe a half at day to get through the WD is very doubtful it will mess around that much with my serotonin.

Any bio-chemical engineers on this board feel free to jump n here.

Now you will see that people worry like crazy about this serotonin syndrome but in truth it hardly ever happens. If anything I would probably need more Trazadone not less because it I can stop CT with the help of this drug my body will be depleted of all serotonin which is actually the reverse of SS. The problem is Trazadone is far to sedating so you cannot build up fast enough to recharge my serotonin.

We shall see thanks for your point
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Hey.  You don't ever want to take Trazadone with tramadol!  You could be looking at seratonin syndrome and have a seizure...or worse!  

You have to wait till your dose is much lower to take the trazadone.  OK?  Please don't take them together.  You are taking a LOT of tram!  It could kill you!
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1319167 tn?1278213669
But are you trading one evil for another??  I am not familiar with the trazadone~Are you hoping to use this as a tool to get beyond the Tramadol and eventually get away from them both?
I am glad you have put some thought into a plan..do not worry about the grammer!  
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Well I see I have no edit function. that's scary I forgot to check my grammar and spelling oh well ,if I don't make it promise not to remember me by the guy n Panama that could not write!
I also see they censor email addresses probably a good this but being way down in Panama I am not overly concern about someone doing something crazy to me..

Feel free to email me is you can solved the riddle. My address is with a company that wishes Google was never born and sounds like a noise a cow would make.

So I was walking down the path seeking my paradise at a sound like a cow makes with a dot near the end feeling calm.

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Well I know how I will get off this now. Thank God my memory is not completely shot.
It was around 10 years ago  I remember cuz it was my birthday. Those were the best of times, those were the worst of times. My company was doing well I finally made it I thought. However on this birthday I was suffering from depression . I had it all so I thought new car, beautiful women living in my beach place in Santa Monica. It was my birthday and my girlfriend knew how much I loved old blue eyes Frank Sinatra so she surprised me with a surprise party at the La Dolce Vita in North Hollywood. this was Frank's favorite restaurant, it's where the rat pat was born and great Italian food. It's nice inside nothing really fancy no windows so it's very private. The owner keep Frank's back table always ready for Frank and his pack to walk through the door.
It should had been a wonderful night but I felt like crap and depressed. those days I was not into pan killers I would smoke a little pot and if the mood was right every once in a while do some ecstasy.

That night I knew I needed to find something that would make me feel better. I said to myself how many men have what you have and it might not always be this way and you can't even enjoy it. So I went to the shrink doctors who get paid to write scripts. It's no joke if they don't write you anything they feel they have failed you!
Well tried every SSRI they had at the time all of them made me feel like I was on too much caffeine and nervous. Then a friend of mine at the time in the entertainment industry gave me some pills said be careful take no more than a half at night in one week try a half in the morning and see that's what I do and I feel great!
Okay why not this country has more pill poppers than any other country I might as well take a referral from someone I know and trust they are telling the truth and are not looking for a fast $150. I have to say I took half that night and had the best sleep I had in years and when I woke I was alive full of energy. I said to myself  can hardly wait till next week to take the other half of the pill. This is how we addicts think right..
Next week came and went took the other half noting really happened.

Now  was feeling good for some months I was taking 1 pill at night, a half in the AM and a half at lunch. Why do we quit something that we know works? I think it's because we are addicts.
The point of digressing down memory lane is the pill I was taking was no other than Trazodone! It worked perfectly on me later I heard all the horror stories what it can do to men bla bla bla. People just like to ruin a good party and rather or to a doctor get messed up on wrong meds and then they can blame the doctor and taking no responsibility for there own body.
I was only this morning after a night of praying and being worried what to do that I remember this almost miracle drug. A oldie but a goo-die for sure. So that's the plan now I still probably need a script unless  can bribe the Pharmacy guy and get a bag of them. What I don't remember is the dose I was on. all I know is you don't want one of these to stay in your mouth it has such a bitter taste and you do not want to take it if your not in bed. So I guess I will do the internet thing and see what dose  should have and what they call this down here in Panama.

Now here's the plan I will start this Sunday night if I can get the drugs(man it's hard to even say that) I will stop taking any trams by 1pm in the afternoon Sunday. At around 9pm I will take a half with another 1/4 ready to go if needed and go to bed. My hope is to wake up in the morniing not feeling horrible. We will see if I can get through the first 2 days off the Trams and even taking more of the Trazodone and still function I wuill give it a go. I have a feeling with this med and they way it works with me it might be all I need to kick this. I will get some cattpress just in case I feel my blood pressure going up but will only use that as a last resort. I will stock up on some imodium, buy a bunch of gatorade and hope for the best.
Wish me luck. No need to mention seeing a doctor. I think doctors are great and they are when you break a bone or loose a hand but with this kind of stuff being thy own Physician has much more merit at least for me.

Thanks again for being here. Who knows I might just be typing  made it next week at this time. My only wish is that I had another human being by my side for this but I wish  still had money also..we can always wish..

Michael Muscarella
Volcan, Chiriqui
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1319167 tn?1278213669
Regardless of how scared you are think of this...It sounds like you have the will power to put this behind you.  That was my hardest part was finding the determnination to get past it.  You are posting on here asking for help so give yourself some credit for the steps you are making to get this done!  The start of ending this lifestyle and starting a clean one is very scary but reading peoples stories on here tells you it can be done..just need to figuer out how to do it safely.  I am not famililiar personally with tramadol but stick around on here and somebody will help you out with the information you are seeking about what the benifits will be to involve a dr.  
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Thanks not only to you but others that seem to care.

Everyone says see a doctor why? Do you think if I went in and they gave me some IV flushes it would help me? that's about all I can see a doctor is good for in this situation

I know I must quit. I keep thinking well what would happen if they made this illegal I would have to quit or if put in jail. You don't really hear about people dying because of WDs.

It is a little discouraging to hear that some feel this is the worst one with WDs.
From what I read some say it's a easier one because it has a shorter half life.

I just do not know what to do but very soon I need to do something. I worry will I be able to function when  first stop? I am not taking trams to get a buzz anymore I am taking them not to get wds and have been for a very long time. It *****
but down here your looked at as very low life if you go into a hospital with a drug problem. They even think that smoking some pot now and then is the same as shooting heroin.

Well I will keep you updated if I can at least for a while. I hate sounding like a freaking whiner but honestly I been in Vietnam, seen people killed in front of my eyes,had my run ins with drug cartels down here and none of that comes even close to the fear I have n stopping this. It just pisses me off I can't just stop and be done with it.
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495284 tn?1333894042
Material things dont mean jack squat but your life does matter.  There is always hope so dont go throwing in the towel.  Fight for you cuz you are important........sara
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1319167 tn?1278213669
Many people have been where you are right now..at the bottom.  It sounds like you have the ability to live a very nice lifestyle but something has gotten in the way.  Everything you have lost has been materialistic and can be replaced with some work.  There are alot of people on here that have watched thier lifestyles change and things go from great to 5hitty.  It sounds like you are able to see the differnce which is more than some people are able.  Is there the possibility that you could go into a treatment facility?  I understand that there is a lack of funds but from the sounds of it the community has people in it that maybe worse off than you financially so what do they do if they are needing medical assistance without financial means?   I understnad that you have a great dog and may not be able to commit to a long term treatment facility.  I am not personally familiar with Tramadol but try to listen to what is being written about on here..You are ultimatly going to be doing things your way but there are people on here that have walked in your shoes~you are not alone!  It is possible to get your life back in order but your health is a priority at this point.  If the very least try to get some things from the Thomas rec. to prepare for the wds.  I hope you keep posting and use this site for the support it has been a excelllent tool for me in my fight to get my life back!  Kris
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Michael,  I have been off of tram for 111 days now.  Avis came off of them too a LONG time ago and is still clean.  Now...you need to listen to people who have been there.  Avis and I have come off of A LOT of opiates and tram, and we both agree that tram is by far the worst.  I have even taken morphine, dilaudid and fentanyl.  Those are the big guns....and tram is way more awful!  You will ultimately do what you want, and that's ok, but I need to tell you that you need to speak with a doctor.  If nothing else, to get a plan and some clonidine.  You need to do this immediately.  Like TODAY!  You are on a huge dose.  I went ct off of 15 a day, and I didn't have a seizure, but I was miserable.  It took a good month to get better.  You say you have to work?  Then you have to taper.  Really, ok?  

Good luck!  I wish you the best.  Please talk with a doctor!

Lea Ann
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Well all this talk now all I want to do is get off it. I don't think it will be as bad as you guys say. I know your looking out for me and I am a complete stranger. I do appreciate it.

Now there is more to this story I was not going to confess but what the heck.
Since my life just may be over it be nice to know I went holding no secrets.
It's not a nice story. Sometime ago over a year or more I had a home, money in the bank and I met a girl who turned out to be one of these hot Latino's who I found cheating on me.
After I had a knife pulled on me a couple of times I said she is not worth it.
that's when I began this Tramadol thing.  The first thing was the house went, then I lost over$50,000 in the Forex market. Not because I don't know what I am doing but because I was always buzzing from this drug. flash forward to a month or so ago . My trading was coming back I built back up from a few thousand close to $20k.

Then when I had open trades which if I was straight I would had just closed them out for a small loss the freaking power went out and I had no money in my cell phone to even call the brokers to stop my trading when the power came back on I only could save $3k!

So now I have only $1k to trade with  , the rest to live on I cannot afford to even buy this tramadol anymore it costs me $15 per day. So basically I am screwed. I have no family down here. I have moved around so much I really have no close friends here. I don't have enough money to even get back to the US if I wanted to.
So  have all of this on my mind I still need to trade and now I need to quit drugs.
The only thing that has kept me going is my dog he is like my Son and he needs me and if I go down he goes down but I tell you I do not see anyway of this working at all.
It would take a miracle just to get out of part of this mess.
I can clearly see why people kill themselves. I mean why not it's more than crazy to live like this. The only reason I haven't is my dog. If he was more independent then I could but he's not so I stay here, worry like crazy with no way out. I never ever thought this could happen o me from having 2 cars, s houses with 100k in the bank I sit here today with $2k to my name, no cars, no houses not many clothes because I always gave my year old clothes to the local people that never have much LOL they have more than me now..

Well that's it
Don't worry no one to blame except myself. Now I just need to focus on finding someone w/good a good heart to love and take care of my dog. I can just tell them I am dying of something Terminal which is really not a lie.

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401095 tn?1351391770
the taper u need is not done in a week..not gonna say folks havent done it..but not gonna say it is safe to do this either
u are on a dangerous drug tho not a strong narcotic like drug..the AD qualities of this drug put u at risk...i would seek a dr to help,,,it can make it more comfortable for u as well....ur taper would possibly need to be over months and not weeks

none of us can tell u what is right for u...we r all different..we r not drs..but i suggest u seek help with this taper....and that is all i can say....hang tight..u can do this just not a great ct choice drug//it is dangerous
I had a friend seize due to this drug and I found her 18 hrs later...she lives alone//.she now has brain damage..not trying to scare u..just want u to educate urself on what u r need to do to get clean safely
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199177 tn?1490498534
Many of us tapered and yes at 40 at day if you try CTing you are at risk of seizure's . We have had some members jump off at 15 a day and have seizures others have not . The problem is you dont know whether you will be one of the ones that will or wont .
tramadol wd is pretty hellish I have come of a list of opiates tram was the worst .I strongly suggest you consult a doctor and taper as far as you can stand before you try to come off it
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Well what would a doctor do that I can't do?
I have read a lot on this from what I read the risk of sizure should be much lower when taking Cattpres which they say gives you more bang for the buck it lowers the WDs and your blood pressure also.
Now when you say you cannot go CT what does that mean in your mind? Franky what I have read here is no one really does the tamper thing. A real tamper is a very long drawn out process that can last months. I don't think that is what you mean right?

I was thinking to split the dose to half 1000mg per day and go down to 0 within the next week?

I just need to know I am not going to die. I am not worried about seizures at all.
I had them before when taking too much of this stuff. That is what scared me. I was walking my dog after I just took 1000mg in liquid form they have all kinds down here. Well before I new it  was flat on the ground, I would stand up move a few feet my legs would give out and flat on the ground. I am not joking this went on for at least 30 mins I could not get up and walk myself home plus I was so disorientated it took a almost superman mind just to keep directions to my home which was less than 1/4 mile away.

If it was not for recreational drugs like LSD, Shrooms , mescline that gave me a edge for being able to function like this who knows what would happen.
But that was very scary no control at all.
I need to stop the problem is I feel ok right now not a high feeling but certainly functional

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495284 tn?1333894042
Tramadol HAS to be tapered slowly.  Seizures are a big risk.  Is there anyway you can have a doctor help you with this??
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401095 tn?1351391770
Have u skimmed the health pages?
the thomas recipe rox!  lots of support here as well

ur dose of trams is high
it can not be CT...must be tapered due to the anti-depressant effect of tramadol..it is also a weak narcotic like drug..but the seratonin it produces makes seizures a possibilty with wd CT...can a dr help u with this?
read and learn..a slow taper is recommended..u may need sumpin safe for sleep and anxiety
keep posting..u can do this...but only u can do this
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