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alergic symptoms titanium dioxide

Hi, I have done a blood test - I'm alergic of dioxine Titanium ! What are the clinical symptoms of this kind of allergy ?
Thanks for your help
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I forgot to mention I am keeping a spreadsheet of drugs I find that do not have Titanium Dioxide and I am looking into a compound pharmacy to make meds for me without Titanium.  The fight with the insurance company has started and we are military.  :-(
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You are so relaxed about titanium dioxide (just say that out of concern). Are you aware that its other use is attack biological matter on windshields to keep them clean. You still want to play with titanium? Just stay away from it. It has no biological purpose or benefit. It is actually in certain circumstances considered a carcinogen. The only reason the FDA passed it for human use and consumption is because there is no test  done on humans of the effects of titanium. On animals the test show biological problems consistent with the primary function of titanium dioxide.
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Here is a list of many items that contain Titanium Dixoide.
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OH MY GOD!  I too am so glad to have found you.
I have reacted most of my life to medicine and cannot breath when I take it and it has gotten worse over the years. All these years of knowing I wasn't crazy but no one could
figure out what was wrong.
My new allergiest figured out the common denominator is titanium dioxide.
BUT unfotunately it was one week after they put a titanium implant was put in my mouth.
Now I am reacting with headache, ringing in ears and sore joints.  
Had the Melissa test done and they say I am mildly allergic to titanium.
Trying to figure out if implant has to come out.
Anyone with information please write.  By pulling all this information together we are finally starting to see a pattern.
Let me know if anyone else has their story to share.
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Please write about any info you have about getting prescriptions mixed.
I too am going to have to have some meds made without the titanium.
I have to take a baby aspirin every day.  Found out Bayer does not put titanium
in their baby aspirin.
Nice to know I am not the only one.
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I am having breathing problems when I take medicine with titanium in it..
Now with an implant I am having ringing in ears, headaches in temples, very
sore joints in my body.
What symptoms are you having?
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Hey guys! I already wrote here but probably little bit different topic. After placing titanium implant in my mouth I had swollen joints, problems with walking, and lots of diferent problems... after 1 year battling with doctors - rheumtologist, family doctor, dentist, emergency doctor I have found my answer - I am allergic to Titanium dioxide and i am going to take out the implant. all the prvious urine and blood tests didn't show anything. You can do Melisa test if you live in US, they will send your blood to Canada for testing, I did it, and can recommend. Simply go to Melisa website. Wish you all best, I am excited I will have my life back soon!!!!!!
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