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I have Aquagenic Urticaria does any one else?!

I've had aquagenic urticaria for 2 yrs now and where I live the doctor told me I am the only one that has this in the city.

I was told to do my research on this disease online because my doctor did not have much information about it because its occurance is so rare.

All the medication that was prescribed didnt work. Even using boxes of baking soda  in the bathtub doesnt work and thats what my dermatologist told me would get rid of the hives in the first place.

I'm sick of just dealing with the growing amount of itchy hives. My doctor told me with aquagenic the hives stay on the torso and rarely go anywhere else. After 2 yrs they have spread and go anywhere depending on the amount of time I'm showering/working out/ or even just standing in the sun or wearing my winter coat, and lately i just always have them.

I've dealt with this all alone long enough and I was wondering if there was anyone else who has it? Are there any other tricks of the trade to deal with this awful disease!!??

thanks alot!! <3 lauren
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this is the same thing I have. Like when i take a shower, it rains, i go in the pool/beach, or even if I sweat, i get these little red bumps that itch a lot, and i seemed to notice that they go away right when im completely dry. I've never went to the doctor for it since its not severe, but Im just curious about what its called, and whats causing it,.
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I have had this my entire life and it is getting worse with age. I know what yo are going thru. Hot water will set you off worse in the shower or bath. Luke warm almost cold is show to make less hives when bathing.
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I do have the same condition with water, sweat, sea and few more, and also I have fair skin...
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I am in Australia and I have aquagenic urticaria. I itch after being in any type of salt water and my face burns. I also itch after showering. Would love to know if any types of shower filters have helped anyone?
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Update (4 years later) No changes.
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I am 47, I have had this since 14. One of my sons has it as well (he is 24 and started about same age as for myself) - so it IS hereditary.
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