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Stuffy nose

my five year old son is asthmatic he recently have really bad stuffy nose at night what  could i use to help him at nights
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My son who is six now has had like a seasonal athsma but it's pretty bad when he gets a cold he usually can't stop coughing at night but what we do is give him some tylynol cough and cold. plus rub a bunch of vicks vapor rub all over his chest neck and nose. At one point he was having severe attacks in which we would end up in the E.R. with a couple doses of albuteral all shook up. but a couple more mild times they would just run him for like 2 hours on saline on the nebulizer
so we started to do that at home we do that if wheezing starts with the cough
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It would be very difficult to suggest any medications for your son without a proper clinical examination.

Does he have any other symptoms? For how long is he having the stuffy nose? Does it get alright during the day time?

You could try some steam inhalation, saline nasal drops to help him with his symptoms and see if it helps.

If his symptoms still persist it would be best to consult a pediatrician.

Let us know how he is doing and if you have any other doubts.

Also keep us posted about what the pediatrician advises.

Hope this helps.

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My son also has exact same symptoms, He experiences a stuffy nose which starts in night. This is allergy season. And he is asthamatic patient too.
I ave him Hylands cough and cold homeopathy medicine twice a day yesterday.
And also Srytec in evening. And Children's Sudaphed to help him with his stuffy nose in night.
Should I start givin him albuterol? He doesn;t seem to wheeze. Should I wait to start him on albuterol or should I keep continuing the things i am doing and the stuffy nose will go away? What do you think?
Your help is appreciated!
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