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Withdrawl symptoms from weaning off Fentynal Patches

I have severe back problems and had lower back surgery in 2005.  My pain Dr almost immediately put me on the Fentynal Patches because I was still having pain in my back.. Unfortunately I also have Fibromyalgia.  Over a course of several months my pain kept getting worse.. I didn't connect the dots at the time but the Fentynal Patches were casuing me more pain than I originally had.  I would complain of more pain especially in my lower back upper and hips.  I would have sever muscle spasms that hurt so bad I couldn't function. So every time I complianed of this, the Dr would increase my patches.. I went along as I trusted my Dr..He got up to 100mcg every 48 hrs with 5 mg oxycodone for break through pain.  I was at this dose for 4 yrs.  I still had to work as I am a single parent so I was desperate to get relief so I could work. I continued to have back and siatica pain,  muscle aches and spasms, I had flu like symptoms, I would have nerve spasms along with creepy crawling feeling, I had hot flashes and SEVERE sweating.  I had continually made my Dr aware of all these symptoms and he would always convince me it was somehting else, some illness he was determined to get tot he bottom of, so he would run lab tests and scans that would come back negative.  After the 2nd year I had periodically asked my Dr to take me off the patches because I didn;t like the feeling of my body aching for somehitng more and I didn't want to wind up in a cold turkey withdrawl situation if I wwere to loose my job & I wouldn;t be able to afford the patches. I didn't like loosing control of my body to the fentynal!!  My Dr would repeatedly put me off and convince me I neede the medicine. Once after begginf him he lowered the ptched to 75mcg,,but on 75's ny body was going through what I didn't know at the time was withdrwal symptoms my body aching for more and Dr convinced me it was pain and that I needed to go back to the higher dose.  My insight to what was going on came when I finally had to go on medical leave, the disabiolty claim went in to appeals becasue the Dr wouldn't do his paper work and I couldn't afford anything, and couldn;t get my meds,,I managed to keep on the fentynal patches as I was still insured & I would borrow money to keep them becasue I was so afraid of the withdrawl symptoms. At that time I wound up in the hospital becasuenot only was I ill to begin with but was extreemely ill form not taking my other meds.  During the 4 days I was there I had another Dr and they would not let me have the patches while I was there (come to find out my Dr was not affiliated with any hospital due to being ousted). The Dr in the hospital did however put me on Narco, Neurontin, an anti depresent and my other meds, muscle relaxer, xanax and synthroid.  I went through soem rough times in while I was there but Inoticed a HUGE difference after the 3rd day to 4th day.. My muscle and nerve pain was almost GONE!!  I couldn't beleive how good I felt besides the withdrawl symptoms..I tried to get into a detox center but my insurance wouldn;lt pay for it.. The Dr in the hospital would not give me a script for Narco so when I got home I refused to put another patch on.I couldn't afford to go to a new Dr. I had no money.and after about 10 hrs my body was in severe withdrawl and I finally broke down & put a patch on.  I finally got a new pain Dr and he is wening me. I am now on 50's every 72 hrs. I am having some symptoms that I would always get when either withdrawing or forgeting to put a patch on and now that I am being weaned I get them all the time!  and thats severe nerve spasms with the feeling of wanting to crawl out of my skin with hot & cold flashes & sweating..it comes & goes in waves. I have explained thse symptoms that I thought were withdrawl symptoms but the new Dr tells me what I am explaining is not opiate withdrawl, that it must be somehting else that is not related..I don't agree with him as my symptoms getworse when he lowers dose or I forget to put my patch on on the 3rd day.. He wants to remove the patches all together & give me Narco on the next visit.. I am scared.. What I want to know is are these withdrawl symptoms or symptoms related to pathces??  He also said that if I go cold turkey I would only have withdrawl symptoms for one week becasue opiates leave the body after about 4.. but what I have been told by others and internet opiate withdrawl can last even up to a year.. which is correct?? Please help with answers to the 2 last questions.. any input greatly appreciated!!  (sorry so long)
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82861 tn?1333453911
I get so angry when I read stories like yours.  Addiction and management of withdrawal is "supposed" to be in the scope of practice for a pain doc.  The reality is a whole lot different.  It's like they never took the pharmacology course.

Everything you said is true of the fentanyl patch.  First, you were overdosed.  The hot flashes seem to be really bad with fentanyl in particular, and they happen if you're on too high of a dose or in withdrawal.  I've read plenty of complaints from people with fibro who report that fentanyl made their pain worse.  

A drop of 25 mcg of fentanyl WILL result in withdrawal.  I'm flabbergasted that your second doctor doesn't understand that's a huge decrease.  The same thing happened to me so I can relate to how awful it is.

What dose are you on now?  Your withdrawal symptoms might be fairly well managed with the norco depending on how your doctor prescribes it.  

The worst of the withdrawal symptoms should be over in about a week if you go cold turkey.  I won't lie.  "Unpleasant" or "flu-like" doesn't begin to cover the experience.  Hot baths can put a big dent in that creepy crawly feeling.  It's temporary relief, so keep that water heater fired up and jump in every chance you get.  Exercise can also help.  Drag yourself outside for a walk - anything to keep your body moving and your mind distracted.  You'll probably have some rebound pain as your brain chemistry returns to normal.  Try not to freak out if your pain noticeably worsens and remind yourself it's only temporary.  You'll probably have pain in places you never knew existed too.

Blood pressure increases a lot during detox.  If you already have hypertension, make sure you keep an eye on your BP.  If your doctor knew his rear from a hole in the ground, he would at least offer you some clonidine to help with the withdrawal symptoms.  It's an old alpha-blocker hypertension med that helps ease withdrawal symptoms.  Because using it for withdrawal is an off-label use, your doctor can't run to the PDR and look up the correct dose for your situation.  Any doctor who specializes in addiction and detox will know how to use it properly.

When people say withdrawal can last up to a year, they're talking more about the mental side.  You have to understand that physical dependence is a completely different ballgame from addiction.  Addiction is a mental issue involving uncontrollable cravings.  It doesn't sound like you have that problem.  An addict can experience those cravings for months and sometimes years after detox.  Certain situations, usually involving stress will trigger a craving.  They decrease in frequency and duration as time goes on.  Again, I don't think that will be an issue for you.

I've been tapering VERY slowly off the fentanyl patch with my doctor's support.  I buy the Mylan generic which looks like a clear piece of tape.  Since it doesn't use the gel-pouch delivery system, it can be cut.  I shave off a bit of the patch and taper slowly with no noticeable symptoms.  I actually do very well with the patch, but like you I'm sick of being tied to it and worrying about juggling appointments and everything else connected with opiate therapy.  Best of luck to you and again, I'm really sorry you had TWO idiot doctors.  :-/
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Thank you so much for your response and your ideas on how to deal with the symptoms..It helps when I know there are others dealing with this horrible epidemic these Dr's call "Pain Management".. I know I need to switch Pain Dr's agin as I don't think this Dr has a clue about the effects of withdraw nad how to handle it.  The only reason why I haven't switched is that every time I swtich Dr's it screws my Long Term Disabiliy Ins claim up and stops my monthly payment. and with me being a single parent and no other means of income to rely on it makes it hard.  I did get a ph# for a good addiction Dr that could help me more than this Dr.  I will wait til I get passed the next LTD review next month to switch. What really bothers me is why on earth isn't the DEA making these Dr's have to advise the patients of the physical dependency ramifications especially for opiates and have patients sign an agreement of such before they prescribe it.. This drug has ruined 4 going on 5 yrs of my life..and I mean complete misery!!!  Something should be done before another life is taken or ruined!! My old Dr gave me so many drugs whith the patches, I was afraid to tale all of them especially after the death of Heath Ledger..Sometimes I would lie in bed praying to God I would wake up in the morning..I felt my breaths weaken and was afraid I would stop breathing during the night.  I am more than mad!!! I also have an Autistic daughter that didn't deserve what she had to and has to endure during this process!!  I went into my old Dr's office several times when he wouldn't fill my paper work out in time for my disability to kick in and I would be hysterical and bring my daughter with me and ask him why is he doing this to us!!  We were starving & not even enough money to get to a local food pantry..His answer..I have 500 other cases just like your sitting on my desk!  This man thinks he can play God (I call it Devil) with peoples lives!  I have tried to get an atty to go after him..to no avail.. after all this is a Dr that gives the atty's business for the SSD claims and they don't want that taken away!!  I am fed up!!!!!
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Hi my2sense and Welcome e to the forum.. You are your best advocate always... you know your body better then the Dr.'s I would venture to say you are going through wd with the drops and you will go through it when you switch to the norco. In my opinion you are weaning.. as far as the wd lasting a year.. Yes and no The intense physical part last about a week give our take a few days Then the mental battle last longer.. it takes awhile for the brain to heal. the endorphins to start up again and the brain getting accustom to the lesser amounts.. This does not mean you will be in hell for a year far from it.. I deal with pain everyday and I can say for a fact it is better then when I was on opiates.. trust yourself. research educate yourself on addiction and the drugs you are taking. Unfortunately not all Dr.'s are doing this.. some are even toting tramadol as non addictive. they could not be more wrong. I wish you well and I will look forward to the day when you break this cycle you are in and find out for real just how much pain you do deal with.. take care. lesa
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