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Allergic or just a food intolerance

I recently went to the movies and bought some kind of M&M's which contained some kind of nut.  When I ate two of them at once I found I quickly had a reaction where my body was forcing me to get rid of the food at once (Exaclty like throwing up kind of feeling).  I swallowed and had no reaction once it reached my stomach.  the left over food stuffs in my mouth continued to give me that reaction until i washed my mouth out with softdrink.
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757137 tn?1347196453
If it were an allergy your throat would have swelled. At least that what happens to me. When that happens I drink a little liquid Benadryl. My guess is intolerance in your case, but it is strange that it did not upset your stomach.
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re: the M & M's - My throat swells up from corn, but allergy tests do not pick it up! Keep a food diary and try elimination diet - plan it out so you know you are not having any mystery ingredients in your diet - I react to that candy as well. It could possibly be confectioner's glaze that's another possibility, which keeps it from sticking to the wrapper ? And that might be made from corn ( so many additives are sourced from corn ) You could try avoiding corn - I no longer eat any corn, soy or wheat, I also recommend education about genetically modified foods online there is much by the author of Seeds of Deception. That's upsetting information but will motivate you. I take enzymes which help digest any gluten that slips into my diet. Enzymes saved my life.  I have discovered my 16 food sensitivities by various means including an IgG blood test found some of them, but elimination diet found the others. Corn and gluten are the worst for me. Health eating to you, and I'm sorry you are having problems.
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681148 tn?1437661591
You're not alone in this one.  I react badly to M & M's, too.  I get a sore throat.  I also set myself up for a migraine if I eat these, even though occasional chocolate seems to be alright.  But, only high quality it seems.  The average commercial stuff has stuff in it that bothers me, too.  I, too, stay away from the ingredients mentioned in the above post.  You're definitely not alone.
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1551963 tn?1302292732
you throat would only swell if the reaction was extreme. people have mild reactions to food al the time and they just don't know it. look at IBS irritable bowel syndrome. that is a perfect example of a food, spice, or perservative alergy.
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681148 tn?1437661591
What the previous post said is right on.  He hit the nail on the head.  In fact, to go on further, as it is related to food sensitivities and problems with preservatives, there is a type of food sensitivity called Tyramine Intolerance, which I have.  The only way to know one has it is to know what one is sensitive to (It's usually food sensitivities versus full blown allergies as the previous post mentions).  Usually, according to one website I read, people with migraines and/or IBS have this Tyramine Intolerance.  I know this to be true in my own case.  

Tyramine Intolerance is a form of food sensitivity that usually hits people with migraine disorder.  People with IBS often have it, too.  Only they don't know it, much like they often don't know that food sensitivities are the major culprit to their colon issues.  A lot of times people with migraines don't know the full extent of their food sensitivities, and some have no clue that what they're eating is a major contributor.

Unlike histamine intolerance, tyramine intolerance can't be measured.  But, the list of food culprits is very similar.

It's just additional information to the previous post, since he mentioned preservatives.

Yes, he is correct about the difference between sensitivities and allergies.  I wouldn't say I was allergic to M & M's myself, as they don't cause anaphylaxis, which is what the previous poster was talking about.  By definition, this is also what an allergist is testing for when people are having dangerous reactions and don't know the identity of the problem.  A conventional allergist MD cannot test you for sensitivities.  You just have to know that you react badly to something and avoid the culprit.

With M & M's, there are any number of ingredients that one can react to besides the chocolate.  They do have food dyes and they are full of preservatives.  In fact, such food dyes do have preservatives in them themselves.  So, it doesn't really surprise me that I react, now that I know I have Tyramine Intolerance.  But, a lot of people don't know about Tyramine Intolerance who need to know about it.  You can get good information simply by Googling "Tyramine Intolerance".

This is by no means a conclusive list, but it gives you a good guideline.  You might have other food sensitivities not on the list and not have a problem with the foods on the list.  In that case you have food sensitivities, but not Tyramine Intolerance.
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