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What are these little white bumps

I posted this question before but thought I would try again in case there are some new thoughts out there. These small white bumps appeared one day almost 3.5 years ago. I've been to see my dentist, family doctor, 2 ENTs and a few other specialists. So far no one has been able to diagnose this. Anti fungals such as clotrimazole and fluconazole have not worked. The bumps can be scraped off with a toothbrush but will return within a few hours. If they are left, they will grow to the size seen in the picture over about 2 to 3 days and then seem to get a little wider and perhaps not so round. They then seem to scrape off by themselves simply by eating something. They are on the roof of my mouth, the inside of lower and upper lips, under my tongue and in my throat. It feels rough when I swallow.
I've had many tests done, swabs looking for yeast, blood work (I'll list all if that would help) and helicobacter pylori test. All negative or in the normal range.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what this could be?
Thanks very much.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, the strong probability would be oral candidiasis. This is a type of fungal infection, for which oral scrapping should be subjected to KOH and microscopy for diagnosis. It is usually associated when the immunity declines like in diabetes, steroid therapy or HIV.

It can be managed by oral or topical anti-fungal. Anti fungal is available as troche which you can keep in mouth for effective contact. The other causes are leukoplakia (precancerous lesion), Licehn planus and SLE. I suggest you to consult physician. Take care and regards.
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Thank you very much for your response.
Candidiasis has been the main thought by most of the drs I've seen so far. I've had the KOH test and a biopsy (inconclusive). It was suggested that I have another biopsy.
I have been tested for HIV and am negative. I've had much blood work and am not diabetic.
I am not on steroid therapy.
I've tried Nystatin, Clotrimazole lozenge and Fluconazole. None of those had any effect. Swabs of the bumps could not be cultured.
I will ask my Dr. about your other suggestions, leukoplakia (precancerous lesion), Licehn planus and SLE. at my next visit.
Thank you very much!
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I am very happy to say that I seem to have been cured!!!  :) After 4.5 YEARS!!!
I caught a nasty cold or flu in Dec. I could not shake it and went to my Dr. he gave me an antibiotic for a sinus and upper respratory tract infection. It was APO-AZITHROMYCIN 250mg. It did not help my sinus infection but after 2 days, it cured the little white bumps in my mouth. It has been about 2 weeks now and they have not returned. I have had the bumps in my mouth every day with the exception of about 4 over the last 4.5 years. So going 2 weeks without them returning makes me very hopeful that they are gone for good. What a relief!
757 .
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