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372778 tn?1201927043

Seever anxiety....please help me.. if you can..

Hi my name is Kay. Im 20 years old and Ive been suffering from severe anxiety for about 5 years now. Its so bad that I havent been able to leave the house in 3 months. I havent seen our town mall in 2 years. I had to cancel going to college and cant get a job to help out my family. I cant hang out with friends, visit family members..go out shopping, eat at restaurants..I am not able to do anything I want to, even go for walks with my dog or car rides with my family. Even having friends over is really hard...which is why Ive lost most of my friends. I feel fine all day and the minute someone mentions leaving the house I feel sick and feel as though I have to run to the washroom to throw up. Then I feel sick the rest of the day. I start to get dizzy and hot and my head starts to sweat. All my roots get soaked and I feel like Im going to faint. The main symptom though is that im going to vomit and that doesnt go away. Ive been on Effexor for 3 years and it has not helped. Im on prevacid, domperidome,buscopan and was recently just put on paxil...also a few other pills that I cant recal the name. Im 20 years old and I take 8 pills a day....I do not want to live like this forever...plus I dont want to live my life being forced to stay in my house forever either. There would be no point to living. I just want to be normal. This all started in grade 10 for no reason and with no warning...I just felt sick and I thought it was the flu..but it stayed everyday causing me to miss alot of school in highschool...having to quit a few months before graduating..but having a doctors not to get my diploma...I missed my graduation..my prom..which I counted the days down since grade 9 for id say...I havent been able to ever party with friends...go shopping with friends..go out to bars..I cant leave my house...I get soo depressed about this that I start having a hard time seeing why I should live this life. Ive tried other kinds of treatment....ginger pills...esodynamics...nothing has helped me..I just want to give up. Im at a point where I dont even know what to do anymore. My family is getting annoyed and is starting to think im making this up. My doctor just keeps uping my dosage and adding in more pills...I dont want to be on pills my whole life...especially if they arent even working...can anyone please help me...I havent even had the chance to really live my life yet...or do anything normal ppl do at 20 years old....or any year actually....what can I do to help this stop. I cant take it anymore... I want to leave the house so bad and everytime I try and I get sick...it makes it even harder to try the next time. I havent seen the outside in 3 months and I want to just quit....please help me.. thank you for reading this..
40 Responses
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It does sound like you're just being fed a monstrous amount of pills.    I can really understand how terrible you feel, as I've been through it too, with many of the same symptoms that you described, and some even worse.   It feels totally hopeless right now,  I know, but please believe me that it isn't.   You can overcome this, and you can have an absolutely wonderful life.  

Aside from finding a doctor that is actually interested in helping you overcome this, what you need to get into the habit of doing is stop trying to resist the anxiety.   Flow with it.   Make it a part of you, even.   Understand that it is just an emotion, like any other, and that all of the irrational fears that come with it are just that... irrational.    The more you directly resist the anxiety and fear, the stronger it becomes.    Take away the only tool it has to harm you;  the fear.    This can be done a variety of ways.    Meditation, refocusing, exercise, and sometimes just the basic acceptance of the feelings can disarm anxiety when used correctly.  

This won't happen overnight, and it will take a great deal of mental discipline to achieve.  But I promise you, it is possible to beat this, and I also promise you that when you master it and fully take control of these horrible feelings inside you, you will actually be a better than you would have ever been without having to suffer through this.   You will be far stronger mentally and emotionally than the majority of people living out there completely out of touch with themselves.  

You are not crazy, you are not broken, and you will get through this.   Just be strong, and make sure that you find somebody who can tell you which of those medications are helping, and which are hurting you.  
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212161 tn?1599427282
kay, i know how you feel i got anxiety around 20 years old i had two small babies abd a hubby i didnt want to go out siode either but i made myself , you cant give in, its not going to kill you , but you need help with meds . get another dr and ask him for help, i do not take any ssri,like paxil,zolf i cant but i do take klonopin, its a great med and can be used for long term, if you take it twice a day it will get your life back under control and you will be able to go malls and live again. ask a dr about it , once you get it under control you can come off of it . but you need a jump start. nothing wrong with taking a med like your told to to get your life back, it took the med to get me undercontrol and i only took it two weeks, now am ogg have not had a pill in 4 months still have some anxiety but i fight it and deal with it , get some good books about anxiety they can help claire weeks is great. we are here for you , your to young to give up on life hang in there it can and will get better if you want it to and get some help, cant do byself. if you need to talk always come on here ,very sweet and helpfull folks on here , we are all in same boat. Barbara
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Honey,you need to find a new doctor!This guy is just popping you silly with pills!You need a good doctor to properly diagnose you and give you the right treatment and medication.CBT is also invaluable for your condition.The mere fact that you take all that medication alone ,will make you sick.But, as ativan suggested, never stop the medication unless you are under a doctors supervision.I wouldnt be surprised if Effexor made you worse.I myself had a very bad experience with it.It increased my anxiety 10x over.Hope u feel better soon.Keep us posted,
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308787 tn?1201681348
Hi there, I can relate to most of your symptoms and its really hard, but your so young you must get this under control, you sound to me has if your highly sadated with medication, but theres only your doctor that can help there, you musent stop any of them before you talk to him, I will tell you how I cope, I get angry with it and I tell myself all the time you can do it, take shopping thats hard for me, I get in the car and say over and over again you can do it , you can do it, Im not saying its easy cos its not. your 20years old dont let this bully get the better of you, cos thats what anxiety is its a big bully and you have to treat it like a bully and tell it were to go, just try and say to yourself i,m not going to let this win i,m going to fight this. its not easy but please try, your post was so like I am so I know how you feel, good luck. (DON,T LET IT WIN.)
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