13391004 tn?1429735346

kicked off of 78mg MEHADONE...HELP

my husband and i were unjustly kicked out of aegis medical systems methadone clinic..weve been clean from herion and street opiates for 5 years.....in the methadone clinic for the 5 years and were both on 78ml and theyve kicked us out no detox nothing just cold turkey...todays the 1st day without taking it what can we do to make things easier??
we have two 8 and 7 yr old boys and i work a part time job. if i go to a doc u think thyll give me methadone pills to detox me off? my health is bad as it is i hve circulations issues in my right leg where it turns purple blue at times and im scared nervous dont know what to do or how to make this and easy transition.
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Hi...well the liquid intake is critical to detoxing it flushes out your system  without it your symptoms will only get worst....I recamend a case of gatoraid to start with if your not big on drinking get a shot glass and drink a shot every 10min this will keep you hydrated  I cannot over emphasize this enough the kidneys play a huge role in detoxing your blood  gatoraid is good it taste well and has the electolights in it to keep you replenished  if your tight on money walmart has a generic that is just as good a lot cheeper the key to sucsessful detoxing is not only flushing your system it is also eating corectly  NO red meat for a wile chicken is good as is fish  lean protien grilled or baked  you want to keep inflammation down that is what give you the bone aches  there is a lot more to this then meets the eye  blueberrys are great but pricy at least around here no alachol and limit even over the counter meds your trying to purge your system of everything this is the goal...now im not a marter for pain  ibuprofen is preferable to acetaminophen it is ezer on the liver  you must understand the body is under a huge stress load wile doing this even the small things you can do help  this is not one in leaps and bounds but in baby steps....walmart also has a cheep whey protein shake mix it is 16 bucks for a 2lb can just a scoop full to a glass of milk  the chocolate flavor is good and it will give you the raw protein for energy and a dose of the amino acids to heal the brain 2 a day is what I recamend keep posting  get the gatoraid first if money is tight a case for you and your hubby and a cheep timer for the 10min intervals keep posting for support.......Gnarly
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13391004 tn?1429735346
sorry for not responding in forever i just have not had the energy for a darn thing, pathetic really its day 8 since iv taken a dose of methadone and havent used an opiate....my symptoms are backs achy hot cold sweats chills confusion blurred vision ANGER&DEPRESSION to the max today is the worst ive felt since starting i dont understand why in the hell on day 8 am i feeling like its getting worse. my husband is feeling worse then i am physically but mentally has a better head. i feel like thrasing my house and feel like if i didnt have kids id blast my brains out at points.HONESTLY if i could have every physical symtom and not feel like i have no life in me emotionally and the no evergy id take it i mean its day 3 for me witihout even being able to get up enuff energy to shower im struggeliong HARD today ecspecially with the depression i already struggel with it enough as it is i hate to feel sad no happiness whats life for without happiness and joy with that being said i went to the emergency room late last night my husband and i both and they perscribes us
Ativan 1mg (keep in mind i HATE benzos but i have to admit after taking i passed the hell out
Clonidine 0.1mg (and im not sure how that that works only because yesterday i had taken potassium zinc magnesium and a b6 vitamin and also 4 40mg vyvanse in the morning(to get me to an appointment) and then again 3 40mg vyvanse at 3pm because i NEEDED sonething to make me feel happy and give me some energy. and aldo smoked some CBD bassed  marijuana for the first time in 3 years SO with all these things that id taken yesterday i dont know if it was the cholodine that took the back restless away or what it was BUT i just took my dose today 30 mins ago and am still experiencing acheyness, so I dont know.
a concern of mine though if anyone can give me some advice is my husband his balls are killing him he said hes never felt a pain like it  before. when he first felt it we had sex and he said it went away or subsided afterwards but its back now and worse i told him to go wax one off cuz sex to me right now is thee LAST of what i want and normally im more sexual then he is but i dont wanna cuddle dont wanna kiss not a damn thing. BUT  i do want to be taken care of anf fed and all that its fuckn weird and i HATE HATE HATE feeling like this. also my husband when he pees he feels as if hes done and then a significant amount of dribbles come out after hes pulled his damn pants up i cant find anything like this on any other forums whats up with that and numbness of the tip of his penis and toes and fingers.

so im still here and havent relapsed on opiates.even tho i know tht im using vyvanse and adderall and weed to help with the withdrawal which is replacing another drug for another. i have to start some damn where and anything to subside these damn symtoms thts non opiate ill take..also i can not get up enoug energy to eat nor do i want to eat but i get hungry so i been eatn oranges bannas ramen noodles and oatmeal and as far as liquids i have NEVER been one to drink much water in fact if it aint flavored id perfer not to waters the essence of life yes i know but ecspecially when my mouth taste like dog **** water does not a damn thing for it...so ive been mown down popsicles and id like to believe there saving my life from dehydration but could be wrong.  
somedays i feel like maybe i should just go to a suboxene clinic like today but then the other half says no **** that i feel like i wanna blow up every methadone clinic in the world and slowling torture the man who invented it. sorry for my psychoticness but this **** is torture and inhuman,,,,,God'll take care of them thoe. also i took 2 5-htp pills today and im also guilty of not taking my vitamins everyday i mean how is one even able to take
- 1 Potassium
-1 zinc
-1 magnesium
-1 vitmen B6
-2 5htp
-1 clonadeen (evry 8 hrs)
-1 Ativan(every 8 hrs as needed)
-3-5 vyvanse or adderall a day
When i can even eat solids barly this **** upsets the **** outta my stonach
any suggestions for that? okay well im signing off now i will try to respond at least once a day from here on out or at least my huband will...for today thoe i feel the worst and dont understnad how when im on day 8

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12835718 tn?1427483297
thats horrible, large dose to be kicked off like that. I seen a buddy of mine be kicked of 120mg he was sick for a month and it wasnt half sick it was full on couldnt eat for a month sick where he lost close to 30lbs and couldnt keep any food down. ITs been afew days you havent posted, how are things going? Did you go to the doc? If it was me i would find another clinic and do a proper gradual taper detox or go to an inpatient clinic for a month. Stay strong!
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Wow 78 mg straight c/t, I have no advice just wanted to say good luck hope you find a way through it
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Hi  was just checking in on you to see how your doing??
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If you're going to walmart pick up immodium. You'll need it. You can get the no named brand too. Where I live it's a bit expensive. But store brand works just as good. Drink lots and lots of water too. :))
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I would recommend staying away from other substances. This is doable c/t. Will deff be tough,but you can do it. I'm just curious as to why the heck they'd to this to you. Tapering down would have been a lot easier for y'all. Hot tubbies with Epsom salts helped me a lot. Funnymovies when I couldn't sleep. I downloaded and watched the whole 5 seasons of the walking dead my first week. Don't stress though,the sleep will come back. Take deep breaths when the anger comes and try to go in a room or outside and be alone to clear your head.
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