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7671414 tn?1395660495

Pain meds to methadone and back

Hi, I have been reading these posts and would like to ask for some help.I have tapered from 100 mgs - 30.The last couple weeks have been hard.Tomorrow I go to 25 mgs.My plan is to keep going for at least 2 more months.I'm going to go get the cal/magn,protein drinks and other stuff I have read about here.When I first went to the clinic 2 years ago I was convinced by them it was to be a slice of heaven.I havent been on anything but methadone since I started going.My Family convinced me that my pain was all in my head.I decided that I didnt need pain meds anymore,so off I went,joined the program and started paying 98.00 a week.Now,my counselor at clinic tells me I am a perfect candidate for pain meds.lol.I repeat.lol...So I am supposed to forget about the last 2 years and go back.This is my problem ,I am in so much pain,sometimes I dont want to get up at all.I have been fighting for disability to have 3 surgeries.Im scared to go back to meds.I have made 2 appts that I canceled. Please give me some feedback.I dont know what to do.Oh yeah,Im 53 have worked my butt off til 4 years ago,when I got injured.
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HI  well you would not think 1mg could possibly effect you but methadone is that strong i sorta did the same thing was 3 days into 5 mg and was miserable so I figured I mines as well be sick at 4mg and went into heavy withdrawal so try to take  it slow it is all about your system ketching  up to the low serum level your doing good but what your feeling now will be very close to what you feel when you take your last dose it will last for 10days to 2 weeks then the energy crash hits between that and no sleep it is tuff to get threw just remember baby steps your doing really well and always remember..''..you just got to be ok without being ok hang in there your going to be fine...................Gnarly....................
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Thanks for the post and just know this will all go away eventually
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7671414 tn?1395660495
Tonight I am,okay.i actually slept for 3 hours when I got back from taking my Husband to work this morning.he is on day shift and it messed me all up. I have the rls,sweating,cold, sneezing.Just exhausted feeling.I just started yawning which I thought I might not do.When coming off tabs I always did a lot.gonna go take a hot shower and try and get back on.Just wanted to say hey to everyone.my Grandson is taking all my extra energy right now...Dont worry Im still ok with not being ok.lol...see ya'll later
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Hey Girl havent seen you post today how are you feeling???
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Hey you go girl my grand kids are special to me also we do movies with them to we just watched ''frozen'' it was good anyways so your off and 2 1/2 days into it...How you feeling tonight?? have you started with the involentary yawing yet ?/ that marks the acute withdrawal period I wrote you on your messenger please read it anyways do what your doing we all want to see you get well...Gnarly
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Just wanted to wish you luck!!! Keep posting on here and try to follow the suggestions given to you.
You're definitely an inspiration to someone like me who is currently doing a taper!
Congrats... I'm so excited for you to come out on the other side of this :))))
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7671414 tn?1395660495
Thought I would jump on for a minute.It is movie time.A week off school and me deciding to jump this week.Oh well,no going back now.lol.My Grandson loves me even when I'm slow.So I feel ok today sorta.My legs are bothering me and hands shaky.But,Im still ok with it...Gotta keep.going.There is no stopping me now....Thanks all..I'll be back!!!
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4522800 tn?1470325834
Very nice reply above Ldytaz..I have Faith in YOU... Keep holding on to your Support and Positive thinking. Yes it does get harder to detox when we get older. Keep on stepping up those Steps and do not fall down..Och!!!
I wish you the best that Life can give..Remember to always keep that Guard Up!!
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7671414 tn?1395660495
So,I took last dose of 5mg yesterday at 7am.I think since I tapered so fast Im feeling worse for the wear here.week,sweaty,shakey and hurt like hell.I have coughed and sneezed so much my side aches.but,Im ok with it.I have my last take home from Monday and decided enough is enough.So,I didnt take it..I know it will get better.I just have to try and not think about it.My Grandson just got home from school so I have to go now.be back later for some input.One day at a time again.lol
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7671414 tn?1395660495
Day 1 with nothing but,vitamins and luck... Pretty tired today. Just tying to get through with little pain. Coming here is a part of my daily program. Hope everyone is having a good day.
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7671414 tn?1395660495
I just got back from taking my Husband to work.As soon as I dropped him off something hit me and I cried all the way home.I know I need to get back on Prozac but,it is so hard to go there after being gone for 2 years.People take for granted the everyday tasks and things we just fight to get through.i was remembering all those years ago when I decided to take my life back and get off methamphetamine.It was hard but,I did it just to be back here 17 years later.I was so young then.I went back to work,gym,tanning all the stuff I no longer do.When I got hurt the first time and went on tabs I still thought myself clean because I was still going to meetings and it was a script from a dr.I still thought myself clean all the way til I decided to get off.Then there was the 2 years on methadone.Why I went there I dont know.I was frustrated with my dr and just wanted off.Now Im seeing an end again.if u newbys here get nothing from us get this.The weight of our additcion is what we deal with everyday.It is a life choice to be clean.Whether u take it for medical reasons or for pleasure it is a curse that will bring u down.I want to be free.I want to go out. I live on the beach and never see the sun.I want to fill up that pool this year(havent for 2) and take my Grandson swimming.I want to have sex without hurting.I want to walk without a cane.I want to not be an addict....But,I am and with all these things I want,I can not have with the drug.So,here I am,telling myself again and u we can do this..Take it 1 day at a time and see your freedom.I can almost see mine,,, again..Later
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7671414 tn?1395660495
just want to check in.This going from 15-5mgs in 5 days has about killed me.I almost took 2mg more today but stopped myself.the headaches and sneezing(yes I finally got them) are terrible but,I can see an end so I plunge on.I will be be later....
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Hey girl so im happy your doing good and for the most part you seem to have a good understanding of what to expect keep pushing forward keep eating the vitamins and in a  week our 2 you will be ready to jump stay in touch..........Gnarly
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7671414 tn?1395660495
Thank u for answering.We r fine now.I feel alright but not alright..lol That is just the wds though.I'm pretty week today but,plugging a long.I just took my 45 min sleep and back up.I guess I should be lucky I can still sleep for a few minutes at a time.I do know it will probably get worse before it gets better .I'm ok with it though.I will prevail and be free of this soon.the pain I will just figure to live with.Determined and tired..Good night
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5347058 tn?1381188426
I'm sorry that you're having a rough time today. I understand what you are going through. I try not to talk about my pain too much and have had similar 'misunderstandings' with my bf. I know in his case, it is very hard for him to see me hurting so badly and not be able to do anything to help. It makes him feel powerless which in turn leads to him being crabby. I hope that you two can kiss and make up later. Until then just try to relax and take it easy. Maybe a hot bath? Might help a little with the pain and help you to decompress. I hope the day turns around for you. Hang in there and stay strong.
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7671414 tn?1395660495
So,I'm back to vent a little. I don't talk a lot about the physical problems I have here. Well, this morning my back has been hurting so much. I got up with a positive attitude and wrote here. I took my Son to work,cleaned a little then made breakfast. Sausage,gravy,eggs the whole bit. I sit down to eat(which is hard right now) and still positive. My very understanding(til now)husband says, maybe u need to stop talking about how bad your back hurts and it might stop. WTF... I know he means well but, I took it very bad. Started crying and of course didn't eat. Thanked him for ruining my meal and told him ok I will not tell u my back hurts ever again. I feel horrible but I'm so angry at him and myself. Well, thanks for the vent. I do feel better. Gonna go try and talk to him. Later.....
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7671414 tn?1395660495
Just an update... I am down to 5 mg... Yay me.. I feel ok but,have my ups and downs. I am taking all things Thomas recipe. I believe it helps. Drinking lots and lots of water. I caught a cold from my Grandson so,I am trying to keep going down and get well. One day at a time.
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7671414 tn?1395660495
They don't drop any less then 5mg.Its crazy but,they say u should stay there for awhile.How freakin long is that...lol...I think they just don't want to loose a patient so scare the crap out of ppl.I just slept for 2 hours and back up.At least Im getting some sleep.Gonna try and go down here this week.I will let u know how that goes.Thank u
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Hey Girl good to see you post I dont think the clinic will keep bringing you down by 5s any more they usually go to 1mg a week if not know when you hit 10 foreshore  keep pushing forward  try some sleepy time tea b/4 bed your doing great for such a large drop remember the tortus wins the race here slow is good I rushed it and suffered for it keep posting good luck and God bless.........Gnarly
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7671414 tn?1395660495
Though I'd drop in and post one progress.I am down to 15mgs and getting excited to see the end.It is finally in my future.I wont lie it is getting tough.dropping so much every week I am feeling it a lot more.Just taking it one day at a time.i started on the Thomas menu stuff and it seems to help.If anyone else is needing a boost of vitamins check it out.Well I'm making dinner for hubby so I will write again soon.good and bad days this place is a good outlet.Thank u all
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Hey Girl great to see you post....well your still winning this thing I think you threw yourself off by skipping that dose it doesent take much at 20mg to throw yourself in a loop keep pushing forward and as you go down the symptoms usually start to get more noticeable the vitamins will help but nothing take all the symptoms away it kinda a balancing act to know just how much to go down and how long it will take to go threw the ''minor withdrawal '' and how long it will take to stabilize it is different for everybody it all boils down to the serum level witch is hard to stabilize in the lower doses  if they will split your dose up you can try that it does help some people it did not help me but again everybody is  different so fare your doing great just keep pushing forward take your time when your body says to and you will make it out of this............I will be in touch...Gnarly
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"I have been fighting for disability to have 3 surgeries.Im scared to go back to meds.I have made 2 appts that I canceled. Please give me some feedback.I dont know what to do.Oh yeah,Im 53 have worked my butt off til 4 years ago,when I got injured."

If you don't already have a lawyer to handle your case, get one that will take it on a contingency basis. Now. That way they only get paid if you win.

I filed and was denied twice before I got a lawyer. He showed me the report from the SSA doctor they sent me to the second time I filed. Their doctor  had stated I was so sick he didn't see how I could possibly work, but they still denied me.

He got my case approved the third time I filed with a check for back pay going back to when I had first filed 2 years before that. He got a percentage of that money, but it was well worth it and over the years I have recouped what he got a hundredfold.

If you're denied 3 times you have to wait a certain period of time before you can file again, so this is of the utmost importance to you in getting your case approved..

Along with getting off Methadone. You want to give your body plenty of time to acclimate to the drop before you make another one, or you will be miserable. If the clinic is telling you 2 weeks between drops, go with that. I know you want to get off as quickly as possible, but by dropping too quickly you're only making it hard on yourself when it could go a lot easier on you.
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7671414 tn?1395660495
Hi,rollercoaster here..I had a rough night.It always seems to be Thursday.I though as good as I felt yesterday I would be ok tonight.I am still dropping once a week.I'm afraid that if I dont keep going that we will run out of money so,I plunge forward every week. We tried talking to them again about giving me a break since I am so low.The clinic I go to charges 14.00 a day.if u r on unemployment or disability u can go down from 7-9.00 .it is a sliding scale.i have to see counselor every friday and sign that I want to go down.They always want me to go up.lol well, I got a new counselor and he is very in tune to the wds of this.he suggested (against rules)that I split it and maybe because I am so low it will help longer.Well,yesterday(Wed) I forgot to take second dose.I guess with the drop and missing the dose last night,it made me feel pretty bad.I got up cause I couldnt sleep,took some pepdo,remembered the dose and finally fell asleep for 2 hours.So,I think I will be alright to go pickup my Husband this morning.he will be off and home with me til Saturday,so at least I wont be alone.The lower I get,all my ptsd stuff is starting to bug me.the nigtmares are back in vivid hd color.I hate being alone at night.until recently I had my youngest son and 8 year old Grandson living here.My other son was an over the road truck driver and his boy lived with us for 4 years.Now he is with his Dad so omes here on weekends (like it should be).My younger actually spent the night here a couple times the last couple weeks.I tell them I am ok but,they know me well. Im gonna try a get another nap in before I have to run.Gotta go to clinic this morning also.I get take homes so only have to go 3 times a week.Thank u again for checking up on me.Taking it slow and trying to be positive.
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Hey Girl good to see you post and im happy for you  the vitamins came from a dr website about methadone and they helped me a  lot they are protacall here on the forum for any body detoxing off of methadone and you got it right you take it 1 day at a time and just know there will be good days and bad it is great your sleeping it get tuff around 20 mg you just have to to make due on cat naps are you going down once a week or every 2 weeks?? Any ways I got to run I have mt 2 mo old grand daughter over talk to you soon......Gnarly
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