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Fear of death

I am a 15 year old male and have anxiety. One of my biggest fears is that of death. I have like the biggest fear of death, that in history if we discuss something like it happened 500 years ao, i start thinking wow all those people are now dead and like maybe one of them died young or something, like maybe i could die young. Like i am always trying to validate that young people dont die, NATURALLY, like i could ocntrol car accidents to the upmost but like i just cant seem to make ease with myself, like i want to know if young people could die for no apparent reason, and i guess they could, maybe very few, but like nothing is perfect. I JUST cane seem to live with the fact that nothing is perfect, i am not perfectionistic when it comes to organizing but when it comes to this i am the biggest perfectionist. Like i need a 100 percent ocnfirmation that i wont die today. Like i have had all test done for the heart, ekg, echo etc. Bloodtest many doctor visits but every day my ultimate fear is the fear of death.
Please help me with this, ty
20 Responses
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I feel a lot like you Jennifer but mine has started this year I turned 45 and have a few medical issues and I see my parents getting older my son a grown man an married thinking the first 45 years flew by will the next ones fly by too...Then what I cry every time I think of this I can't do this death thing can't bury my parents, my husband and I want so badly to know there is a heaven that I will go to I don't want to be in the ground and never even know I existed...I can't handle it why do we have to die???tears are streaming down my face now...
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1222076 tn?1423027749
Hi, I know this post is old but I have always had a fear of death. I remember worrying when I was a teen about when I got very sick that I was dieing and If I did I wanted to be at home so I refused to go to the ER. I use to get panic attacks over it or when I did get a panic attack I thought I was going crazy or I was about to die. Its an aweful feeling I use to worry as a kid when I would go out to eat if my food tasted a lil off that I would get poisoned. I would fear losing someone I loved and wouldn't know what to do with myself. Its been years later and dieing or losing someone I love is my biggest fear but I know its unavoidable we all have to die someday unfortunatly but then again I'm not sure if I would want to live forever espically if the people I love couldn't live with me it would get depressing seeing everyone else die while I'm just here alone. I think the reason we fear dieing is because its the unknown but once it happens it will most likely be peaceful and wont be so bad. I just try not to think about it and just live one day at a time. I try not to dwell on it anymore and I just continue living my life hopefully I will have a long and happy life ahead of me and so I can be here for my family.
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When my father passes I started to take severe panic attacks ended up in the hospital five times, it lasted three years couldn't work didn't go out, I even looked as if I was dying.  I had to go on medicines, I also found that if you take In less sugar and eat healthier and exercise that helps.  My mom passes away October 20 2013 I didn't allow myself to get sick, it broke my heart, but I refuse to be held hostage again, I fought the negative and I am okay, good luck it isn't easy, prayer helps, good luck nancy
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Raja yoga meditation taught at prajapita brahmakumaris ishwariya vidyalaya is the best solution to get out of  this fear of death.Centers of this meditation are present all over the world.

visit the following website to know your nearest centers
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hi I dont know if its anxiety or depression but a few months now every night I feel like im gonna die I dont get any sleep I only sleep in da morning im 30 and i have 2 kids and my biggest fears is dying and leave my kids...I do get chest pain I did an ekg like 5times and doc said everything is ok and its just heart burn..but some reason I feel like doc not finding whats wrong with me..evernight I feel hope less and dont know how to get ova dis fear about death I wish someone know y i feel dis way..just want u know ur not alone
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I have been having the same problem im 16 and i live my life daily thinking of death. So much so that i have even stop eating things that I think might kill me, i have not seen my parents for four years and i am hoping to see them this thursday and i dont think that i will live to see them. I have even gone so far as writing letters to them just in case i die i hate living like this.
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death is peaceful.  I had surgery where my spirit left my body and there is such a calm.  If I had the choice I would not come back.  Hate this place.  
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I feel the same way I'm 16 and I am always worried that I'm going to die. And whenever I go to the Docter they tell me nothing is wrong but I keep thinking they are missing something, Sometimes I think that my heart is just going to stop pumping and I will die, Or when I feel a pain in my body somewhere I think that I might have cancer or something. I've had a lot of EKGS they all come back normal
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P.S.  You are invited to come eat from the "Tree of Life".  And, unlike the "other" tree, you do not need to bring anything other than........................your true self.  

Have a peaceful and worry free day; afterall, it is yours to have with joy.
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Those who have fear of death /dying, often live the longest.  
Those who live with health anxiety, often are the ones with the healthiest bodies.  

I think alot of it has to do with information and misinformation overload...seeing, hearing and experiencing things we didn't understand in the first place; or, perhaps were not intended for us to experience.  The psychological, physical and spiritual processing of all of that can turn into this sort of agony.

In other words........... it is the consequences of eating (consuming) from the "Tree of Knowledge of good and evil".  

We were told not too.  It was in our best interest not to.  It was not intended for us.  It was forbidden to us.  But, due to our curiosity in wanting to be in the "know" we did it anyway and we are continuing to do it today and tomorrow and so forth' hence, the consequences.  Everytime we do the "WHAT IF" question, we are eating from that tree.

And, our eyes became open.............that was humanity's "first" bout with "fear".  Was it not?  Nonetheless, we continue to eat from that same tree in order to get into the "know" of finding a "cure"?  Interesting.  

However, after eating there for so long and getting full. but, remaining always hungry, I've come to the conclusion that I no longer believe the cure is located there.  I have moved on, deciding to go eat from the "Tree of Live" instead.  I have found it to be healing, strengthening and rewarding in every aspect............ with no harmful side affects!  :  )

Many may say to you, "knowledge is power".  What they fail to mention is, from what source is that power coming from.  And do you really really want to be connected to the wrong source?  It's your choice.  You decide.
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700909 tn?1234626460
i have the same thing but fear for others diynig not my self i get bad thoughts ever since my farther died so i think it could be fear hitting me in the face all over again scared every one i love will leave me dose any one know what that could be
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you are not alone sweetie trust me there are people on here younger,older,middle aged you name it we are on here i'm 35 and i know it's a terrible feeling and believe me i have that fear to but you must understand that these thoughts are a part of your anxiety you should really focus on getting to know anxiety and what it does and how it makes you think and feel i think you'll have a better understanding of why you feel this way i wish you all the best just remember you are not alone ok we are all here for you
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hey well you are definitely not alone.. look at all these posts.. too bad not being alone doesn't make any easier right??? my brother of 43 passed away almost a year ago and ever since I have felt the exact same way you have.. I have 3 kids and a husband and all I can think about is leaving them without a mother.. every little stupid symptom I have results in me looking it up on the internet and diagnosing myself with something outrageous.. then I have a panic attack and shake uncontrollably for about 30 minutes.. SO STUPID.. and I know it.. but again like othres have said.. cannot control it!.. I hate it.. it is so ridiculous, annoying, and consumes your life... I wish I could tell you how to control it.. but I have no idea.. as a matter of fact, right now I think I have pancreatitis.. diagnosed myself with it last night.. have had 2 panic attacks since.. will probably end up going to the ER this weekend or to the doc by Monday.. depends on how scared I get... It does help a little to get it out here and know that it is all mental and there is 99% chance that there is nothing wrong with you... so keep writing buddy and hang in there..!
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198627 tn?1203054007
I too suffer from the thought that one of these days I am goign to die, that is all I seem to think about anymore, I hate it. I don't know why, but every other thought is about dying. It scares the daylights out of me. I don't know what causes this, a good guess would be anxiety..8-( I try to stay busy and change my train of thought. I'm glad to see that I am not the only one. Hang in there!  This too shall pass.
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You are not alone my friend.  I, along with many people on this forum, find things to worry about.  I describe it sometimes (maybe to make myself feel better !) as having an overactive brain.  I think about things that could go wrong or could be happening to me and i think i am dying.  I currently am afriad that i got stuck with a needle at a dance club, because i felt a pinch on my back.  Now i am freaking out beacuse i think i have HIV.  Its weird because sometiems ill know that i am overreacting and im doing this to myself but i still cannot controll it.  There is not much advice i can give you because i too am struggeling with the same problem.  All i can say is have someone positive to confide in.  You will need that person and it helps if you tell them what you are going through.  Even if they cant relate they can still be positive and it helps you feel better.
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Im 20 in college and I have the same problems as armenh. I understand your fear of dying. Mine pops up when I notice something different with my body like a pulled muscle in my stomach I thought was a blood clot and I was going to die. My eyes were sensitive to light for a couple of days so I thought it was a brain tumor. Get out and do some things with yoru friends and you will forget about it eventually. My worst problem was that I didnt want to move because I was so anxious when I walked I had it in my mind that my heart would race and it did. It took me a good weak to forget about it and when I walked around my heart was back to normal. I was just recently diagnosed with an anxiety disorder this winter and I'm still having problems. It sucks but whatever you know you just have to deal with it week to week...one week with me I'll be afraid of my heart being in bad condition(even thought I saw a cardiologist in late december). It's almost like we're looking for something wrong with us when most likely there is nothing. Anxiety can cause many physical symptoms that can be blown out of proportion which is basically health anxiety which is what I have...and I'm not expert but sounds like is what you have, that or a phobia of death.
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In this country we totally dismiss death and pretend it doesnt exist. I think alot of this has to do with our value system and our apacolyptic thinking. IT all has to end someday we know, so we deny death being real even going so far as to shield our young from seeing anyone whos died at funerals. But death is part of life,, denying it only causes us stress, fear and unfortunatly to be 'hoarders' or greedy. (take what you can before its all gone)

Mabey we need to figure out instead how to make our peace with death. To accept that it is simply part of life and just like birth we will all be there one day.

Interesting concept... when an infant is about to be born the mothers body begins experinceing stress hormones,, which in turn are passed on to the yet unborn child. The child doesnt know whats going on,, but I would suspect it thinks it too is dying.

*Holding space that your fears of death result in a spiritual rebirth*     Jennifer
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366811 tn?1217422672
After you read this, do me a favor and JOIN the forum, OK? You're going to be around here for awhile -and I have some work for you, so join up.

My panic started EXACTLY as yours has, except I was 6 or 7 years old. And, it was not just the idea that I might die today, but rather, it was the CONCEPT, the idea of it that really sent me over the edge. Death is a real forever kind of thing, if you know what I mean. And so, even if you KNEW you were not going to die in this 24 hour period -what about the NEXT day -and the next? It is easy to freak yourself with this stuff -trust me, I know. I have read your 20 other posts, so I am well aware that you're doing your best to find SOMETHING wrong. So what I'm going to do is put this in a nutshell and give you orders. You follow the orders.

First of all, armehn, you are NOT afraid of dying. What you fear, my good man, is LIVING. There is something going on in your life that is a BIG problem. I'm betting it has to do with fear of failing in something, or of not meeting expectations, or of something you have not completed, something you are afraid to try. Or a mix of stuff like that. It may be extremely difficult to talk about this with a parent or with anyone at all. But you can talk about it HERE, if you want to. You are very fortunate to have this fear of dying right now, because the causes are fairly recent. People who are much older have to dig down much deeper to find the causes and "unlearn" them. That was my situation. It wasn't until my late 40's that I finally started to get a grip on it.

Now, your orders: You print out this post and every post you've ever written here on Medhealth. Put this one ON TOP. You need to take this pile to your school counselor or your doctor. If you want it to be a secret, then tell them it is a secret. But an adult you trust who is in a position to help you needs to see all your stuff. If there is just too much paper to carry around, then show the doctor or counselor the medhelp web site and this anxiety forum, and show them how to read your stuff.

Armenh, I'm glad you are here, but I'm concerned that you have no one closer to talk with, and I would feel much better if a doctor or counselor sent me a private message to let me know that you've told them as much as you've told everyone here. Can you ask them to contact me? I'd appreciate it.

OK, now, your job! The anxiety forum is made up mostly of adults (well, people who are over 25, anyway). We have a very low population of youngsters. This is bad, because many panic and anxiety disorders take root when we are kids -even if we don't feel the panic until later on. So, I want YOU to hang out here and give a warm welcome to younger people who come around, show them how the forum works, answer questions and generally be a friend. If you don't mind, you will be sort of like my personal ambassador, OK? Hey if you don't want to do this, that's OK with me -but I really could use the help. You write well, so I know you can make youself understood to anyone.

First part of your job: training. Click on my name, go to my profile and look at my journal entries. There you will see a sort of welcome letter, invitation to join the forum, instructions on how to do various things, etc. Read them so you know for yourself how it all works. After you have joined up as a member, you can then set up your own journal entries. Copy and paste any of mine that you want to use.

Check the forum once or twice a day for posts from people of your age group, 16 or younger. Extend a welcome, and respond to their particular concerns if you've had the same thing they're having. Ask them to join the forum, show them how.

Anything you want to talk to me about -send me a private message.

One more thing: school work comes first. But you already knew that.

Now -get to work, and welcome aboard!

-Scott (Community Leader)
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416178 tn?1215760990
I have been experiencing similar fears for years now.  I have always had a fear about dying and/or getting sick.  But the one thing you must always remember and try to keep in the front of your mind, and yes i know how hard that is, is that by doing all this worrying about dying you aren't really living.  These fears cause you to live your life around them and, like me, have probably caused you to miss out on the fun things that all your friends are doing.  So stop worrying about death and focus on life.
Of course talking with someone might help you to understand your fears more.  It always makes me feel better just knowing that I have someone I can talk to when the fears get too overwhelming.
I hope you are able to gain control and live a very long and happy life.  Don't let anxiety hold you back.
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You are not going to die today and there will be many other people on this forum that will tell you the same thing.  Its the fear you create in your mind that causes your anxiety and so the circle keeps going round.  AT 15 you need to speak with people that will help you with this overwhelming fear so that you can understand what is happening to you and how you can overcome it.  The fact is you wont die today and will probably live to be an old man of 95 so go for it, life is a happening event.
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