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Cranberry/acidic allergy?

I started a liver cleanse diet yesterday in which I add one cup of pure cranberry to seven cups of water and drink that each day.  Not easy to drink all that down in one day, plus it's sour but in the interest of a healthier liver I persisted.  Today, after now having drank about a cup and a half of the pure cranberry with about twelve cups of water my glands are swollen and my tongue is swollen.   It seems somewhat obvious that the thing that has dramatically changed in my diet is the cranberry.  My stomach is also bloated but I attributed that to havnig a lot of fiberous foods yesterday, or maybe a combination of the two.  I would love to continue drinking the cranberry if it will be beneficial to me but I don't want to saturate my body with something that it may not be able to handle for whatever reason.  I don't know whether it is relevant or not but my throat itches when I eat ripe bananas and certain melons.  I eat them anyway just in moderation.  Is it possible that I have an intollerance to cranberries, or the acid in them?
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Swollen tongue is often an indication of allergies. It looks like you are having allergic reaction to the cranberry or the excess intake of the acidic stuff. Take some Benadryl and avoid taking cranberries in excess. If the symptoms worsen then you may need topical and oral steroids.
I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.
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Thanks for your comments.  I will reduce the cranberry intake today to half of what I have been having and see if that is tolerable.  If not I guess I will have to cleanse my liver in some other way.  The good news is that the symptoms quickly diminish once I quit drinking the cranberry, just a few hours without and there was a distinct reduction in the swelling.  
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