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Vision changes from Allergy?

Hi. Has anyone experienced changes in vision due to allergies?

Lately my quality of vision will change throughout the day. I live in Auckland (New Zealand), which has bad hay fever. This is the first spring I have been here. Since I arrived back in Auckland in Sept, after a few months back in the US, I have had constant post nasal drip, which is clear and thick. I have also noticed eye symptoms, mostly that my vision will get worse at certain times. Its been hard to narrow down the times my sight is worse. I also get a foggy feeling in my head and my ears seem clogged at times.

I have been cleared from sinusitis, according to a CT. Also had an MRI, which was negative for everything. Eye doctor says my eyes are fine too.

I have more recently been dealing with bad facial/eye pain, which the ENT says is due to the Sternocleidomastoid muscle in my neck. I am having Physical Therapy for that, which seems to help with the facial pain.

Has anyone experienced changes in vision from allergies? COuld something inside my head or eye be swelling througout the day, putting pressure on my eyes and changing my vision.
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I am exactly like you all, and no one I know personally has had this, so, I too am relieved to find co-sufferers!  I had been misdiagnosed with Meniere's disease.  I get God-awful symptoms, I've had them for a GOOD ten years (or should I say, a "bad" ten!), thought I was ADHD or just plain loosing my ability to think clearly.  I was not sneezing much, but my NOSE DRIPPED CONSTANTLY.  ( I thought that with allergies one must be SNEEZING all the time, recently found out from an ear, nose, throuat specialist this is NOT necessarily the case - - like y'all, don't know WHY, but nerve or sleeping pills help - - but who can accomplish anything once sedated?!)  STEROID PRESCRIPTION NOSE DROPS combined with ALLERGY MEDICINE (Claritin sometimes, Singulair other times, I'm still experimenting), AND ASTHMA medicine (Advair) is what I'm on for the past 2 weeks - - am feeling much better, for now - -  HAVE HAD STABBING-PAIN EARACHES off-and-on for months - - MAY I SUGGEST:  GO TO A DOC WHO LOOKS UP INTO YOUR SINUSES,  WITH A CAMERA-TUBE, as I finally did- - HE SAID I WAS COMPLETELY blocked off, did NOT have Meniere's as the first ENT had said, and is treating me successfully - - fingers crossed!!  Amy in Virginia
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Have you tested for food allergies.  I have recently tested positive for a milk protein allergy (casein allergy).  Not lactose intolerance but a proper milk allergy which is much worse.  Also a parasite called Blastocystis Hominis which can cause dizziness.
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Wow, i really appreciate you trying to find what could possibly be my problem. Every female in my mothers side of the family has a an overactive thyroid and so as i got older i started to get all the same symptoms they have and my parents got worried and took me to get blood work but the test came up negative, i will write down my symptoms and the possibilities you listed for my doctor to look into and hopefully together we can find whats up with my allergies, and why i would have the same symptoms as someone who has a thyroid condition. Once again thanks for helping me to understand some of my symptoms and giving me information to further my research.
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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!
Why don’t you sit down calmly and make a list of all the symptoms you have. It will help you and also your doctor to reach a diagnosis.

You complain of dizziness. This could be due to several causes. Dizziness could be due to postural hypotension (blood pressure falling with change of position), internal ear problems and cervical spondylitis. All these cause dizziness when you get up from lying down position. Cervical spondylitis and ear problems also cause dizziness on changing the position of the neck.

Other causes of dizziness are anemia, GERD, hypoglycemia or low sugar and some endocrine problems. There are many self testing kits available in the market for testing blood sugar. Also if eating and drinking something helps then it could be low sugar or GERD. Hypothyroidism too can behave this way.

I suggest you take up yoga or aerobics to get a better oxygen supply to your system. This will also prevent your anxiety attacks. Your headaches could be due to migraine or poor sleep pattern. Consult a sleep specialist once.
Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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I live in CT. And i pretty much have been driving my parents crazy. Every day i have something new wrong with me lately. My allergies are more out of control then usual. Not only that i experience panic attacks day and night now and constant headaches. This is not like me, i've always had allergies but lately i spend my days freaking out and i feel as if im disconnected from the word and confused. I have been taking some sort of chill pills to calm me down, it really struck my attention though that people also complaing exactly about the neck and the headaches and the dizziness. I really started to believe i was a hypochondriac because i am constantly sick....thanks to all these comments i have a few ideas on how to handle it, and im sure later ill ponder the whole pollution theory....God i hope thats not it.
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Has anyone else noticed that their vision is worse if they sleep on their side rather than their back? I'm wondering if I am allergic to my pillow or it is something to do with pressure on my neck if I sleep on my side.
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