3107658 tn?1341536179

Stopping cold turkey, I dont want to do this alone.

Ive been on pain meds for 6 years now.  My well meaning podiatrist started me on percocets for foot pain.  Im taking more then prescribed and I need to stop.  I cant go on.  I want my life back.  Im so tired of counting and worrying where Im going to get my next doses.  Not being able to relax without popping a pill.  I don't even know where my body pain is because Ive been on more and more.  In the last 6 months my usage has tripled.  Its scaring the crap out of me, so Im using the Thomas recipe and quitting cold turkey.   My husband is going to help, but he doesn't know how much Ive been taking.  I took 6 days off work and my last pill for tomorrow night.  today at work, was a little slow and my mind started racing and I started to get really nervous and anxious ans cried.  I feel scared and alone.  I was hoping that you guys can help me feel less alone.  Less stupid for getting myself into this position. That there is hope.  I know there is hope, but.. its hard to feel it.  Anyways.. thank you for your time.
29 Responses
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1416133 tn?1351123217
I agree - the l-tyrosine made me super anxious.  Tried it once and never took it again.  I found the same with benadryl or any of the OTC sleep aids like tylenol or advil PM.  Try b-12 sublingual tablets for energy and Sleepy time tea and melatonin are much better to help induce sleep.  :)
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1331115 tn?1536362140
Be careful taking the 5-hour energy drinks and the L-Tyrosine as the 5-hour drinks also have L-Tyrosine in it. Taking to much l-tyrosine WILL raise your BP so be careful it can make you very jittery.
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3107658 tn?1341536179
Well, it didnt work, see the new post of my most recent failure. Thank you guys for all your words of encouragement.
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1970885 tn?1435860428
Thank you...I have a very bad shoulder that I'm dealing with right now (may need surgery), and had planned to ask my doc about the non opiate alternatives that I've heard about. Thank you...You may have saved my butt.
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3107658 tn?1341536179
Thank you guys for your concern.  It was a brief thought but Sonrissa set me straight.  I will have none and no way of getting them by the time I get home from work.  
I double checked the ingredients of the 5 hour energy and it has Niacin, Vit B6,  Folic Acid, B-12 and sodium and then the energy blend is Taurine, Glucorinic Acid, Malic Acid,  N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, L-phenylalanine. Caffeine and Citocoline.  

Im worried that that N-Acetyl L-tyrosine is the stuff recommended from the Thomas recipe and Ive gotten myself used to it since I drink this stuff about 4 times a week.
Im also worried about caffeine withdrawal,  I drink at least 2 of these extra strength 5 hour energies or 3 cups of coffee a day.    Im not normally an anxious person, except for the worry and anxiety from this pain med addiction.   Worry bout where to get them, when Im gonna run out and so on.  
AND... my doctor and I had discussed that once I had the opiates out of my system, if my stomach pain came back, that Ultram might be an option to help.  I have a couple of ultram on hand. Had the idea that would help with the pain that had put me on these meds in the first place.  But now you say dont?  It will make the withdrawals last longer?

Im not so much worried about my stomach.  that hasn't bothered me in a while.  Its my lower back pain.  Guess I might be sleeping on the bathroom floor for a few days.  Back exercises and a harder surface.  I dont know.  Just getting through the last 3 hours of work.. then will be home to start the process.  
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The "non-opiate" (BS) Ultram did the same thing to me.  I was feeling pretty good on day 4 from Roxi W/D, popped 2 Ultram and bam day 6 was a big setback.  
Anything that binds with opiate receptors will only drag out the process and IMO stay the heck away from Suboxone if you can tough it out.  I know people that go back on Oxy because the Sub W/D is so miserable and lasts longer.

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1970885 tn?1435860428
Was just now skimming through, checking up on you, and was a little concerned about one of your earlier posts in which you say that you have pills and ask if you should break them in half to help with the withdrawal.
If you are going to taper, then taper. If, however, you plan to go cold turkey, then flush all of your pills! Your head is already talking to you, like I'd warned you about. You were thinking about just taking a half to help with the detox. You can't do that...Don't feel bad - I almost did the same thing. I was in the middle of day 2, really bad for me, and I was planning a visit to a friends (who has Norco). I was going to steal a couple from him, just to get me through the "bad part" of my detox. That means that I would have relapsed on day 6!
Flush the pills. Your mind will always win the battle of do I or do I not pop a pill.
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2120911 tn?1350922661
Hi and welcome.

Also in your supplies buy something for both stomach extremes. It can go either way, I would chill on the caffeine if you can,,,it will increase the anxiety feeling...(did for me),.,.,.

Hydrate any way you can...I bought stouffers entree's for my first 4 days....mac/cheese  easy to heat and eat.....

Get your bathtub ready....it was my savior....the body aches etc....were lessened with hot bath,...I took like 3 per day.

Your sobriety awaits..........

rooting for ya

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If you have any affinity for anxiety/panic, yes, stay away from caffeine.  Believe me, I didn't even notice the caffeine withdrawal, and you won't either.

Today is day 8 for me, and I could work a 12 hour shift, but it wouldn't be easy.  The later stages of withdrawal are weakness, fatigue, anxiety, etc.  I'm probably about 60% of normal after a 3 month addiction to roxicodone (90/mg per day).
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3107658 tn?1341536179
I forgot about pedialite.  I will get some.  On day 7 and 8 I have to go back to work, 12 hour shifts mostly on my feet. Im hoping that I can be moderately stable enough to do them.  Thank you again for the advice.  Im guessing staying away from caffeine is a good idea too during this?
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Are you sure about 5 hour energy having L - Tyrosine?  I thought the main ingredient that gave you the energy was the same as Redbull and that is L - Taurine.
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I know this may sound dumb, but what about Pedialite if you're not a fan of Gatorade.  The fruit juices will certainly replace the sugars, but I'm not so sure about electrolytes.  Don't discount just sipping on some water either.  The key is to flush out your system of the toxins, which are excreted through urine.  
Also, as soon as you aren't a bed-ridden zombie from the W/D (sorry it's going to happen), get up and move.  I actually feel worse today on Day 8 than Day 5 because I work a desk job and haven't been moving around enough or focusing on drinking enough like I was earlier.

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3107658 tn?1341536179
Ive got the stuff for the Thomas recipe but I wonder about the L-tyrosine.  Do you build up a tolerance to it.  I take 5 hour energy in the mornings I work to help me wake up and that has L-tyrosine in it.  Will having taken it so often make it not as effective when I do take it on day 4 or 5?  Plus I hate hate hate the taste of gatorade and other sports drinks.  I have ginger ale for the nausea, will fruit juices work  as well to replace sugars and electrolytes?
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From my experience, Ultram is only slightly less evil.  It's still quite addictive and you build a tolerance quickly to max dose (400mg/day) which you CANNOT exceed because you'll likely have a seizure.
Also, don't use it as a crutch when withdrawing from Opiates, because all it does is add days onto your withdrawal by delaying your own bodies production of endorphins.  Trust me, been there, done that.

Now, as for quitting.  It's not going to kill you.  You may feel like you're going to die, but as long as you can stay hydrated, you should be fine.  Benzo and Alcohol withdrawal can kill you...not opiate withdrawal.  I would suggest the Thomas Recipe, rice packs for your legs, lots of gatorade and water and don't try eating until you're ready.  Make it past day 3 and you should be home free.  Good luck!
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2083449 tn?1381354708
No honey, you are not kidding yourself! Bottom line is to make a plan, whatever that is! Ok, you've done that! Now stick to the plan! One step at a time! You Definately can do this! Work your plan, and you will succeed!
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3107658 tn?1341536179
I cant take that much credit right now.  I have to get through this last 7 hours of work then I will be out and not getting anymore.  Ive planned it that way.  got just enough to make it to my planned stop time.  Its kinda how Ive gotten the courage to do this.  I always felt so out of control and know I have no control over this addiction, so.. making the decision on when to stop, planning the time off of work, the help with family and posting on here is my way of getting a little control.  Or am I just kidding myself?
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2083449 tn?1381354708
Just remember, your brain is NOT rational right now, and it will try to do anything to get you to take a pill! Do not listen! Stay strong! Fight through it and you will get through this! Don't let your brain trip you up! So proud of you for getting rid of them! I understand what you are going through! I flushed nearly a 2 week supply of my pills! It was one of the hardest things I did! But, it made a huge difference in my successful detox! You are stronger than those pills! Another big hug!!
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3107658 tn?1341536179
Thats what I thought. Im getting rid of them.  Its so hard to determine what is rational thinking and what is rationalization when it comes to stopping these meds.  Thank you so much and keep the hugs coming.  - hugs back -
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2083449 tn?1381354708
For me, the answer to that question is no! Do not hang on to any pills! You will not be able to continue to depend on the pills for relief! If you do this pretty soon you will be right back where you started! Plus, taking a pill is just going to prolong this whole thing! Don't you want to get through this as soon as possible? Get rid of them HEM! You can do this and we will help you! Take care sweetie! Post as often as you need! Big hug!!
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3107658 tn?1341536179
So Im here at work, almost halfway through the day.  Not having the same anxiety I did yesterday, but Im wondering, Should I hold on two one or two of the pills, break them in quarters and use it when the withdrawals get super bad or will that just start me right back at the beginning?  How does a quarter of a percocet affect coming off of 200mg oxy/day?
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2083449 tn?1381354708
Hi sweetie! I just wanted to welcome you also! You are not alone! There are absolutely wonderful people here who will help and support you every step of the way! This forum Literally save me! I have met people here who will be dear friends for life! I'm so glad you found us and so glad you posted! I can't offer more than has been said above me, so take care and please post anytime you have a question or need support!  Another hug from me!
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3107658 tn?1341536179
Thank you all so much.  - hugs-  And E-hugs are the best.  Im gonna head to bed, have a 12 hour shift tomorrow then the rest of my life hopefully sober.  I know it may be odd that Im counting it down till the start, I guess Im just psyching myself up.  Anyways.. talk to you all tomorrow night and thank you again.  
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Just wanted to say Hi and Welcome! You will find some amazing people here that will support you thru all this! You are not alone either we all are fighting this battle with you! ((hugs)~Bkitty
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1331115 tn?1536362140
Welcome to the forum Hem I am glad to hear you want to get your life back. I too started taking pain meds for legit reasons and wound up on the same merry-go-round you are on now. You don't have to feel alone we are all here to help you through this tough time. Most of the people on this forum have been there and done that so we know how you are feeling now. I see my fellow members have already given you advice as what to expect and how to keep your self hydrated and nourished so I won't reinterate those things. Just remember YOU CAN DO THIS and keep your eyes on the prize your sobriety. I will pray for you God Bless---Rick
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