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Masturbation and Anxiety\Nausea

Hello, I'm 15 and about 5-6 days ago I discovered how to masturbate (I know, late)

About 2 days after I discovered it and had my first experience I would get this nauseas feeling. The only way to get rid of the nausea was to masturbate or walk around. About 4-5 hours after masturbating the nausea feeling would come back. I thought it was anxiety. I thought I may have Obsessive Compulsive disorder or that I was addicted to masturbation, however it was only 2 days after finding out how to do it, and I had only masturbated about 4 times in thos 2 days. I noticed that taking pepto bismol seemed to make me feel better, however it could have only been the placebo effect.
I started telling myself that I had a stomach sickness, and the feeling would go away temporarily. Eventualy after about 2 days the feeling was less intense, instead of having a constant nausea feeling I would only have a brief period of anxiety/nausea after having a sexual thought or thinking about masturbation.

Could someone please tell me what is going on? If you need any more information just ask.
75 Responses
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studies have shown that masturbating is good for you, and does have a positive impact on anxiety.... since you have only had the nausea for 5 days, it's too early to tell if you have any serious anxiety problem... you could have a stomach virus or something.... i would just see a doctor to make sure...
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358304 tn?1409709492
Hey buddy. Masterbation is totally normal and every guy does it. It's a new thing to you and you probably are getting just a little excited. When I masterbated for the first time when I was around your age, I would always seem to feel bad afterwards. But learned that it was healthy and normal. Your hormones are going through alot of changes. Don't worry bout it stomach. If it not used to excersise, which masterbation can be haha, you can sometimes feel nauseated afterwards. Don't over analyze. You are fine. Keep in touch with us. Like I said, you probably are just getting a little excited and these new feelings may be making ya a little nauseous at times. Peace out.
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Thanks for the help guys, I know that a lot of the anxiety was from me worrying about the anxiety! Im going to see a doctor on wednesday (I also suspect I have a prostate infection, no biggie). Im glad I didnt get any comment telling me that masturbation will send me to hell, as I saw a lot of that stuff on my google searches.
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370181 tn?1595629445
Are you feeling guilty for masterbating? Religious reasons? Parental scare tactics? BS you've read on the NET? All hog-wash. It's TOTALLY normal and healthy! Period.
It will NOT make you go blind. Hair will NOT grow on the palms of your hands, you will NOT break out in giant sized "I MASTERBATE" pimples, and you most definitely will NOT go to hell. (Heaven is a far likelier destination! LOL)
If, for some reason, there is guilt associated with your new found form of self-entertainment, this COULD manifest itself as anxiety which CAN upset your stomach. Or, as was stated above, you could, just coincedentally, have a virus, plenty of them going around now.
If you are seeing your doctor on Wednesday, as difficult as I KNOW it will be, suck it up and discuss masterbation with him. He will tell you what we've been telling you......it's VERY normal and VERY healthy. And if you fear he's never heard anyone talk about it before, please guess again. (HE probably did it before leaving for work!)
Be the master of your own domain! (A joke only Seinfeild fans will get!)
You are perfectly normal...............have fun!

Oh, and cnote............you said "masterbation is totally normal and every GUY does it." EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why then do 99.9% of WOMEN have a vibrator in their nightstands? To ease those pesky tight neck muscles? Come on, dude!
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Actually, I have very liberal parents and Im an atheist, so i dont have religous or parental reasons to fear masturbation. I only mentioned stuff like that because as I somtimes browse the forums, I sometimes come across members responding to people who have masturbation questions talking about how jesus can help them fight their urges.

Anyways, once I went into grade 7, I remember students constantly talking about girls, sex and masturbation. I wasnt really into stuff like that at the time, and it sort of creeped me out. There would be students coming up to me and randomly showing me pictures of half naked women from a magezine. So I sort of vowed to myself that I would never be like that.

Now I did have sexual urges, I watched porn (Nothing too nuts) and I did have my crushes. I still didnt understand how to masturbate before. I'd try the standard rub 'n tug but I never really felt anything, I would do it for about 30 seconds, get bored and go play video games.

It wasnt really a problem, till I started having wet dreams, and I could actually feel the orgasm. Eventually I commenced the same rub 'n tug movement I did before, except I was persistent and didnt stop. And yea, it happened. So now Im debating with myself whether I should adopt this into my life style or reject it and stick to my 'old tradition'.

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370181 tn?1595629445
Ya lost me there, pal. WHAT was your "old tradition?" 30 seconds of "rub and tug," giving up and playing with the Mario Brothers some more?
While I can't figure out what your old tradition was, I don't think it really matters. Your question is "should I adopt this into my life style..........? Absolutely, without a doubt or a moments hesitation. You sound like a bit of a "late bloomer" to me, but there's nothing wrong with that. You seem to have caught up. (Make up for all that lost time! LOL)
You say you have liberal parents and you're an atheist, so you don't have religious or parental reasons to "fear" masterbation. THAT word raised a red flag for me. Is that what we're really talking about here? Do you, for some reason, fear masterbation? If so, could you please elaborate on why.
And for the love of Mike, stay off the damn web sites. We get folks posting here who tell us that if we only accepted Christ (or any one of the other deities) into our hearts, we wouldn't have anxiety or panic or depression, we wouldn't need pills, potions or therapy......... (And please people, do NOT send me 10,000 PMs telling me that if I wasn't evil, all my problems would disappear)
You do NOT need to "fight" the urge to masterbate. Anyone who tells you that should fight the urge to open their mouths.
My dear Will..........stop over-thinking this and just do what comes natural and feels good.
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Pretty funny that a 15 year old is the only one who knows how to spell "masturbation" on this forum ha ha ha ha.... sorry, no offence to you lydia and cnote, I love your posts..just really funny..what do I know? I'm just a foreigner.. *cough*

I think you pinpointed it all yourself :
"So now Im debating with myself whether I should adopt this into my life style or reject it and stick to my 'old tradition'."

And by the way...people are just different and have different preferences. I knew a guy once who had over the top liberal parents(dedicated nudists) and he sort of vowed to himself to never be like his parents and therefore he was quite prude(but he was the BEST lover!)
And you don't have to decide tonight or tomorrow if you want to become  "the master of your own domain" or "the king of your old tradition". That decision can wait as long as it has to.

Wish you all good things, whatever that may turn out to be for you.


Lydia: I guess I'm one of the 0.1% of women that do not keep any of those noisy devices in my nightstand. The sound would only make me laugh I'm afraid, so for now I'll just continue to rule the waves by sticking to MY old traditions, lol.-
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370181 tn?1595629445
Great catch, girlfriend! I shall now make myself write "MASTURBATION" 100 times.

As for the contents of our various nightstands, Nora, all I can say to you is "HAIL BRITANNIA!" You rock that boat.............LOL (quietly, of course!)
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I love how off topic threads can get.

But in all honesty folks, moving around fast, like doing a boogie 1960's style also nauseates (If thats a word) me. So I assume that as lydia said early in this thread, my stomache isnt use to the excercise or I got indigestion or something, which makes my stomache more sensitive to the anxiousness or whatever its called.
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358304 tn?1409709492
Willcooper: sounds like you are starting to figure it out. I'm sure your dr will give you a clean bill of health.

Greenlydia: sorry I left the ladies out of my little statistic. LOL. Most men, AND women masterbate...... I mean masturbate. LOL.

Glad we can all have a little laugh here and there in the forum.
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803827 tn?1253772970
totally normal, hihihi. cute kid!! lol
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979428 tn?1253399601
Will, it seems like you have a handle on it.  Hang in there.
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370181 tn?1595629445
Threads CAN take rather unusual detours...........some of them highly amusing, but it seems we have not done our job since you still have concerns.
Regarding your stomach issues.......are you still feeling the nausea? In your original post you said you began to feel this a couple days AFTER your first experience with masturbating. It would be fairly easy to put this down to anxiety due to your confusion regarding masturbation and I think I'm going to stick with that "diagnosis." (You DO know that none of us are doctors, right?)
But..........in your last post you stated that moving around fast causes you to feel the nausea, which has nothing to do with maturbating, so now I'm not sure what to tell you, Sweetie.
Anxiety can most definitely cause nausea, so either you are still feeling some anxiety over this masturbation issue or you have, or had, a virus that simply coincided with your "discovery."
I've probably done more to confuse you than help...............I know I'm a little confused about your stomach "problem." I know that I can't tell you, FOR SURE, what is causing you to feel this nausea. If it's gone away or has gotten better since your post on the 4th, I'd be inclined to guess virus. If it's still as bad or worse, I might put it down to anxiety...............IF you are still as anxious as you were. (Now I'm confusing myself!)
I guess what I'm trying to say is that if it's the flu, it is self-limiting and will go away on it's own. If it continues, it's something else, which may or may not be anxiety. If it does continue, I would definitely suggest you see your doctor to rule out an organic cause, but you also need to be very upfront with him about the masturbation and your questions and concerns surrounding that.
If you still have questions Will, please write again and with any luck you won't get me again! LOL
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370181 tn?1595629445
Leave it to you, my dear MrGreen, to confuse "masturbation" with the fine art of being a "Master Baiter!"
It's probably no wonder you've never caught anything larger than a "trouser trout!"

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As to the main post, yeah, you could have a bug, but I think you're just feeling guilty.  I know I felt pretty strange when I first did it.  I had no education about sex at all, and it wasn't until I started having sex with girls that I started to masturbate, and it was compulsive.  I had some pretty uncomfortable thoughts about it.  That could be what's bothering you.  Trust me, it'll go away.  Another thing.  Orgasm causes lightheadedness and sometimes, usually when you've been with a partner and learn what really turns you on, even something approaching hyperventilation.  It can leave you a bit off kilter, and since this is new for you, could have caused a bit of motion sickness-like feeling.  Just a thought.  Now, usually you have to get pretty good at it before this happens -- this is the advanced class here -- and you usually only learn these things from accidental experiences with a partner.  But maybe you're just uncommonly gifted.  
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370181 tn?1595629445
Fishing for it from a "lovely boat....."

Wink, wink


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Can prostatitus cause nausea?
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Oh and damn, no edit button in sight, hope you guys dont mind double posts.

I've noticed that I've been getting car sick lately, so theres definately something causing my motion sickness maybe the anxiety even though the whole masturbation anxiety thing is pretty much gone. brb google.
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Holy **** guys, TRIPLE POSTS. It turns out that motion sickness can cause a heightened rate of anxiety, so things that would normally only sorta make me feel a bit iffy would cause much more nausea than and fear. I guess that explains a lot. Does nayone know any causes that would do this? Sorry paxiled but your hypothesis seemed a bit like a stretch, but it may be the case as it would correlate well in the timeline.
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Well, we are talking about stretching here, eh?  You're motion sickness could be an inner ear thing.  It kind of runs in my family.  A few years back a psychiatrist wrote a book that posited that many panic attack problems were caused by inner ear problems, and claimed he was successfully treating them with dramamine.  Didn't seem to catch on, but I did have a lot of the symptoms he described as common.  Who knows?

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370181 tn?1595629445
From FISHING 101:

ALWAYS remember that it's not the size of the ship, but the motion in the ocean!

Professor Greenlydia
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370181 tn?1595629445
Today is Wednesday and you said you were seeing your doc today.

WELL! What did he say?

It is absolutely none of our business, but those of us with anxiety also have incredibly inquiring minds!

I not only have PTSD and panic disorder, I've recently been diagnosed with NOLS. (Nosy Old Lady Syndrome)
I fear there is no cure..........

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Well, this is a let down, its been moved to friday so that I dont miss my first day of school.
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480448 tn?1426948538
Ok, I'd love to weigh in now.  :0)

Will, you got excellent advice here.  I think personally that you're overthinking a lot of this...including your symptoms.  Like the other goof-balls have said (lol)...it's either a reaction to new feelings related to masturbation and orgasm, or just totally coincidental that you started masturbating at the same time you got these symptoms, due to a benign infection/bug/virus...etc.  Like Paxilled said...inner ear infections, fluid build up...etc...can cause motion sickness feelings.  Good that you're going to get a once-over by your doc to rule anything out.

As for prostatitis...QUIT SEARCHING THE WEB!!!!  And don't say you're not...b/c a healthy 15 yr old would not have come up with that one on his own.  You don't have prostatitis...I'd bet money on it....again...I think you're overthinking this whole deal.

Lastly.....enjoy your new found sport.  It is absolutely healthy, normal and part of normal life...for both men and women.  When it is new to you, it is normal to have conflicting feelings, but believe me, there is NOTHING to feel guilty about...and like lydia said....none of the "myths" about masturbation are true.  Total falacies.  Get it?  Lil play on words.

Let us know what the doc says.  Bet it is absolutely nothing except you adjusting to new sensations.

Good luck.
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