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Vision changes from Allergy?

Hi. Has anyone experienced changes in vision due to allergies?

Lately my quality of vision will change throughout the day. I live in Auckland (New Zealand), which has bad hay fever. This is the first spring I have been here. Since I arrived back in Auckland in Sept, after a few months back in the US, I have had constant post nasal drip, which is clear and thick. I have also noticed eye symptoms, mostly that my vision will get worse at certain times. Its been hard to narrow down the times my sight is worse. I also get a foggy feeling in my head and my ears seem clogged at times.

I have been cleared from sinusitis, according to a CT. Also had an MRI, which was negative for everything. Eye doctor says my eyes are fine too.

I have more recently been dealing with bad facial/eye pain, which the ENT says is due to the Sternocleidomastoid muscle in my neck. I am having Physical Therapy for that, which seems to help with the facial pain.

Has anyone experienced changes in vision from allergies? COuld something inside my head or eye be swelling througout the day, putting pressure on my eyes and changing my vision.
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179332 tn?1273247359
diabetics go through vision changes quite often as well... make sure your sugars are in check and that you do not have an underlying problem such as diabetes. ((just an FYI))
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I have similiar symptoms. I am so glad to know that I am not alone. It all started 2 months ago. First, severe pressure around the eye and a throbbing headache. The throbbing around my eye was so bad, I actually got a floater. Eye doctor said eyes were fine. My nose was congested and my ears felt plugged. Then I started getting these bright spots in my vision. Nothing horrible, but annoying. Everytime I look at something like a light colored curtain or something bright, I see this brief brigh spot (but I can still see though it). Then my head felt really congested and I started getting blurred vision in the morning for a few minutes after I got out of bed. Had MRI's, blood work, CT, etc. My ENT said that she thinks it all has to do with allergies. She said my allergies (Something in the air) were just building up and building up. I started having these symptoms because the build up just became too much. She just put me on Singulair and a nasel spray. Said it might take a month to work. I hope it does because this is not fun, especially the vision changes.
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Wow, so many of us with the same type of thing.  I'm in southern CA, and my onset
started with a flu like migraine headache.
No fever...  continued with the headaches
and random head pains for weeks along with
"plugged" ears.  My doctor first told me to
take several asprins per day for 10 days,
ha! to no avail...then diagnosed it as a sinus infection
(no sinus discharge) only sinus like headaches.
The antibiotics did nothing.  I thought maybe I was allergic to some recently aquired kittens.  (still not sure it isn't that), but an allergist said I wasn't.  My CT scan and MRI were clear. My doctor now says it's a Eustachian tube disorder??
I've had the rest of the symptoms for over 2 mos.  What
the heck is it???  
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You're not crazy.  Made my panic attacks worse, too.  I had to up my Xanax.  Now that I'm better the panic attacks are under control. I thought I hurt my neck -- went to the chiro.  He did say I was tight, worked on me about 4 times, but I didn't see quick results and it's expensive so I quit.  3 rounds of Antibiotics helped short-term, and not much.  Then when I was sent to the ENT he finally put me on Prednisone which started my cure I think.  Because the allergy meds weren't helping.  After that we did allergy testing, which I inherited my mom's two long haired cats after she passed away this May, and although I have a short-haired cat and never had problems, I thought with all the hair and liter dust that might be bothering me.  The allergy testing was severe to everything, but not allergic to cats.  They put me on Singulair prescription, and it helps, along with NasalCrom spray over the counter, using saline rinses twice a day, using an air cleaner in my bedroom, and keeping everything as clean as possible and allergy free.  I also no longer have the cats because I was unable to keep up with the hair and dust, and since dust was severe for me, I didn't need the liter dust. I use the hot water bottle on my face and neck when I have too much pressure, along with Advil.  This has been going on since summer.  I have been better for the last month.  You're not crazy.  But either it's the weather, allergies, a virus, or something weird for us all to have the same problems.  
And we're all over the place.  I'm in WV.
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oh thank goodness i found this site.  im at the end of my rope really.  i've had this crazy feeling since june of last year, and i haven't mentioned it to my doctor because, well, he'll just think i'm crazy.  or so i think.

when it first started i thought it was anxiety.  then i thought it was allergies.  so i started taking an antihistamine.  not even sure if it worked, the symptoms seemed to come and go over the summer.  i thought it was the cats i had for a short while then gave away.  definately thought it was my thyroid, i'm hyperthyroid, thought it was pressure from too fast of a metabolism or something.  this last bout had me upping my thyroid medication to no avail.  

i was sitting her tonight looking up 'intracranial pressure', 'brain tumors' etc, yadayada.  then i found this site.  trying to explain my symptoms to most people is really hard.  i like to say it feels like someone blew up a balloon in my head, or i just drank 20 cups of coffee.  i don't really get headaches... sometimes i do, but most of the time it's this feeling of 6 lane traffic going on in my head.  serious pressure behind my cheeks and eyes and nose.  i don't even have a stuffy nose most of the time.  but i can always blow some clear mucous out when i do.  my eyes are having a seriously hard time focusing.  and it just comes on like a wave.  usually in the afternoon.  which is strange and not sure if that is normal.  

i smoke and i know that really bothers it.  i just about flipped out tonight with this situation.  panic attack coming in like a jet landing too fast.  popped two ativan.  most nights i have to take 2 prescription sleeping pills to make it go away.  amazingly they do.  not sure why. but used the ativan instead because i am getting too addicted to the sleeping pills (zopiclone)

haven't tried any sinus sprays, they scare me.  i was addicted like crazy to dristan years ago.  

i've had teaspoonsful of fluid come out of my nose.  was dx with 'spontaneous cerebral spinal fluid leak' 11 years ago and operated on.  didn't cure the problem and sometimes i think that it wasn't EVEN the problem.  i was just a guinea pig for a overeager neurologist.  

after spending almost two hours reading all these things to convince myself i'm not going to die of dizziness, i have developed one horrible headache behind my eyes.

so does this sound familiar to anybody?  oh. my neck is really tight and sore too, i tried to do head rolls but ended up with a blinding headache.  owww...

i'm on the verge of craziness.  the freakiest thing of all is that people are having these symptoms just come up and it does make me wonder if they are spraying more pesticides etc.  is it pollution?

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I'm in a rural area of West Virginia.  I don't have other symptoms as far as cough, itchy eyes.  I've had clear nasal drip for years.  Just all of a sudden I got really dizzy, started having bad pressure in my face, and just felt so bad I couldn't drag.  That's how I started.  When the pressure in the sinus wouldn't let up I got antibiotics, when 3 rounds didn't help (Dr. said sinus is becoming resistent) he sent me to the ENT, and from there the CT Scan (clear), allergy testing (severe), and put me on the Singulair and Nasalcrom until I decide if I want the shots.  I did go to a chiropractor who said my neck was tighter than he had ever seen.  Only went about 4 times. (Expensive) He said he would do acupuncture on my face pressure if it started again.  So if I get back to that I will try it.
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