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alergic symptoms titanium dioxide

Hi, I have done a blood test - I'm alergic of dioxine Titanium ! What are the clinical symptoms of this kind of allergy ?
Thanks for your help
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I started looking up titanium dioxide as two make up products recently purchased, which have that common ingredient, have, I believe caused some sinus/allergy reactions. Today I tried again using just ONE of the two products - it's an under-eye concealer, and let me tell you my eyes have been troubled ALL day. I plan on going right back to the department store and asking for a refund - neither product was cheap and I cannot throw that kind of money away.
Has anyone else had this problem?
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Hi Lolapia and Morbo,
I read your comments since I was compiling a list of prescription medications containing titanium dioxide (E171). It's a very common ingredient, and can cause allergy in susceptible or sensitive. I saw you were interested in the MELISA test, but your doctor told you it wasn't available in the USA? Not true. The MELISA test has been available in the US since 2006, and we have worked with patients from some of the best known medical institutions in the country, including Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic. It is the only test that has been validated and confirmed for metal allergy, including allergy to titanium. To find out more, go to www.melisadiagnostics,com. The website has information about metal allergy symptoms and more.
good luck, and good health,

Lana Foree, MD
Medical Director
Melisa Diagnostics USA
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I too have unexplained allergy symptoms: swollen tongue, swollen sinus membranes, difficulty breathing.  If you go to this website you will see what is in the food grade titanium dioxide that is put into our food and medicine:  http://www.made-in-china.com/showroom/nanlingchem/product-detailqeMJohTramik/China-Anatase-Titanium-Dioxide-Food-Grade.html
They allow this food additive that has up to Max 20 mg/kg Lead, Max 8 mg/kg Arsenic, Max 5 mg/kg Barium, Max 1 mg/kg, Max 1 mg/kg Mercury, Max 50 mg/kg Antimony.

I and my family have been poisoned before by lead in our drinking water. And now I feel like have have been poisoned all over again.

I have been taking a medicine made by Caraco Pharmacutical Labortories who was shut down June of this year by the FDA for medication that was not formulated correctly, and for tainted drug ingrediants and sloppy manufactoring practices. One of the inactive ingrediants is Titanium Dioxide.  The FDA seized 22.9 million dollars worth of drugs from Caraco when they shut them down.  Caraco is based in Detroit, MI. Caraco has a long list of drugs that were recalled.  Go to the FDA website and you can see the list of all the drugs recalled and you can see all of the inspections they did at Caraco and all of the warning letters from 2005 to 2009. Just put Caraco in the FDA search engine. In my opinion, the FDA knew there was trouble in 2005 and it took them until 2009 to shut them down. In my opinion the FDA needs to do their homework and do a better job of protecting our health. You can also check the active and inactive ingredients in the medication you are taking by going to the FDA website.

Caraco Pharmacutical Laboratories also sold drugs to the Veteran's Adminsitration health system.  They were sometimes repackaged for the Vets so you have to double check the NDC number to make sure you get the right manufacturer.  Caraco is 72% owned by Sun Pharmaceutical company that is based in India.  Sun also supplies most or all of Caraco's chemical ingrediants that go into their drugs. I hope this helps.  

I would get into the nearest Naturopathic doctor who does Chelation and get tested. If your exposure to lead or other heavy metals is not a recent exposure it will not show up in your blood, but will be in your tissues and need to be chelated out and then tested. Sandy
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681148 tn?1437661591
I, too, have MCS.  Since titanium dioxide is in so many things, how does one find out if one is sensitive to or allergic to it if the MELISA test that was mentioned isn't available in America?  I found a similar issue with sulfites, which are also in so many products.  I have no doubt that titanium dioxide is in most of these same products.  How did you isolate titanium dioxide as the common culprit?  Sulfites are in multitudes of products, too, but I was still able to isolate sulfites as my own issue and stopped having nearly so many food related symptoms as I had before I made this discovery.  So, I'm wondering how you were able to isolate titanium dioxide as the common culprit?  

I definitely react to newsprint, which includes newspapers, magazines and telephone books.  Some newly printed books smell so toxic that I won't bring the items into my home.  These are the ones that are beyond help--that airing them out simply won't work well enough.
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Hi lolapia,

Could you please tell me more about how you were tested/diagnosed for this allergy?  I have been suffering for 2 years with what I was told were environmental allergies to almost everything, and food allergies, all of which appeared suddenly out of nowhere.  I have recently determined I have an extreme sensitivity to titianium dioxide (not multiple severe allergies to pollen, dander, peanuts...etc.). Titanium dioxide is in everything, paint, paper, ink, deodorants, toothpastes, food coloring...
I have tried in vain to find a doctor or allergist to test for this or adress this cemical sensitivity.  There is only one blood test I have heard of that will check for titanium sensitivity and that is the MELISA test, and my doctor said this is not available in the U.S.  Any info you could give would be greatly appreciated.
My symptoms have been many and varied, but have included tongue swelling, throat swelling/soreness, difficulty concentrating/reading because of the titanium dioxide in paper and inks, fatigue, difficulty breathing,  pretty typical chemical sensitivity sypmtoms.  
I would greatly appreciate hearing from anyone who has experienced sensitivities to titanium or any products containing titanium dioxide.

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After feeling sick from a lesser dosed thyroid pill which had a green color, medication for pneumonia, repeat of medication, medication for a bacteria probably from food in a restaurant followed by medication after medication for the for terrible discomfort from the esophagus to bowel problems that wouldn't go away, I checked the meds online to find the common factor which turned out to be titanum dioxide. Finally I put a yellow tablet in very hot water for a few minutes and removed the coating. I was able to take this.  It has been two and a half years since this "tragedy" began and am still having digestion problems although I feel much better than before .

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