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Asthma & Allergy

I work in a very old building and sit right next to an inside rock wall. We have many exposed rock walls within the office. All office furniture is constantly covered in this "dust" that looks like the mortar from rock wall. I have developed some allergies in my older age of 62, but it has progressively gotten worse through the years until now I also have bouts with astnhma. I have worked here 14 yrs now and am beginning to think that this mortar dust that I have been breathing may have something to do with all of my breathing problems, or at least, has not helped the situation.
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209987 tn?1451935465
It is making it worse. My husband has COPD and he needs to wear a mask when he's in dusty areas.
The finer dust will accumulate in your lungs...not a good thing. This dust probably initiated your problems.
If getting a new job is out of the question, then perhaps you could wear a mask. Even a small fan that blows the dust away from your face would help to a degree.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Yes, dust can trigger episodes of asthma. Since you have been exposed to a dusty environment, it would be worthwhile to get yourself evaluated for occupational lung disorders. Please discuss this with your doctor am sure he will provide further assistance.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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