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Runny nose & cough for months. Allergy?

I've had a runny nose and cough for two months, along with a sore throat off and on (more on than off).
No congestion.  No sinus pain.  No ear problems.  Continuous symptoms, not a day in two months without.

It started with a bad cold I had caught, and these particular symptoms never went away.

Spring/summer is in full swing now, and my first guess would be that it's allergies, but I've never had this problem before.  Itchy eyes and throat, yes, but not this.

I was also at the doctor yesterday (unrelated) and they had a sign up concerning persons with a cough for several weeks and/or flu like symptoms (and funnily enough I had the flu last weekend).  This sounds like meningitis, but I felt like it was possible this was linked somehow (with the cough).

Thanks so much for your hard work,
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519487 tn?1211896473
Dear Dr Aparna,

I want to get a little bit more general information about meningitis, could you tell me where?. Thanks
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Meningitis can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and even as a consequence of certain medications. Bacterial meningitis and certain viral diseases can be deadly, even in people with strong immune systems but in other cases meningitis is a mild disease  and may even go unnoticed and  does not need any specific treatment.
Runny nose and cough can also be apart of allergy.You could just treat it with OTC anti-histamines.
Report to your doctor immediately if you develop a head-ache, sesitivity to light or any neck stiffness.
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