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Random Swelling

In October 2007, I broke out in hives from my neck to my thighs, and my entire face swelled.  I went to the doctor and got a shot, nothing has happend until January 2008.  Randomly my lip will swell, my eyelid, sections of my ankle or elbow.  One nostril has swollen as well.  They don't all of these at the same time, just at random times.  It has even happend when I haven't eaten or drank anything.  Any suggestions/ reasons why this his happening are welcome.
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Anyone out there that has the secret remedy???

I am 35 and had my first episode about 8 months ago. I woke up with itchy hands. With in 10 min of waking my forearms were covered in a rash (dots). The rash spread to my chest and neck, my throat started feeling like I had something stuck in it, my chest was tight, swollen lips and face.... had to go to ER. The gave me steroids, eppi pen, zantak and Benadryl. Everything was ok till two days later, same thing...back to the ER. They said it was an allergic reaction to a blood pressure med I had been taking for over a year. So I stopped taking it.

Took Benadryl and prednisone as instructed by ER and with in a few days I was fine. No trace of rash etc...

Three weeks ago I wake up, hands start to itch, bumps start on my forearms, with in 10 min it was all over my chest, neck, face, upper stomach and my lips/eyes/face were swollen. Way worse than my last episode..

So back to the ER for me. They seemed baffled. Gave me the same treatment. To put it in a nutshell, I had to run to ER with symptoms that seemed to just be getting worse 6 times in the last three weeks. Woke up this morning with swollen eyes, lips and both jaws. Hives start on my chest, spread to my stomach then groin area. My chest is tight, and it feels like I have something in my throat and a horrible headache.

Here's the kicker.....  I only have these symptoms when I wake up, sit up, then start moving around. If I lay down they get better. I have no symptoms in the night and it always gets better toward the night.

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So am not special, I have swelling currently around my right eye, of course the good one, I've taken everything over the counter plus injections, it always related to an unknown allergy, I am so tired of looking like elephant lady, one day my eye another day hives on my legs or arms, the hives or swelling moves all over my body, the allergist indicates with the use of testing that I am allergic to pretty much everything, please help. Oh! thanks for listening.
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Hi guys! Great to read all the testemonials. I have for the last 35 years been wondering what in the world was causing my swellings. First time it happened when I was about 19 years old. I was with a couple of friends in a pub and we were having some beers. Suddenly after 2-3 beers I felt a strange sensation in my upper lip. Then in just a few minutes my whole upper lip swelled up. I got very frustrated, very angry and embarresed. I left the place quickly and made sure I was alone for the next days, until the swelling was gone. It had moved around my whole face!!!
After ca 1 year and 4-5 more incidents (with swellings anywhere on the body!!), I could clearly see that this was related to the alcohol. I could have a few drinks or wine/beer and nothing would happen, but if I was drinking something with alcohol 2-3 days in a row, the swellings came back, maybe 1-2 days after I hade some wine or beer. Later in life I also got swellings if I had a strong cold or a flu.... Now I had swellings for a few days after a visit to the dentist, pulling a tooth and root canal in another....
So my definition is that when my immune system gets stressed or overloaded, the swellings is "around the corner". So I now look at the positive side; Don't drink more than a few times a month and only a few glasses of wine/beer (I love good food and wines...) and stay as healthy as possible. Exersize is also good for me, but I don't over-do it. That can also stress the immune system. I use only supplements from Herbalife to boost my immune system, and it has a great effect - also on my energy level. Now I work full time as a Herbalife distributor to help other people to feel better. Feel free to contact me. Stay health out there. Good luck everybody!
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are you still on prednisone?  is it working?  my whole body is swollen slightly and they prescribed prednisone.  I just took my second dose of it today and it does not seem to be doing much?  any other suggestions?
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Hello...I am 28 years old and have also been having this "random" swelling from last five years.  I have been to the doctor many times and at first was treated for an allergic reaction.  I then found a doctor that called it chronic urticaria & angioadema....which cause random swelling.  I am taking anti allergic medicine not a steroid. I am taking this medicine every day. this swelling comes on the surface affecting my finger tips, hands, elbows, knees, ankles, bottom of feet, heal, throat, tongue, face, eyes, lips randomly. My all test are normal.
          but as per this website (http://www.webmd.com/allergies/guide/allergy-symptoms-types) this can be from a vitamin in milk called Casein Allergy this random swelling happens. From last ten days I have stopped drinking milk, vinegar, much oily foods and any other foods having this vitamin or made from milk. I feeling better now. None of the fruits and vegetables so you can eat them.
          I suggest everybody who are suffering from this can try this stop drinking milk, vinegar, much oily foods and any other foods having this vitamin or made from milk and take medicine while trying this i hope it will help you.

God Bless U all.
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had 10 teath pulled,,,,never had problems before,,, random swelling all the time now
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