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I have Aquagenic Urticaria does any one else?!

I've had aquagenic urticaria for 2 yrs now and where I live the doctor told me I am the only one that has this in the city.

I was told to do my research on this disease online because my doctor did not have much information about it because its occurance is so rare.

All the medication that was prescribed didnt work. Even using boxes of baking soda  in the bathtub doesnt work and thats what my dermatologist told me would get rid of the hives in the first place.

I'm sick of just dealing with the growing amount of itchy hives. My doctor told me with aquagenic the hives stay on the torso and rarely go anywhere else. After 2 yrs they have spread and go anywhere depending on the amount of time I'm showering/working out/ or even just standing in the sun or wearing my winter coat, and lately i just always have them.

I've dealt with this all alone long enough and I was wondering if there was anyone else who has it? Are there any other tricks of the trade to deal with this awful disease!!??

thanks alot!! <3 lauren
163 Responses
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Hi, I am just now realizing that I probably have aquagenic urticaria as well. my doctor said it was just allergies, but i have the same symptoms described here. Everytime I shower, i get itchy hives on my torso. if its a longer shower, they spread more. I can get them no matter what water temperature, but i feel like heat activates them or something. Does anyone else notice this? Like if i am laying out at the pool, i am fine until i go in the water and when i come back out and lay in the sun i get them all over my body, including my face. I notice when i go inside away from the heat, they slowly stop itching and go away. Has anyone else noticed this as well? Do you think it is a part of aquagenic urticaria?
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15545184 tn?1441268917
Start eating haridrakhand an ayurvedic mixture..!!
Zyrtec leaves withdrawal symptoms which is addictive life long! Leave zyrtec!
I was taking zyrtec since 8 years..now I switched to an antihistamine which does not have hydrochloride and started Haridrakhand too. Hope to get off these demonic Hives.
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15492024 tn?1440932375
I have suffered with symptoms very similar to most of you for the past 18 years. I'm now 28. I do suffer with eczema but when I go swimming or take a shower or even when I get wet from the rain my skin dries very quickly and gets really itchy all over and I break out in a few hives mainly on my back and my arms , Every day after I wash or after a shower I have to moisturise all over, I was prescribed Aqueous cream years ago which I found made my skin too oily and still didn't take away the itch and the Oilatum in the bath use to burn, I have tried a few different moisturisers and I now use a Vaseline moisturiser which I have found works well for me and if at times I feel very itchy I do take an anti-histamine but my skin has improved so much now, its very difficult having to live with this condition at times, for me it feels like it will always be part of me but I feel I've learnt to keep it under control , I hope it gets easier for the rest of you , good luck everyone.
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I take Allegra, Not Allegra D, just Allegra, you can get it in 12 or 24 hour pill. It doesn't make me tired... I was so relieved to find this. Give it a try. Not expensive... Good Luck
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I wonder if it's water on the skin that's the source or just the vector since people have reported that it can occur when they sweat. It appears to be predominantly on the back and torso. I wonder if it could be something in the clothing that resides on the skin and enters the skin when the skin become wet. I would think that one way to test this idea may be to wash a small area with rubbing alcohol before taking a shower and seeing if that area still breaks out afterward. The water may be just opening the pores and letting in an allergin that sits harmlessly on the skin otherwise. Materials added to clothing that resist multiple washings may stick as nicely to skin as it does fabric. Eliminating certain clothing types seems to have helped many of the sufferers reporting here as well.
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I wonder if it's water on the skin that's the source or just the vector since people have reported that it can occur when they sweat. It appears to be predominantly on the back and torso. I wonder if it could be something in the clothing that resides on the skin and enters the skin when the skin become wet. I would think that one way to test this idea may be to wash a small area with rubbing alcohol before taking a shower and seeing if that area still breaks out afterward. The water may be just opening the pores and letting in an allergin that sits harmlessly on the skin otherwise. Materials added to clothing that resist multiple washings may stick as nicely to skin as it does fabric. Eliminating certain clothing types seems to have helped many of the sufferers reporting here as well.
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