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1199758 tn?1280749081


Okay, so I went to one of the local clinics today, found out I have strep throat (sigh), and a node on my thyroid gland that's caused a visible swelling in the base of my neck, on the right side.  So now I'm worrying about having Hashimoto's Disease on top of everything else... stupid Chiari!  I'm ranting just a little here, but would really like to know if anyone else has this problem at all, or should I be worrying that this is what it is?  She says I have to have an ultrasound done, but didn't want to do it today because I was in such visible discomfort already.  She gave me a steroid shot to try to help with the pain for a little while, Darvocet N-100 prescription, antibiotic for the Strep, and a Beta-Blocker (high b.p. med) to see if that will help with headache/back pain, and renewed my Midrin prescription, if only to help me to sleep.  She's also going to try to get me to UTMB in Galveston to talk to a Neurologist/Neuro Surgeon there.  So, it's been a full day already... I'm hurting like a b***h, and i just want to crawl under the covers and not have to worry about anything else for the rest of the day.  Thanks for reading.  As I said, ranting just a bit because I'm sick of having C.M. affect every single aspect of my life and then some.

10 Responses
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1179332 tn?1297478990
UGH...heartburn is horrible...it's no wonder you are willing to give up one for the other..

I remember waking up when I was pregnant with my 3rd and found myself choking on it...one of the worst experiences I ever had...very scary...

I'm glad to hear that you have such a great friend...it makes so much difference. LOL..I can totally relate to the Frankenstein walk...what a great description and very accurate..that is what I look like too!! And yes, my legs do travel away from the intended goal...that's why I love holding onto carts b/c it keeps me grounded to something :) Like you said, sometimes you just have to laugh...

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620923 tn?1452915648
Hi Scottie...Zantac is a H2 inhibitor and may not be as effective as a PPI.although PPI's r slow to get relief...u may want to try an OTC prilosec b4going to bed and see if it helps along with ur  Zantac...talk to the Pharmacist.

What other meds r u on?...could be the meds r causing the acid tummy.

I also found drinking apple cider everyday 1 glass and a fresh piece of fruit helps me too, in fact I am off PPI's and on a H2I myself...diet and lifestyle will also affect this so do look at ur diet.

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1199758 tn?1280749081
I have a really good friend here where I live named Jana.  She's the one who takes me to do my grocery shopping, in fact, since there's no way I can drive most of the time.  A lot of times when we go to WalMart, the electric carts are either all out or are charging because they've all BEEN all out all day, and so I have to walk pushing a shopping cart.  Which is hysterically funny sometimes because I don't always walk where I tell my body to walk.  Y'all know what I mean... you are aiming for ^^^^^^ here, but you end up over >>>>>>> there or <<<<<< there.  I apologized to Jana the one day because I was just sure I was embarrassing the heck out of her because of my weird Frankenstein gait and lack of "destination" of path.  She smiled at me sweetly, gave a little laugh, and said, "I'm just motioning to everyone that you've been drinking."  and then gave a little tip of her hand to her mouth like she was drinking from a cup.  Sometimes, you just HAVE to laugh, even when you're having a bad day.  I still giggle about that one... she's such a brat!  

Oh, I can't take the beta-blocker the clinic prescribed me, even though it helped a LOT.  It caused the WORST HEARTBURN I think I've ever had.  My Zantac didn't touch it, and I spent all night the night-before-last and all day yesterday chewing Rolaids Soft Chews which at least kept it down to a dull roar.  The clinic is closed till Tuesday, and since it's not really an emergency, I don't feel right about interrupting someone's holiday weekend when I can wait until Tuesday to call and see if they can either prescribe me a different beta-blocker or a stronger tummy medicine so I can take the beta-blocker I already have, lol.  I think I would much rather have the pain in my spine that I can minimize a littlle bit with the other pain medicine she gave me than the burning fire feeling in my chest and the nausea that went along with it!!  That should give you an idea just exactly how bad it was, lol.  

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1179332 tn?1297478990
It definitely could have been all that...with all my legs issues I can't stand to be in any one position for any length of time. Even in the recliner I am constantly moving position as my legs start to get more tingly, go numb and plainly just get more painful...so if I have to force myself in one position too long...there is always a price to pay. I find that I am at my best by constantly rotating what I am doing, to from sitting to standing and moving around on a frequent basis..

I really hope that your leg settles down for you...

I have no idea what goes on with mine...one day I will have only a slight limp and then today I felt like I was moving almost as badly as before the surgery HOWEVER I did spend 2hrs in the garden yesterday.... see there you go!!

Take care
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620923 tn?1452915648
Hi...I went on a trip a month b4 I was dx with chiari and we flew to Guatemala ne way, my left leg went numb from the knee down...I though it was from the cramped seating.....but , I still have it...but it was on the flight down that it started....

Not sure if there is ne relevance, but thought I'd share my flight issues : )

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1199758 tn?1280749081
You know, you guys are the best!  It's nice to know I can come here and get knowledgeable responses which help to calm that first gut, "What ELSE can go wrong?" state of mind.  Right now, the swelling is not very large... you really only notice it in really good light if you're looking for it.  She didn't seem to be terribly concerned about it for now, to be honest.  More interested in trying to get my extreme pain under control.  I've been having these almost electrical current type feelings that zip down my spine and into my hip, leaving me just about unable to put weight down on the right leg if I stand for ANY length of time.  That's been since last Saturday, and I honestly think it's from our 5-hour car drive to Austin, then having to stand at the graduation party for so long, sleeping in the hotel (no matter how comfy the pillows were, lol), and then the 5-hour drive back home on Saturday.  It usually takes at least a week to 2 weeks to recover when I go on long trips!  Anyway, thanks so much for the info.  I really appreciate it!

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1179332 tn?1297478990

I have recently been dx with Hashimotos too...even though I have been hypothyroid for about 3 years now. It was like pulling teeth to get the right tests done from my GP and when all the Chiari stuff started, I put it to rest for awhile. After the surgery I went back and insisted to get the antibody test done (TPO which is what they should do for you too), my dr finally did it and my antibody count was very high. It is frustrating too b/c a lot of the Hashi's symptoms fall under the Chiari category too...my main reason for getting the tests done was to find out if some of my lasting symptoms were being affected by something else. The good news is that Hashi's is very treatable though not curable as long as you have a good ENDO in place. I am currently working on that for myself.
Another note...my dad had a big nodule that caused neck swelling like you described and they biopsied it and did thyroid test and all of it turned out fine. So he has the goiter but nothing else (TPO, TSH, T4/3 was fine) so it may be nothing to worry about. I have nodules too but like Selma mine were small enough that they weren't worried about it though I am now waiting for another U/S to check (my last one was a year ago).
Also, you can get those nodules from Grave's disease too, an autoimmune thyroiditis which causes an hyper effect which could explain the weight loss. The same antibodies are found in both and they determine which one you have by your TSH levels.

Hopefully that helps a little!
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620923 tn?1452915648
Hi Scottie...well FNA is a Fine Needle Ablation ...it is a biopsy.....

With Hashimoto's u can swing btwn being hyper and hypo...so losing weight is not a sign one way or the other....

I lost weight  and gained weight over the yrs doing nothing diff...and the drs never checked me either....

Good luck
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1199758 tn?1280749081
What's an FNA??  To be honest, I think I could be freaking out a little bit early.  I DO have strep throat, after all, and maybe the swelling's from that?  She didn't seem to think so, but is going to wait until we have the pain under control.  I can barely stand or sit for long periods of time today.  I think it's because we made a "flying" trip to Austen for our niece's graduation from UT.  Drove there Friday, stayed overnight in Round Rock, then came home on Saturday.  I tend to 'pay" for trips for  couple of weeks afterwards.  Oh, so everyone knows, Hampton Inn has the BEST PILLOWS EVER!!!  I really slept well on them, lol.  I am becoming a pillow expert in my old age.  Anyway, I go back in 2 - 3 weeks and if the thyroid is still swollen, she wants to do the thyroid tests and an ultrasound.  I haven't had issues before.  Actually did a metabolism test a long time ago, but everything came back normal.  I guess with Hashimoto's, though, they have to test the pituitary hormonal output because the T3/T4 test might not show.  And, I've lost weight since January.  About 20 pounds.  So definitely NOT putting weight on, which I would do if I had Hypothyroidism???  Thanks for your answer.

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620923 tn?1452915648
Hi Scottie,
yup, I have Hashimoto's as well...on meds just a little over a yr now...nodules on my thyroid r too small for a FNA tho...sounds like that may be ur nest step?

Did they mention a FNA?

I totally understand....I had weight flucuations all my life and not one dr ever checked me for a thyroid issue b4.....I had to push for it, then the ENDO I went to didn't do the proper testing for hashimoto's...I had to convince my PCP to do it and finally after a yr got on meds.....

If u want to vent , u cam e to the right place ; D

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