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blisters on tongue

Dear Friends,
I have blisters on my tongue, and my mouth is filled with Saliva all the time, having difficulty in eating. I am 24, and developed this problem when I was a adolescent; at that time my father brought a homeopathic medicine and the problem was gone.
Now it has appeared again, I am a south Asian and now I am in UK, I think it is because of the climate change and sort of allergy. Please help me out of this problem. I am in a severe agony.
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Thank you, for the response. The blisters are not painful, I used anti-alergy "Banadryl" tablets and now it is fine. would you please advise how can I get rid of this, permanently.
Thanks again.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, blisters, if painful, are suggestive of herpes which is caused by varicella-zoster virus. It is characterized by pain, burning, tickling, tingling, and numbness occurs in the area around the affected nerves several days or weeks before a rash appear.

Otherwise other causes are allergy, contact with poison ivy, bacterial infection etc. Oropharyngeal candidiasis can also present as blisters but needs a diagnosis by scrapping and KOH mount. Rarely can it be a form of leukoplakia or other premalignant lesions. Check for iron deficiency. Allergic cause seems to be likely in your case. This condition may need oral antihistaminic and corticosteroids. You also need to take multivitamins. I suggest you to consult the physician. Take care and regards.
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