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Bloating and gas after eating

For a while now my stomach has been getting a bloated feeling after eating and at some point i will almost always start getting a bunch of gas (flatulence) , This bloating usually happens after i eat, and it is especially noticable after i eat like my morning cereal or if i eat like oatmeal. Also when im eating sometimes it feels like i have to take deep breaths. My doctor thought it might be an ulcer or something, but i got a GI and it showed i digested fairly normally. Is this something like GERD or IBS or is it like a wheat or gluten intolerance?
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681148 tn?1437661591
It sounds like you're on the right track.  You should see your GI and tell him what is happening.  Sometimes with GERD I get just the pain in the chest and abdomen area, but not necessarily do I always get the heartburn.  I also have IBS and what you're describing can and does happen with IBS, too.  A GI will discuss your symptoms with you and decide which prescriptions you may or may not need to take.  A lot of times the GI will only tell you to use more fiber for your IBS or use a stool softener and /or laxative if you have constipation.  This is where a naturopath will prove helpful and give more thorough guidance in this regard.  The two will not differ to vastly in opinion about the fiber and what not.  Using both rather than one or the other is called Integrative medicine.

I would suggest seeing a naturopath to get guidance in going through an elimination diet to help you figure out which foods are triggering your symptoms.  Also, many processed foods are full of sulfites.  Sulfites irritate GERD in some people big time.
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thanks , any more help would be appreciated because now wheat allergy, gluten intolerance, gerd and idbs all sound like possibilities
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777726 tn?1314573441
An allergist can do an easy skin test to determine food allergy.  Let them know your symptoms and make sure they include wheat and gluten in the test.  I suffered with stomach problems for years.  On a visit to my allergist (treated for seasonal hayfever) I mentioned my symptoms, they tested my for food allergies and 10 min later I found out I am allergic to eggs.  Once I changed my diet, my stomach went back to normal.
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for a wheat allergy yes, gluten intolerance isnt an allergy so skin test wont work, anyway i can differ between these 2 from symptoms?
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Is dizziness upon standing a symptom of gluten intolerance, wheat allergy , or oat allergy? I have read that oats don't have gluten is this true, or will they affect people who are gluten intolerant? Im pretty sure they do affect me. If anyone could answer those 2 questions that would be great as well as the general question of my thread
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Is dizziness upon standing a symptom of gluten intolerance, wheat allergy , or oat allergy? I have read that oats don't have gluten is this true, or will they affect people who are gluten intolerant? Im pretty sure they do affect me. If anyone could answer those 2 questions that would be great as well as the general question of my thread
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681148 tn?1437661591
Oats are questionable for people with gluten sensitivity.  It's best to avoid oats, because they are more likely than other grains to have cross contamination issues.  For example, if they're grown in a field next to a field of wheat, that's all it takes for that entire field of oats to be a problem for people with gluten intolerance and/or Celiac.  

I'm not sure about the dizziness upon standing being associated with gluten intolerance, but I can tell you that if a substance causes my GERD to flare, I know that avoiding that substance really helps.  Some things bother my GERD, then in a few minutes they end up bothering my IBS.  Those are among the worst foods for me.  Wheat and gluten and dairy are problems for me in this regard.  My eczema will also flare-up if I eat these products.  These aren't the only problematic foods for me, but these are symptoms I get when I eat something that bothers me.

You can have a food sensitivity or intolerance without that showing up through the traditional skin allergy tests.  I tested negative for things that I know are huge problems for me.  For example, I get really, really sick with lettuce and spinach.  But, I test negative for allergy.  Those allergy tests are fine for the things that show up as "true" allergies, but that doesn't solve the problem for the foods you know you still react badly to with a food sensitivity or intolerance and the skin tests show negative for allergy.  Food sensitivities are likened to hidden food allergies, since your body still doesn't like those foods and your immune system is still responding in a negative manner.  They're not as likely to kill you through anaphylaxis, but they will still make you sick.  Prolonged exposure to substances that are making you sick can lead to other health problems.

This is why I suggested seeing a naturopath and going through food elimination/challenge diet.  It takes a long time and certainly isn't instantaneous, but it really helps a lot.
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1098088 tn?1257867125
I have celiac disease, I was diagnosed with it in 2004. Every time I ate I got really sick to my stomach bloated and full really fast. I ended up in the bathroom not even 10 minutes after eating. Mind you Im 5'10 and at that point I lost ALOT of weight. I got down to 115lbs. My primary care DR sent me to a gastronologist I was told I had GERD and IBS. Put me on meds and told me to take Over the counter Iron pills because I was anemic. I had an allergic reaction to the iron pills(broke out in hives). Needless to say, I went threw heck and tests upon tests upon tests, because none of the meds worked. My Gastro never gave up on me. After 4 years of testing I finally had a biopsy of my small intestine which came back that I had celiac disease. There was alot of damage to my small intestine, the Villi were completely flattened and that was the reason why I was anemic and lost so much weight. I wasnt absorbing any nutrients. I was on steroids for awhile and stuck with the gluten free diet since.

Keep pushing your dr, request testing for celiac disease. Dont give up Until they find out what is wrong. I know how frustrating it all can be. BUT DONT GIVE UP!!!
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1098088 tn?1257867125
Oh yeah, Dizziness upon standing doesnt (I dont think anyway) have to do with Gluten intolerance. I get that, But Ive had it happen long before 2004. Try getting up slowly that seems to help me.
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