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Head rush when falling asleep?

Ok...ive had this sypmtom for a while but I never really posted about it and it had gone away but has just come back so here goes:

Basically sometimes I will get extremely tired and when I lay down to go sleep....just as I am about to "drop off" I would get a huge headrush that would start in the head but proceed all through my body.

Sometimes it feels like an adrenalin rush, sometimes like a postural hypotension head rush and other times completely different. And obviously it sort of jolts me awake....I usually get it 2-3 times before I get used to it and then eventually sleep. Or if its during the day I would usually wake and then continue feeling light-headed for the rest of the day. This used to happen almost every other day a year ago...but recently its like once a month.

I am 20, average weight, not on any meds, non-smoker, non-drinker, non caffiene-drinker, non-drug taker. I dont take much exercise at the moment. And thats about it. ps: Im asking because I just had one of the worst "rushes" so wanted some reassurance.


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Dear  JRcan_yk,

This is arguably the most sensitive subject there is. The experience you had that night can be interpreted in myriads of ways, however delving deeper into will only make things worse, instead understanding the core of the situation is a wiser thing to do. Trust me, I had spent the past 2 years in severe, unimaginable fear, so much that I was afraid to go to bed for many nights. I had learnt it painfully, and now my misery is seeing and end, contact me directly via email, whatever I may say here could deeply affect others  besides, it is a very 'case to case basis' situation. I am a medical doctor myself, but there's nothing of this sort I had learnt in med school (both clinical and psychological ) or even remotely heard of.
p.m me to my inbox, I wouldn't know if you had a kundalini awakening , but I might be able to help .
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I had suffered ceasely for over 3 years. I know the torment. I'd be more than willing to help you. Fear not
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I have had head rushes when falling asleep for as long as I have had anxiety. About 7 years now. While it was a very scary experience to begin with, I now often wish for it to happen when Im going to sleep. The reason is because these head rushes serve as a release of the "must-obsessivly-think-and-worry-about-this" anxiety tension I often suffer from. It is a dreadful and exhausting sensation of pressure in the head which results in a focus attention/awareness that refuses to rest or go to sleep. However, the very second my unconscious finally do kick in, I get the head rush, sits up from the bed and shake my head rapidly for a few seconds. I also get blurry vision while it happens. Its not the best feeling in the world, but after this the pressure and feeling of anxiety in my head is relieved. Sorry for bad English!
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I had the same all through the night two nights ago. I have never had them before. Honestly I found them terrifying! Every time I would try to dose off I would be awoken with a mad adrenalin rush through my chest and into my head. I was up all night, no sleep. Of course I searched online for an answer and now suspect it was the THAI takeaway meal I had which probably contained MSG. MSG can cause this symptom and I was also extremely awake like I had drank a million cokes. My heart was racing. I was sweating and pretty irrational and anxious. It was awful. MSG is in a lot of our food even Doritos! It can be listed as yeast extract in the ingredients on food packets. I think I have developed a sensitivity to it. There are a whole host of other symptoms that are associated with it. A good website is MSGmyth. I am not in any way affiliated with the site. I just found it v useful. Anyway, the next night I slept fine. I am pretty convinced this is what it is. Check your diet. If you eat a lot of processed food it could be that. I don;t but I do enjoy the odd asian food takeaway and crisps/chips. I hope this helps someone. I will be much more careful in future. Please let me know if this helps anyone as I would be interested to know if this was definitely the cause although I am almost certain. Thanks.
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Update to my previous post:  I recently was tested by a functional medical doctor using a saliva (spit) test for hormone levels and results showed i was producing NO cortisol.  And because of it, causes excess adrenaline to be produced - therefore, causing these head rushes.  Get tested everyone - could be the answer to all the mystery surrounding this.  My doctor is treating me with a compounded cortisol medication for a month, then also with Adren-all which will help stimulate natural production of cortisol after the month repair.  I'm already feeling better.
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I have had had rushes when I lay down often on for over a year. In all my research I have found that it could be adrenal related. My doctor is referring me to university of Michigan endocrinologist specialist . In preparation for that appointment I am logging my food intake and vitamin supplement intake. I noticed some research showed that foods or vitamins high in tyramine could cause problems with adrenal issues especially if you are already on thyroid medication. I am getting ready to remove a supplement I am taking that has L -tyrosene which is similar to tyramine and see what happens. Hoping that helps. I will repost my results.  Look for Dr. Eric Larson post user name 'drEricLarson' above.  It has a link you can use to start your own research.    My doctor thinks his post is legitamit
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this just happened to me for the very first time 10 minutes ago hence i jumped on the net anxiously searching " being hit by a spirit, sudden headrush" reason im thinking possible spiritual vernacular...5 minutes before this my closet light is on a motion detector switch and a couple times a month it will go off with the closet doors closed ,nothing moving in the house.. once ive even been awake minutes before it goes off(very light sleeper, if someone is staring at me is enough to wake me up) it went off(closet motion light) followed by some very subtle feelings of a presence , laying on my bed in the dark this headrush whole body lightheaded feeling happens and my first thoughts are stroke?heartattack?Im 38 so this is possible but within seconds it was gone. any ideas comments or questions will be appreciated
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Dear Crowlj, I know exactly what's been happening to you..
There's absolutely nothing to worry.. But there's a lot you ought to know..
You're on the Kundalini Awakening process .. You're right , it is indeed the opening of the third eye .. But you could/may have gone into what is called the "Dark Night of the Soul" ... Contact me immediately ..

Regards ,
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I have only just seen this thread despite it starting years ago.  From reading all of the posts very carefully and comparing to my own experiences and research I'm pretty sure I know the answer to most peoples issue but you need to keep an open mind and research this yourself to really validate it for yourself rather than going on what I say.

Firstly, I have had many of the symptoms but in slightly different ways.  I went to the doctors, had a number of tests and they found nothing and said I was healthy etc.  I tried all of the logical routes as I am a very logical, analytical, scientific type thinker.  I knew there had to be a trigger and something that had changed, which can be different for everybody.  My trigger was that due to a very demanding management job which can be quite stressful I recently tried meditation and yoga as I heard it was good for stress/anxiety etc.  (I'm a 33 year old man by the way).

I starting getting some of the symptoms above while going to sleep although not the out of body experience (that came later).

So after getting nothing from the docs and searching the net I finally found something by accident which got me on the right track.  I read somewhere that after doing meditation for some time (or not a lot of time in my case) it can trigger symptoms such as pulsing/throbbing on the forehead area and at the centre of the brain, light headedness, dizziness, heavy head or hung over feeling etc.  It all matched.  The more I searched the more I found and multiple sources were suggesting that these symptoms were a result of my "third eye" opening and/or my pineal gland activating.  I also found books on this that backed up what I read and found that this is a very well documented subject, just not in the mainstream (and there is a reason for this which you will eventually see if you choose to look into this too).

I was pretty shocked at what I was reading and it scared me a little at first.  But then I became more curious, researched more and decided to throw myself into this and see where it went.  I continued to meditate after stopping briefly and amongst many bizarre experiences whilst I was awake I had one particular experience where I was basically leaving my body whilst relaxing in the day.  It was the most amazing and scary experience of my life and just before I was fully 'out' I got so scared I felt myself get sucked back in and I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.  Once I calmed down I realised that this was no hallucination, I WAS leaving my body.  This and other experiences have been nothing but self validating that there is something going on behind all of our minds that most of us are just not aware of.

That something is your consciousness.  It's not your brain or your ego, it's the real you underneath and yes this is all about as spiritual as it gets.  It's the answer to everything you have ever wondered about life and why we're all here.  If it helps back up the sincerity of what I'm saying, I never expected to be here posting stuff like this.  It's all true though and it's right that I share this information, as have others who shared with me.

I'm not asking you to believe.  I already know I'm right and don't need anyone's validation like I used to.  I simply want to share this knowledge and help people/you.  Use it or discard it.  If you explore this you will get the answers to your symptoms and more.  It all drops into place.  You will also want to share with others.

There are lots of ways of getting past your symptoms and I'm not saying don't get checked by a doc if you feel it really is a physical problem as that's sensible and it's what I did.  It should always be step 1.  But if you have exhausted your options, if this strikes a chord with you or you are open minded enough to dig deeper then I encourage you to.

The best way to 'get through' your symptoms is actually meditation believe it or not.  I won't tell you why as this post will get even longer and you can find out for yourself if you really want to.  Meditation can't hurt you, it will only benefit you.

If you're stuck what to look for then search for meditation, third eye activation or opening side effects, pineal gland activation or opening side effects, DMT.  That will get you plenty of info down the rabbit hole.  There are also many books on the same subjects as I said before.

I really hope this helps you in some way as it did me.


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Hi I know it is a while ago since you posted this but I was wondering if you got any answers to what was going on with you, I am going through the same thing at the minute.
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I have  been experiencing depersonalization, anxiety and panic attacks but also episodes at night that have some similarities with the above. No out of body feelings but:
-Breath feels short and warm
-Back of head tingles and gets hot
-Headrush feeling
-Hotspots on head
-TONS of pressure on my head like it will explode. Not pain but pressure and weird feelings
-Ears will buzz
-My body will tingle
-Sometimes feel nausea

The only thing that comes close to helping is breathing in and out through my mouth and keeping a cold cloth on my forehead/neck. I try to convince myself that I have experienced this before and did not die, but my heart rate goes up and its hard to combat. My doctors have only said "anxiety" and I am taking amitriplyne that has helped. I tried to get off of it but these attacks as well as dizziness throughout the day has come back so I am back on them.
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hi my name is marilyne hill . I live in Illinois. ive been looking for year for someone who has dozing off symtoms that have tormented me for years.
ive been to sveral dr. and they  don't believe me or blaime it on nerves or panic attacks. ive suffered fo 30 years with this and my family dr says she wouldn't even know what test to order.... its horrible.

please write  me back at ***@****
thany you very much. I would love to find out if theres someone who has this same disorder besides me.
please  write
                                                                                                                   marilyne hill
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I've had this for years. It's also sometimes accompanied by sleep paralysis and what some people call "exploding head syndrome", where you feel and hear a loud "pop" inside your head. It happens during the transition from wakefulness and sleep, and from sleep to wakefulness. I have found no known cause for it. All my doctor could tell me is that it's probably related to my sleep apnea, which is in line with what I've found in my research. The good news is that it's considered harmless, though scary. Things like stress, fatigue, abnormal sleep patterns and disruptions in sleep caused by sleep apnea are the main culprits. I've heard that this "rushing" sensation is an auditory hallucination that occurs when you wake suddenly while still in REM sleep, but I don't believe that. I believe that it's real, but I have no idea what it is. To me it feels like blood rushing through my head, and the first time this happened I thought I was having a stroke. But it's happened many times over the years, and I've suffered no ill effects. I had one just last night, and it was the worst I've ever had. I woke about 2 hours after falling asleep, and I had the rushing sensation, was completely paralyzed, blind, (or so it seemed) and heard the sound of a woman screaming just outside my door. I thought I was about to die, but I could breathe. This one lasted about 5 minutes, and then everything came back at once and I was awake. You would think that because this has happened many times before that I would remember and not be so scared, but when this happens I'm almost, but not completely awake, so my reasoning ability is not at 100%, so each occurrence seems new. But like I said, this appears to be harmless. I believe though, that this phenomena is responsible for a lot of the folklore throughout history associated with ghosts and demons, etc. because on several of these occasions I have felt the presence of absolute evil in the room. But this is just the result of waking up during REM (dream) sleep.
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I am going to tell my whole story, as i feel it may be comforting to others to know they are not alone as other have already in this forum, and as well a sorta therapy for me....
20 years ago, while living in Halifax NS, I was just out of Culinary School , full of **** and vinegar and wanted to be the best at cooking and partying. I was always a big drinker so no stranger to the odd hangover, but things changed for me very quickly one morning after a night of partying with Friends. I was walking down Spring Garden Rd. this particular morning, and out of nowhere I started to feel very dizzy and very disoriented. My head was spinning out of control and I had no idea what was happening. I was bumping into people and windows of shops, it was freaking me out, so then the panic kicked in! I was yelling for help and crying and praying to God to help me. It was really friggen awful. Ended-up at the Hospital.in Emerg. of course, where behind a curtain I proceeded to weep for help that I was loosing my mind...It took forever for someone to get in to see me as they were very busy (I assume or they thought I was on a bad trip and didn`t want to deal with me) but I was given a shot of Gravol and i was asleep in a matter of minutes. When i awoke, probably an hour later, i was normal. NORMAL, like nothing happened. i was relieved but very scared and confused.i was so scared that I infarct, walked into an ears nose throat specialists office, right off the street no appointment no warning and told him and his lovely Wife my experience earlier that day. He hooked me up to some headphones and proceeded to do a hearing test on me, that once finished, he  diagnosed me with Ménière's disease. Well I thought that was a little to quick a diagnosis but what does a 26 year-old know anyways right.
     Fast forward to 3 years ago.. I have gone all those years in between with no symptoms of any kind, to wake-up one night with a major head spin, so bad that I was throwing-up (sorry for the mental picture). That whole episode lasted 10 long days, anxiety attacks galore and feeling like I was loosing my mind. I stayed in bed for most of the time as things felt better when I didn`t move my head. It was bad but it to went away. Until last year. I had a similar experience. i awoke to the room spinning, sick and panic. Just awful, as you all know. I have been in a perpetual state of light headedness, vertigo off and on, MAJOR ringing in my ears (tinnitus) and when I walk around, i get those white static rushes at any time of the day, i don`t even have to be trying to sleep. I feel like I am in a daze most of the time. Some days I can actually function for the basics of life but most not. I had to quit my job because of this condition and that really ***** cause it`s hard to live when you are broke all the time, so creates even more stress. Thank God for Social Assistance or I would have jumped by now.. So anyways. i have had a CT Scan and blood work out the wazoo but no one can tell me ****. It`s like no DR`s have ever heard of any of these symptoms in us , but here we are, most of us sharing the same story.. I have a sleep clinic appointment coming up some time this month so i hope I`ll have something more to post as in a direction we are headed in to find out more about this crappy sickness. Lets keep each other posted in any breakthroughs folks! Seems we only have ourselves!
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Constant Tinnitus Joe. Day and night I have it. You have what i have.
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I get the same feeling of an energy well and then a `zing`, I get trapped in the first stage of sleep and am lucid and really have to will myself to snap out of it. Now my left ear canal is blocked and I think I may have a middle ear infection. So very disconcerting. I get the energy rush when I am laying on my sides, usually when I`m on my back I can fall asleep with out incident but that is changing lately as well...Perpetual state of light headedness and I have had this stuff for 20 years, but really badly in the last 3.. I had an MRI done, blood work, and the Dr`s here in Canada don`t know what to do. I have a sleep clinic appointment I am waiting for this month so once I have had that, i will post what they tell me, if there is anything to post.
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How are you feeling now. Any idea did this go away with time or was any cure done to this. I have similar symptoms hence asking
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   This first started with me about twenty years ago.  Felt something weird in my head when awaking in morning, like a "tick, tick, tick" wave of head rush. Immediately stopped it by shaking my head.  I thought if i let this feeling go, something really bad was going to happen, die or seizure or something.  Then it started happening when i couldn't stop it.  I would get paralyzed, and my head would be like exploding with static, like if you had a tv station on in the old days that was all static.  It would last three to eight seconds til i shook myself out of it.  It may come back again same night, very scary.  Happens few times a year.  Kind of thought they were little sleep seizures or something til i had a sleep test and it happened at the end. But the ekg didn't pick up on it...strange.  I also get a piercing ringing in my ears and head when this happens sometimes. it always varies a little. Then i panic a little and can't get back to sleep.  I tell the doctors this, they think i'm nuts, lol,  Had mri, ekg, etc. to no avail.  Anyone get the ringing in the head with this?  Just curious....
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Hi, I have the same exact feelings as you explained along with some other weird symptoms that continue during the day. Have you been diagnosed or found a cause. Please let me know.
Thanks so much!
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did ever find out what it was?
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this head rush is scary shyt... i was been feel tingling on the left side of my body any1 feel that 2?
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Interesting! Has anyone tried going with the flow? I have had this 'rush' or 'falling' sensation a couple of times, the 1st time i admit was very frightening. The rush came on just as i was dozing off, feeling very comfortable and very tired, It felt like i was moving fast - dropping, or rising quickly. It felt like i was going to die! At a point i thought 'this is it, im dieing' and actually said a few goodbyes.. however, i stuck with the rush, I didn't jolt out of it, (being overwhelmed by it i guess) and i ended up going straight into THE MOST amazing lucid dream/experience i have ever had.. beautiful bright lights and colours, startling brilliant whites, a strange environment and alien beings - as if transported to another world altogether, while having the feeling of control and being 'awake'. I am envious of all of you who get this feeling regularly, i recommend trying to relax and endure the rush - don't jolt awake, don't be scared (if possible). You will be rewarded. I recently had the same rush feeling while dozing off, but i jolted awake and was so disappointed with myself for doing so! Couldn't get the rush feeling back after that. In my opinion it may be down to the production of DMT when you fall asleep, which your brain produces naturally and what helps you dream. Read up on it. Hope this helps, and I hope it happens again to me soon!
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I get the same thing dude, maybe 1-2 nights a week lasting 2-3 times before eventually passing out.  Its like a feeling of shock and a weird disturbing rush, inability to breath even though you "feel" like youre trying to breath (which could be just your brain playing tricks on you).  I found that shaking my head was the only way I could get out of it quickly.  I know its scary *** hell but I guarantee it has to do with a combination of anxiety I used to have (and still have in small amounts) and a horrible sleep schedule.  Remember, even if you were able to pass out from lack of oxygen, your brain would mechanically re-awake you and begin the breathing process again like a reboot. I think it could also be an instance where you do have excess adrenaline, and when its exerted right before sleep, your body's already in a slow breathing rhythm so it thinks it needs all of a sudden to be breathing quickly (b/c of adrenaline) but responds to it in a shocking manner.  No telling but I wouldnt say to worry too much just try to create a healthier circadian rhythm.  
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      I am so scarred to go to sleep because of electric shocks that JOLT me awake at the very instant I am 'falling' asleep. I have been suffering from this for nearly two years, starting a few days following a near death car accident, but we were miraculously safe.
      I also worked the night shift for 5 years and always had difficulty sleeping during the day, and as the years went on I was only getting 2 to 4 hrs of sleep each day (then I'd sleep on my nights off).  One night (shortly after the accident) I started getting Panic attacks, heart pounding, tachypneic, and feelings I was going to have a seizure.  These continued every single time I was falling asleep until I got medicated (ativan&trazadone)  The panic attacks have subsided thanks to antianxiety and antideppresant pills I take right before I go to bed.  But I still wake up in an adrenaline RUSH 2-5 hrs after falling asleep.  It is wreaking havoc on my relationships, my job, my life... everything is jacked up because I can't get a decent nights sleep.  Yes, I tried zoloft, but I was grinding my teeth and felt my nerves were in knots- scarred me further. My labs results are normal, though I have had my share of tick bites and may need to be tested for Lymes, it is all very frustrating.
    Helpful tips that maximize what little sleep I do manage to get are: go to bed at the same time (early) everynight, listen to NLP relaxation- visualization podcasts while I try to fall asleep, no caffeine- ever, no intense exercise before bed, good amount of exercise during the day, no deep/intense discussions right before bed... and now I need a new job that is not as dangerous and intense everyday.    
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Man I'm 16 had anxiety for about 2 months but I have really bad symptoms but one is head rushes I almost want to faint. What should I do:(
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