727090 tn?1268839348

worms in dogs

I have a 2yr old toy poodle. I noticed that for awhile he was doing this hacking cough like awaiting a furball to come up. Then he would scoote his bum on the floor and when we took him out we noticed there were small white worm like things in his feces. What kind of worms could these be?
                            And since we have all handled him before the finding, will we get these worms?
                            And last are you still able to see them in the feces after worming meds have been administered?

Iam very worrried for the family as well as the dog but can santitizer spray kill any eggs or worms left behind on the floor and furniture???

Please give me some input!!  I absolutely can not afford to go to the vet at this time. Will the worm meds diminish them??

sorry sooo many questions but very worried and afraid.
thanx, shawnee
4 Responses
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462827 tn?1333168952
Hi Shawnee & welcome....There are many kinds of worms that a dog can get. Most are Not transferable to humans. Tapeworm is transferable,but I've never heard of it happening. Tape worm can be found on his anus area. Usually, the dried segments will be attached to the hair. They look like a piece of dried rice after they dehydrate. These have to be treated with different meds. from the Vet. (It's just one pill).  If you are using an over the counter wormer, sometimes they are NOT effective for a worm infestation.
I'm more worried about the cough, too. This could be a sign of heartworms. Very dangerous! If he has been on a monthly heartworm preventative from your Vet, (very important), it will also take care of hookworms, roundworms and whipworms. This is the easiest way to ensure NO worms. He needs to see a Vet.....They will do a blood sample to check for Heartworms (Which can kill him) and they will need a fecal sample to determine what other worms are present. Try to find the money somewhere...Even if you have to go pawn something you own! The butt scooting is a classic sign of worm distress.....Call around & check prices at different Vets. Ask them if they can offer you a payment plan and let you pay it out. Some will  & some will need money up front.. Please, find a way to have him treated as it will only get worse....Good luck and let us know how he's doing....Karla
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727090 tn?1268839348
I just want to thank you for the prompt reply. I took your advice and called a couple of vets and found one that let me write a post dated check to pick up a tapeworm pill. Plus I got an appointment for Monday to get him a complete exam.
I did ask if tapeworm is contractable and she told me that its not common. But the reason I'm sooo concerned is because my two sons ages 11 and 6 handle him allll the time until i noticed this problem. Now I keep the dog as far away as possible. Is this really necessary?? I feel like i'm treating him like he's a contagious disease but I'm just concerned about the family catching this parasite. The dog has even slept in the boys bed and he likes to cuddle up against their head while they are sleeping.
Iam going so crazy!! I keep going through the house and spraying everything w/antibacterial disinfectant, even though this probably won't kill them, it just makes me feel more comfortable. Plus i keep sweeping the floors and shampooing them. aaaggghh!!
This whole thing just gives me the heebee jeebees....lol

Have you had any problems w/dog and tapeworms???? I need a releif of mind. I'm driving my hubby and kids crazy. I make them wash there hands every hr or two...

I gave the pill to him several hrs ago and i'm just wondering....when should i expect that he's rid of them and is it ok to give him a bath before his vet appt on Monday???

sorrry so many questions but you really sound like you know what your talking about...and i'm glad i took your advice. I did'nt think any vet around here would help me out....

thanx agin :-)
I'll keep you in touch on what happens at the vet
oh also...the profile pic...is this your dog?? it looks identical to mine..i have a toy poodle..
Helpful - 0
675347 tn?1365460645
My dog sometimes gets tapeworms from eating wild mice in the fields. She eats them so quick it's hard to stop her! I used to give her an over-the-counter full spectrum wormer, which did the trick almost immediately. But it sometimes made her vomit. So I got the wormer from the vet instead even though it cost a little more. That one is better, kinder to her stomach, but just the same, works overnight.
After dosage (follow the instructions to the letter) you shouldn't see any more worms in her feces. If you continue to see them it means the wormer hasn't worked. She may need another one. But that doesn't happen very often.

I never got a tapeworm from my dog when she was infested, but it is important to train the children if you can to wash their hands after cuddling the dog, and especially before eating anything with their fingers, if they have been playing with her. But after the wormer has taken effect there should be no more worries. Of course good hygiene with dogs is always a good idea. My dog gets kisses and cuddles from me and I never caught anything yet from her, but this isn't always so.

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462827 tn?1333168952
One of my dogs has been infested before. Of course, I didn't know it for months. She has slept on the pillow, above my head, since she arrived. (Her choice not mine!)  I did vacumn and change sheets, but never went too crazy....I never put her in any kind of quarantine. Slept with her the same night I treated. I did bathe her. My son also played with her on a regular basis. I never caught them. Nor did my other dog. Or the son. Nothing ever happened! Hope this answers your questions.
The profile pic is my "Baby Chance". Yes, a toy poodle. I pulled him from a shelter within minutes of being euthanized. They had already drawn the syringe!  I didn't need another furkid, but I couldn't leave him there, either. He was 10-12 yrs. old at the time. I had never seen a guy in such bad shape. Oh my, the neglect & suffering he had endured for years made me sick. I figured he would die the first weekend, but accepted it, knowing he would not die alone. Sadly, I lost him in November. Although I have 3 others, I cry over him daily. I was lucky to have had him...He forever changed my life...He got to stay 2yrs. & 10mos. & I was blessed.....Thank you for asking about him...I can't take his picture down.......Let me know how your Vet visit goes...I'm  glad you found one that will help you......Karla
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