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lingering cough

Ive had congestion for over 5 weeks.  Dr told me I had bronchitis put me on prednisone for 6 days, and 2 inhalers.  I am still finding it hard to breath.
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Try meditation before you sleep. And in the mornings. Simple 5-15mins will do. I think it's more nasal. You will notice the difference. Give it a month. It's said when breathing issues occur in nose or throat- it's due to the individual needing grounding. A lot of women suffer from this just before and through their monthly cycle. It's the lower based chakras(energy centres) of the body. They require activation at a certain speed. They could be over active or under active. Have a go anyways.
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Try meditation before you sleep. And in the mornings. Simple 5-15mins will do. I think it's more nasal. You will notice the difference. Give it a month. It's said when breathing issues occur in nose or throat- it's due to the individual needing grounding. A lot of women suffer from this just before and through their monthly cycle. It's the lower based chakras(energy centres) of the body. They require activation at a certain speed. They could be over active or under active. Have a go anyways.
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612551 tn?1450022175
Is breathing problem due to nasal congestion, or to throat restriction... did the doctor discuss any obstructions issues (usually manifests as Obstructive Sleep Apnea).  Being even just overweight can cause some throat blockage, especially is in senior years of age.

We next to nothing about your condition, so my suggestions above should be taken as a "shot in the dark".

Hope you are doing better.
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