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Vision changes from Allergy?

Hi. Has anyone experienced changes in vision due to allergies?

Lately my quality of vision will change throughout the day. I live in Auckland (New Zealand), which has bad hay fever. This is the first spring I have been here. Since I arrived back in Auckland in Sept, after a few months back in the US, I have had constant post nasal drip, which is clear and thick. I have also noticed eye symptoms, mostly that my vision will get worse at certain times. Its been hard to narrow down the times my sight is worse. I also get a foggy feeling in my head and my ears seem clogged at times.

I have been cleared from sinusitis, according to a CT. Also had an MRI, which was negative for everything. Eye doctor says my eyes are fine too.

I have more recently been dealing with bad facial/eye pain, which the ENT says is due to the Sternocleidomastoid muscle in my neck. I am having Physical Therapy for that, which seems to help with the facial pain.

Has anyone experienced changes in vision from allergies? COuld something inside my head or eye be swelling througout the day, putting pressure on my eyes and changing my vision.
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Thanks lmnd.  My Dr. is calling in a pre authorization for a CT scan, but I'm not optimistic.  My Dr. said the singulair should have kicked in by now, but I'll bear in mind what your Dr. said.  What confuses my Dr is that I have no other sinus like symptoms besides pressure that sometimes causes a headache(from very bad to mild)  and the vision problem.  No post nasal anythng or sneezing or sore throat, etc.
It does occur to me to see what all of our locations are.  I saw someone was in California, I am also in CA in Los Angeles.  It may help narrow down an allergy.  Also, has anyone tried acupuncture?
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My Dr. said it took longer for the Singulair.  Give it a month.  I am getting MUCH better...so I'm continuing the Singulair and NasalCrom, and air cleaner in the bedroom, and saline rinses for my sinus.  I'm feeling MORE normal. I am no longer just functioning.  Dizziness is gone.  I do get tired easily, but I've had a lot of other things going on in my life that may be partly to blame for that.  I was beginning to think I would have to live like that the rest of my life!  Don't give up just yet!
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I'm in a similar boat to all of you.  My migrane-like head aches have subsided, and I have no usual allergy of flu-like symptoms, but my vision problem still persists.  It is a "disconnected" feeling, somewhat hazy, unable to concentrate visually and I feel a pressure in the bridge of my nose and behind my eyes some.  It's been around 4 or 5 weeks now.  I just went to my physician on Tuesday.  He gave me a shot of steroids (I think) and put me on singular which he said would take about 3 days to fully kick in.  My vison cleared up within an hour or so, but then sporatically went back to the problem.  The other afternoon it was fine, then the evening not, now it's bad.  It is now the Friday after that Tuesday.  I'm giving it til Monday, I understand the medication may still need to fully take effect.

If it clears up I will post again.  If anyone can give me anymore insight (pardon the pun) it would be greatly appreciated.  I am basically living on a "just functioning" level right now.
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Keep a log of how you feel.  Definately have your eyes checked & make sure they dilate your eyes, it show the retina.  They also can tell if the optic nerve is swollen which will cause pain and vision problems.
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Gosh, it must be hard not being able to take so many meds.  So far I'm using over the counter NasalCrom, 4 times a day, and prescription Singulair.  I am better.  Not perfect.  Still having facial pain whenever it feels like popping up, and when I have that my balance/vision isn't right.  But -- much better than I was all summer.  Mold was only moderate for me, but the dust/mites, and ragweed and grasses were severe.  I may do the allergy shots.  They told me to try these meds for a month and see if they help.  Would you be allergic to the allergy shots?  I think it is worse this year, too.  I have NEVER been like this, so bad, and for soooo long.  And it seems to be everywhere.  I'm in WV.
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Yes, I have been suffering from vision problems for years and I suspect it's from allergies (my guess is mold since that's the one that I severely reacted to during my testing).  Also have neurological type problems that must be allergy related because all of the testing that I have always comes back normal.  I, like all of you, have days where I feel better and days where I'm bad.  Can't figure it out.  It's really bizarre.  The bad thing is that I can't take decongestants because they bother my heart, I'm allergic to almost all antibiotics and I can't take cortisone.  If anyone gets an answer for this problem, please let me know.
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Oreganol.-saline with wild oregano is a great alternative that helps with inflamation and infection. You can find in a vitamin shoppe. Spray in your nose Standard process has an antihistamine that does not cause drowsiness but works great. Most chiro offices carry it.
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