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losing weight while on methadone

i have been trying to do some research on methadone and weight gain. i have noticed that i am not the only one out there that has gained weight while taking methadone. it would be great if anyone can help or have suggestions on losing weight and if it is easy to do. i have read alot of people asking similar questions but no replys on the subject at hand.
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i to have gained a considerable amount of weight and have been searching for help ive tried water pills but didnt see much of a result.I was researching the subject and it seems the liquid form has more side effects with weight and tooth decay.But other than that no answers.
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hey welcome to the forum...I was on 150mg of methadone for 6 1/2yrs put 52lb on
but as I weened off it so did the weight I went from 246 to 194 in the 8 1/2 mo it took to get off the methadone...I dont think you can prevent the weight gain but it should be at leat a little comforting to know it comes back off as you taper off and get clean
wish I had more for ya but that was my experience..good luck and god bless...Gnarly
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I need some advice.. I am tapering down and I have gained 100 pounds sence being on methadone. Well I have been losing weight as I've been going down and suddenly I have gained 8 pounds back.. I'm freaking out!! So many emotions are going on I mean I almost wanted to run to my clinic and demand to reduce my dose again. I was coming down in the beginning 10mg at a time then I went to 5mg it was working out to be about every three weeks I'd go down 5. Well I've now been on 55mg for 5 weeks and gained 8 pounds. And I've even started eating healthier! Which I wasn't before! Did anyone while tapering ever gain a little back but then start losing again? I'm so upset don't know what to do!
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I'm sorry I can't think of a way to soften the sound of this observation, but I recall clearly when I was going to the methadone clinic that everyone there, especially me, looked gray and bloated and had bad teeth. It got to where I was going at five in the morning, before sunrise, and I felt like I was in a zombie movie. Brrrrr!!
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Methadone itself does not cause tooth decay. It decreases the amount of saliva in your mouth making it easier for bacteria to hang around and attack your teeth. Any opiate will do that. There are ways to make sure this does not happen. Chewing sugarless gum, brushing and flossing several times a day, rinsing your mouth after you eat, especially sugars. You have to have really good oral hygiene to combat the problems of dry mouth, but it can be done.  
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662972 tn?1270166301

I am also on
m'done and have
gained weight it's
a lot from sugar cause
it makes you crave it
Been on it for 2 yrs now/ 95mg.
How r u doing on it?
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I am on 70 mil and I have gained a bunch of weight also.  I never had a weight problem before I was on methadone; I HATE being over weight!  BUT I think I'd rather be over weight than addicted to heroin.  I wonder if joining weight watchers or a gym etc. would help?  I tried walking but didn't really loose any weight.  

I wish somebody had some kind of success loosing weight while on methadone....I love to hear about it.
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Hey everyone, I'm on methadone too for 6 years now and have gone from 115 lbs of firm, smooth muscle to 160 lbs of cellulite-covered, jiggly fat. Yum. I'm on 70 mg, just like you, Suziblues. Not a really high dose, but enough to pack on the pounds apparently. I have found that it's REALLY hard to lose weight on this stuff... but I agree that I'd rather be overweight than strung out again. I found that on heroin, I was like a skeleton, but on pills I looked good, healthy except for this faint puffiness in the face and belly. The misery that both of these habits bring is NOT worth being thin.
  I think the sugar cravings and general feeling of relaxation and complacency that m'done gives are a big part of the weight gain. But I also think that changes occur in our bodies- our metabolism slows and we retain water. Neither of those factors make for a slim, attractive shape.
  Since being on methadone, I HAVE managed to get down to 130 lbs at one point. I did it by drastically cutting back on sweets, pretty much living on wholegrain cereal, and walking A LOT. I still had a problem with cellulite though- my legs didn't look smooth like they used to so I hated wearing shorts. Maybe if I had continued my diet and lost the last 15 pounds, the cellulite would've disappeared. But I may never know cuz since then, I have steadily gained until this February. Now I'm on another weight loss regimen, and have lost 10 lbs in 2 months. Not great, being as I used to drop 5 lbs in a couple days no problem, but it's something. Bottom line, it usually takes MUCH more effort to lose weight/keep it off on methadone than off. But I suppose, with nearly inhuman amounts of discipline, it can be done. Good luck, all... I'll keep ya posted on how I do with my diet.
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I'm sorry for bumping this up to the top- didn't notice this post was so old!
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228936 tn?1249094248
This is a problem with many people on methadone. When I was on methadone, I never gained weight, probably because I was so poor and didn't work much. This drug can help, but it is often overused or at dose too high and makes people lazy, constipated, sweating too much and for me on higher doses, I had bad dreams and panic attacks. I think if the right type of addicts take methadone  at a reasonable dose, it can be very helpful and help people function better. It seems to me that these days though, it over used and the sky's the limit dosing makes too many methadone pts. zombies. all the best
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I gained thirty pounds on methadone!!! I was at 45 ML and am tapering off and am now at 15 ML and am hoping once I am off completely the weight will start to come off. The first few months I gained back the weight I had lost from using but then it didnt stop and I kept gaining past where I wanted to be. Does anyone who has stopped methadone know do u lose the weight once you stop????? L
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hi and welcome to the forum....for me the weight came off as I was tapering off I lost over 45lb when I was finely off...its different for everyone but most lose the weight gaind from the methadone sooner or later ...hey congrads on your taper your down to 15ml now
how are you feeling?? the last little bit is the hardest but it is deffently doable I did it and I had a huge habit to break 6 1/2yrs at 150ml when I started to taper keep up the good work and keep posting for support and to encourage others good luck and God bless ....Gnarly  
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i have been on methadone for 16 years with a 6 month break you might aswell say anyways i was on 100 mills a day for 11 yrs and i was quite heavy and water retained now im back on it on low dose 50 mg and i dont seem to be gaining any weight .. im 6 foot 157 pounds ..also i found out not long ago that i have hypogonadism and need testosterone therapy due to methadone can any 1 relate ?  aswell as not feeling myself  feeling depressed due to weight loss ..little to say the drs got me confused as hell with all these diagnosis and all its causing me is stress ..what do you think is causing weight loss ?
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I'm a little confused, are you still on methadone????  I was on methadone for 5 years, but not anymore.  Before methadone my weight was 175, after being on methadone I balooned up to 250lbs.....after i got off the methadone which has been about 8 months I now way 190lbs.
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yes i am on methadone still 50 mg a day and like i said i am loosing weight .i got off 100 mg took like almost a year had a relapse got put back on low dose maintenance and congratulations on getting off methadone its very hard like you dont already know..
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I have been on methadone for almost 6 months i to have gained 40 lbs!!! I have been on 110 mg for about 2 months now. I started doing atkins 3 weeks ago religiously without any weight loss I am so depressed and frustrated i was 120lbs at 5'4 when i was a junkie...Now im 159 lbs. My dr. thinks that the methadone is  messing my thyroid up..I had blood work yesterday to confirm this and am waiting for the results. Has anyone been put on a thyroid hormone replacement medication, and did it help to lose weight???? I have been looking for weight loss sucess stories with methadone patients but have had no sucess...Can u lose weight on methadone is my question?
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I was and it never helped me! I've gained 100 pounds. I take my synthroid all the religiously to. :-(
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HI and welcome to the forum...I  was on methadone for 6 1/2yrs and also gained the weight over 50 lb but once I started to taper off it the weight came off as I tapered off
part of the problem is it slows down your metabolism the other part is most people crave sweets wile on it so its a double edged sward how long have you been on it???  and have you ever thought of getting off of it?? I know it was one of the best decisions of my life it so so worth it in the end not to be chained to the liquid handcuffs..good luck and God bless....Gnarly  
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1330514 tn?1277071512
Hi there, Ihave been on methadone for almost 3 years now. Started at 80 mg per day and now at 50 mg per day. My Dr. is trying to get me down to 30 per day. Heres the thing. I take mine at home,once a day. Can I safely taper down to this 'mg' within a reasonable time frame, and will it help me with this gosh aweful weight gain. Ive NEVER been over 135lbs, even when pregnant with twins. Now, I weigh 160 and its insane because its evident inmy face. Everyone i know says I have never looked better, but i think its absolutley repulsive. Any comments are welcomed...
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              I have been on methadone for over 5 years and I gained 40 pounds really fast. I have gained 75 pounds all together. Just about everyone I know gained weight when they got on methadone, half of them gained a lot of weight(like 80pnds). I had always been in great shape. I was athletic and spent a lot of time at the gym and doing cardio. I still work out but not with the same intesity because I get no results on the weight gain end. I my weight will fluctuate between 220 and 240 pounds.
               I have started tapering and have come down from 230 milligrams to 115 milligrams now. Im hoping that the weight will drop with my dose and that the side effects will do the same. I sweat like crazy, which I think is because of the water retention. And the body is trying to loose some of that water. I think that life is better without herion or pills, and it is also better without methadone. So hopefully I can live that way and make it work. Good luck to everyone else on the quest for sobriety!
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HI and welcome to the forum...weight gain is really common on methadone ...it slows down your whole metabolism and most people wind up putting on major weight I went from 185 to 247 in the years I was on it....once I got off I lost all the weight gained and now my body is doing a reversal and im loosing to much weight...if your tapering off stick around the forum for help and support you will need it when you get to the lower doses it gets hard to do then
keep posting and start a new thread by going to the green box at the top of the page marked post a question you will get a lot more responses this is an old thread
good luck and God bless....Gnarly  
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Hi, I've been on the liquid methadone for over 10 mnths now. I started with a dose of 15 mg and eventually settled at 35mg. I didn't notice any weight gain and I looked fantastic, my Dr. was shocked that I was healthy and looking great but unfortunately the addict in me liked the methadone feeling of euphoria and thought myself infallible to weight gain so I began quickly increasing the dose until I hit 60mg/day and of course I gained about 15lbs. I'm miserable and I hate how tight my jeans fit. I'm extremely diciplineed and don't eat too much nor any junk food but the weight isn't coming off. Essentially, I decided to go down on methadone and last week I asked to go to 50mg/day, I hope this begins to help and I'll let you all know.If anyone thinks I'm going about this the right way I'd love to hear it as far as the lower dose goes I feel great and I'm not at all uncomfortable/


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I have been on 220 mills for 2 1/2 years.  I gained 60lbs over that time.  I decided to join a gym, and I stuck with it for 3 months.  The only success I had was it toned up everything very nicely.  I decided I could live with that until I ween off the methadone.  I have been off the methadone now for almost 1 yr, and I only have about 5 more pounds to get where I was originally.  I have come to the conclusion that every pound was worth my getting clean.  Especially being that the weight came off!  So to all that is worried about your weight gain dont.  Concentrate on getting clean successfully, and when you have that taken care of then everything else wont be so hard.
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hey i have been on methedone program for 4 yrs now 150mls a day i have gained  alot of weight,and other medical problems on the methedone i am enemic, swollen up like a balloon.is anyone else having problems on the program besides weight gain?? i hate the weight i barley eat and i just keep getting bigger.my sugar craving have been gone for a few yrs now.does anyone notice when your dose is higher than 50mls and you really go up that, thats when the weight really comes on,  thats what i noticed for me,i went through a pregnancy i only put on 18 pounds and looked great i was only on50 mls by the time i gave birth.but after as my dose increased so did i,now i am hudge and it is so uncomfy i hate it, i am going to dr. and start to tapper down and get off. hope to hear from someone!   have a good one to all!  sacha.
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HI welcome to the forum....I was on methadone for 6 1/2 yrs at 150mg and also put the weight on went from a slim 175.....im 6'1'' all the way to 247 its not uncommon to gain weight on the stuff the best news is once you decide to come off it the weight comes off to this forum can really be helpful to you when your ready to come off it  it was God sent for me
I always look for the older posts on methadone and usually find people like you seeking help
it best if you go to the top of this page and click on the green box marked post a question
you will get a lot more responses that way....I have helped a lot of people get off this stuff id you like I can help you also it not ez to do but it is doable with some encouragement and support I wish you all the luck in the world when your ready to get started hit the green button a start a new post good luck and God bless.....Gnarly
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I am on 130mgs of methadone I've been on it since march and have gained 50/60lbs and I'm MISERABLE. I've never weighed over 115 in my life. To be quite honest some days id rather be a junkie again than this big. I know I'm not ready to bring my dose down but I know if I don't start loosing weight I will detox too early and relapse. Please if anyone can help, I am desperate. I'll basically try anything
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