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Lip Allergy


I am desperately seeking help for my lip allergy! For the past five years I have gradually trimmed away at the amount of products I can put on my lips without them breaking out and becoming irritated. At this point, I cannot wear any type of lipstick, no lip gloss, no chapstick, no beeswax, no Carmex, NOTHING....even plain petroleum jelly irritates the sensitive skin on my lips. After a few hours of applying any of the above mentioned products, my lips begin to dry up, burn slightly, the skin will whiten and peel off in big pieces and my lips become raw. In the worst case scenario, I develop tiny hard, clear bumps on both the top and bottom lip...they normally last for about 1-2weeks before fading. During that time, I get absolutely NO relief from the constant feeling of irritation and dryness. PLEASE HELP!!!
4 Responses
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850029 tn?1238857820
This is just an idea but you might try olive oil..................................
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ive been experiencing similar symptoms, but cant seem to find the source of it, does this happen when any caustic substance comes into contact?Im very confused as to what these bumps are, they dont weep or crust , they just sit, then leave. Usually in the same place where the skin has come off and there has been a raw area, is this your experience, that they come up in the raw area?
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Lanolin for breastfeeding mom works great! It is edible and is made from lamb fat oil.
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use neosprin H
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