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Not doing too good today

Well, I am 20 days clean today. I was doing really really good until I came down with this bronchitis. I feel really really horrible and am achy and have massive pain from coughing so much. I wish I could take some time off work. I haven't heard from anyone lately, I don't want a norco, but I am kind of craving one the past couple days, but I think it may be due to the bronchitis. I wish I could just go home and sleep.
14 Responses
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4522800 tn?1470325834
So sorry to hear this. Maybe go to the Dr and get something for your bronchitis and they can give you a note for some sick time.
Just hang in and do not fall down. Keep pushing and push them craving thoughts right out of your head. Sending out a Prayer!
Keep us updated!
Congrats on 20 days!!
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I got some antibiotics last night and an inhaler. I'm just tired and don't get any support at home for anything. Not just trying to quit taking pills and having support, but support for being sick and just letting me rest or anything. He said last night "who's gonna cook my dinner and do my laundry" and he said it like he was joking but it honestly bothers him that I am sick. That's why it is so nice to come here. You guys are always supportive and understand what we are all going through.
495284 tn?1333894042
Sorry to hear you are sick.  If it doesnt get better you need to see your doctor for some anitbiotics.  Norco's are a no no~
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Well big congrats on 20 days. Withdrawl is a horrible experance. But we need to fight through those bad days we all get them, par for the course. We need to fight craving coz if you use 1 narco you have had 20 days fighting for your life waisted. Get through today and tomorrow should be better. I hope and wish you well in your personal war. Keep fighting. There is light at the end of this dark tunnel. With much respect ,,,James
You are & can continue to do it.  Your accomplishment on 20+ days is fantastic!  Not having a support system at home to help with the everyday life things is not good and especially so when you are sick.. What you have to do is just say that you are temporarily out of commission until you feel better and then go in your room when you can, close the door and REST!!!!  This time now needs to be about you.  Coming off of Norco's is a BIG deal & then getting sick with Bronchitis is another BIG deal.You need to get healthy from the Norco's and now from this illness so you can restart or sometimes I like to say to myself; rejoin my life where I left off before the pain pills began.  Hang in there kiddo!  You can do it. xox  PS  REMEMBER,,,,BE SELFISH  for a little bit because this is your time now to get well.  .  
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Poor you.  You need rest and sleep so that doesn't turn into pneumonia! Ask if you can leave work , then stay home tomorrow.

Get the antibiotics going and be sure to drink a lot of water. Water loosens those secretions and helps you to cough it up easier. For now, take Advil or Aleve. You'll be surprised how much it helps.

Tell your husband he's on "self care".  Send him out for some burgers and have him make you some hot tea and toast!  Sometimes we just have to ask these guys because they don't think of this stuff!

You'll feel better if you can rest. Please let us know how you are!
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18813844 tn?1468321819
  push your self through this it is hard right now but once you get through it things will get easier like walking up a hill its hard but once you get on level ground it is easy
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Thank you James. I'm feeling very depressed today and I feel really weak. This bronchitis is kicking my butt and I've only been at my job a little over a month, so I don't want to call in sick and I am having personal problems at home. I wish I would get some energy back and be able to sleep through the night? I know everyone is different, but how long has it taken everyone else to be able to sleep through the night? I sleep for a couple hours and then wake for a couple hours and when i'm awake I just cough and cough. I wish I could be at home sleeping and snuggling with my 1 year old right now. I feel very alone and depressed. My fiance is not much of a help at all and seems to only care about himself and his needs.
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Hi.....well congrats on 22 days clean.....detoxing put a hellava lot of stress on the body and it is not uncommon to get cold/flu like symptoms you immune system is down....like any viros you need to take care of it so you dont get worst....as for the sleep thing it is usually the last thing to come back ... over the years I have found a few things that help  one is a all natural seep aid called ''alteril''  it have like 4 differnt sleep aids.....it is 16 bucks for a  months worth at walmart give it a try.....the very best thing I have found is made by ''traditional medicinal'' called ''sleepy time tea''....just seap 2 bags for 20 min add some honey for flavor in a 1/2 hour your read for a good nights sleep  this is the best 4 bucks you will ever spend  im bipolar as well as a addict so when im cycling it helps  if money is tight get the tea first  you can find it ether with the vitamins and herbal stuff or sometimes it is in with the teas  just look for it at walmart  other then that you just have to go threw it ...where here for you keep posting for support
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Thank you guys for your support and comments. This forum helps me alot. Every time I feel down or like I can't do it, I just read others posts as well as the comments made on mine. I slept pretty good last night, aside from the coughing and sneezing. My 1 year old sleeps with me, so I wrap my arms around him and his little breathing pattern puts me at ease and helps me to get back to sleep if I wake up. I'm so grateful for that little boy. He makes it all worth it. I know I will feel better eventually, and I pray for that day to come and can't wait to have my own energy back. When I got off work yesterday, I went home and did laundry and cleaned my house and was just worn down so I think that helped me to sleep. Its amazing how such a small little pill that is supposed to help you, can take over your life and then be such hell to come away from!! And, as many of you, I've done it several times and it gets worse each time, so I'm not really sure why I've let myself do it so many times. Thank you all for your support. I need it!
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Well, today is day 24!! And my bronchitis seems to be getting a bit better, which is making me feel a little better. I slept so good last night that I didn't want to get up this morning, and feel very groggy today, but I'm not coughing as much, which is good. I'm looking forward to having a relaxing weekend, and making myself and my son and homemade fresh blackberry pie with the blackberries we picked 4th of July weekend. I'm not 100% over the Norco's yet, but with each day, my body and mind get better, and soon I will be back to pre pain pill me. My body still aches and is sore, and my muscles seem to hurt a bit more now when I exert myself (almost like my legs feel like they have pulled muscles), but I will come out on the other end feeling like a daisy. When I first started taking Norco's, I was totally ignorrant that they were addictive and that I wouldn't be able to just quit taking them and feel normal, and the fact that my doctor just kept giving them to me and giving them to me over a course of 10 years give or take kind of makes me sick, and what's funny is that not one time did the doctor tell me they would be addictive and hell to get off of. I had to figure that out on my own the first time I ran out of them. I don't think that doctor's are as informed about pills and side effects and withdrawals and what they are used for in the best way possible as we like to think they are. The internet has given me more answers than my doctor. Anyway, enough of that. Now that my withdrawals are going away, I'm just kind of really angry at the doctor (I was angry with myself, but I got past that).
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495284 tn?1333894042
Congrats on 25 days!!  Once you get over this bronchitis you will feel so much better that i bet we could all come over for a piece of pie!!
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Gee, I sure hope so. Speaking of pie, I made a blackberry cobbler yesterday. I still feel like I have no energy. And, is it normal to have like zero sex drive? I don't ever remember this from before. But I just don't want to do it and it's creating fights with my fiancee. But I just can't. I have no desire at all to do it, and the thought of it wears me out.
4522800 tn?1470325834
Congrats on your time so far..Ya!!!
As far as the energy, this will take some time. How old you are and how many yrs of drug use plays a big role in bouncing back. How you eat and what vit/min plays a big role here too. Most ppl say that there sex drive comes back even better. I think it will just take time, as your brain chemistry is still trying to find it's balance. We do have a health page, somewhere on here, that tells you how to increase your sex drive with certain foods and vit/min, ect. Just hang in!! You have come a long ways now. It will all get better. Tell your fiancee that you are still healing. If he does not understand, have him look up addiction in a more scientific way and how the brain is affected. YOU will get better!! We are Proud of You!
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Thank you so much. I'm truly so glad that I found this forum. It has helped alot. Reading peoples posts kind of make is seem like I'm "addicted" to this forum and bettering myself. I think I'm also just really tired from having bronchitis this last week, which is finally getting better, and he's not very sympathetic to people when they are "sick." He is also an alcoholic, I say is because he hasn't done anything to get rid of his addiction. He is on probabtion, and that is the ONLY reason he isn't drinking and I think it bothers him. He is a selfish person, I have just learned how to deal with it. I am 38 years old, and I eat very healthy. I feel like the last two days I've done nothing but eat. I feel pretty good today. I didn't want to get up, but I think that is mostly due to the fact that I miss being a stay at home mommy. I'm having a really hard time with that. And that change came about 3 weeks before I quit the Norcos, so I have alot of changes going on in my household and have to work a full time job.
4522800 tn?1470325834
I am sorry to hear that you live with another Addict that will not get help. That is a challenge for sure. Changes and lots of changes happen all the time and I am glad you are hanging in with us. What does not break us will make us even stronger. You sound like you are bouncing back quickly. That right there is a Big Plus on your side. This Sept will be 4 yrs for me and I was 56yrs old when I finally got it together. Could not of made it all the way if it was NOT for this site and my aftercare. I had some Bad bumps along the way in my first few yrs, lost most of my Family, Dog and some Friends in a few months or so and found out I had to have 2 stents put in over my Heart..Wow! That was hard, but WE can do it!!! Just stay with us and continue to push forward and up. At least you are eating good and getting some sleep. Ya!! Be Safe and put your Guard Up at all times.
Bless U & Family
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Thank you for being so encouraging. I was up and about yesterday playing with my son in his pool outside and I made a blackberry cobbler and made breakfast and did dishes and stuff, but I don't have a desire to go do anything "outside" the house yet, like going to the coast or the lake or anything. I feel that will come with time, and that I'm doing pretty good by getting my house back in order. It's not totally clean yet, but is it ever when you have a toddler? When he was born, which was just a year and a half ago, I went FIVE months, with ease, no withdrawals or anything without taking these god forsaken pills, and for some reason this time, it's just kicking my butt. I am trying to stay positive though. I do know that if my fiancee drinks like he was when he went to jail and got put on probaation, when he is off probabtion or done with this program, he will not have a family. I can't do that with him all over again, and I have no desire to be around anyone that drinks that much and acts the way he does. I've never done anything really stupid or risky while taking my norco, as I did it just to get rid of my pain, but he constantly ends up in trouble or in jail when he drinks and I cant do that again. He missed the first 5 months of our sons life.
4522800 tn?1470325834
PS..Talk about Berries?
I live 50miles from Canada, way up north in Id. We have TONS of wild berries, plus I grow some other ones. That is what I have been doing all week, is Berry picking. Have you ever had Huckleberries?? We have all sorts of Berries up here in the neck of my woods. I think I will make a pie..LOL
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4522800 tn?1470325834
Wow! That is just terrible. Addiction is a progressive disease and it affects all areas of our lives. Maybe both of you can go to them meetings together. AA/NA are both crossed over these days. You might have to set up some Boundaries and let him know this.
I know we are not to be around anybody who uses, for are own sobriety, but now days when I see someone drunk or all spun on crank or pills, I just walk away and tell myself that I used to be like that, maybe not so bad or maybe even worse? We do not see ourselves. I had the Heart Dr tell me that these type of drugs and booze make us come off to other different then we would if we were in our right mind and that we see others different too. It does become a Whole New World when we stay clean & sober. Blessing seem to come in way more then they did when I was using or drinking. I have not drank in over 12-13 or more yrs. Just switch over to my Methadone after the other opiates and did not want to wreak the Buzz. Things will get done in Time but at first it takes Baby Steps. I had to keep my obsessive thinking about cleaning my house inside and out to a bay. This was one thing I had to work on, for this would bring on Triggers to use. Heck, we can not take these material things with us. I find that things get done way better clean & sober then they did when I was buzzed on my 2pills together that I snorted. Wow! When I look back!!
Anyway, this is all about You & your baby right now and do not let Anybody bring you back to using or drinking. I sure will put out a Prayer or more, that He will want what you have and both of you can work Recovery Together. Just think of that Precious Baby you 2 have!!! Keep on it!
Bless All
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Thank you so much. I quit drinking when I got pregnant, but I wasn't much a drinker anyway, just socially, so it didn't bother me to not drink, and when I was sober and not drinking with him, I couldn't stand who he was. I can't stand being around anyone that is drinking and drunk at all. And I used to like to share a bottle or wine with my brother or something, but I just can't anymore because of my fiancee. The thought of alcohol litterally makes me want to throw up. And I really hope he doesn't go back to that. He didn't see that he had a problem. He blamed the police, me, the judge, the court system in general, and his probation officer. At least during taking my pills, I blamed no one but myself, as I was the one swallowing it. But I never took them or anything else (except occassional alcohol) for FUN. So maybe my brain is wired differently. I know that I was dependant on those pills, and that the thought of not having them scared the crap out of me because I thought my pain was going to be out of control, but I'm doing ok. And as long as I can find something non addictive for pain (walking, hottubbing, etc) to eleviate a little of the pain, I can deal with the rest. The first few days though, I was thinking the only thing would help me was a pain pill haha. And when my back hurts, I still "I need a pain pill" but then I realize that I don't have them anymore, and the pain seems to ease up a bit.
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It's weird but during the the last time I have detoxes and other times when I was in acute withdrawal I often suddenly had these deep coughs with tons of mucous in my system. When I was in rehab I was really sick with a chest type infection during withdrawal and it was horrible, I likely would of relapsed if I wasn't in a detox prison. I know opiates depress your respitory system, you never cough and I think I only got sick once in my 5 years of opiate usage, but before I used drugs I got colds all the time. I wonder if opiate users don't properly drain mucous from the lungs and when you are in detox it suddenly turns into a bad chest cold. I bet most opiate users on here never get sick when using. I have also done a lot of cardio while still taking opiates and I often found myself needing to cough.
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Interesting theory. I got sick still and got bronchitis (it's once a year for me because I smoke). I've detoxed from this before also, and I never got that before. I do know that hydrocodone is a cough suppressant. I'm not sure about other opiates though, as this is the only one I've really taken (other than percocet a couple times).

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