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Strange Throat Noises/Inability to burp

I've put this under throat disorders but I honestly have no idea what this is. I have never burped, at least never in my adolescent and adult life. I've asked my parents about when I was a baby but they couldn't give me a definite answer. Anyway, instead of burping, I get these gurgling, growling noises in my chest and throat. I can't stop them, quiet them, or avoid them (by not eating certain foods, etc...). I have searched for similar cases but have not found any.

I am hoping someone can help me or at the very least, someone is somewhat familiar with this situation. Thank you for your time.

Btw, I am 20 years old, female, caucasian. No known illnesses or allergies.
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I'm 42 yo female, Caucasian, and I've never been able to burp. I have these growling/gurgling/croaking noises constantly going on in my throat. I usually try to keep my mouth shut and hope other people can't hear them as loudly as I can. It does get worse when I lay on my left side, which is unfortunate when I try to spoon my husband. Time to switch sides of the bed. I have tried for so long to burp, hoping that this would ease the annoying noises, but I simply cannot do it. I don't have pain with it, other than a shortness of breath because I feel like I can't breathe deeply. I think I'm going to see a doctor about it. It's been 40 years...I've just lived with it, and I've never thought to ask a doctor. I just figured it was an unusual way to burp for those of us who can't burp conventionally. But nobody else's burps are this constant. Ugh...I hope there's a cure somewhere out there.
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I looked up online what it might be,  I have the same thing. Whenever I eat a lot or drink soda it happens and I can barely breathe. There isn't a lot about it on the internet but I found a website. Look up UES dysfunction !!!
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I have gurgling vibrating feeling but i burp and have terrible acid reflux and constipation and pain in my heart and my jaw and left shoulder to point ive been to emergency room 15 times in past month n half thinking i was having some form if heart issue had stomach ct chest ekg uktrasound bloodwork etc and they tell me its anxiety then say i need to follow up with cardiology and gi doctor.which i presently have no insurance so if i were able to do that i would i can barely sleep and mine all started off with just the gurgling and fibrative feeling in my throat then having these seizure like jerks at night i feel so tired can barely keep my eyes open but then have tightness in throat wake and cant breathe from acid raising in my throat and start coughing uncontrolable and not long after i get terrible scary dull pressures in chest left side of breast and left shoulder till i fear for my life after being able to not finding any comfort or relief and fear something is gonna happen to me and er docs are joke and treat me like hypocondriac or anxiety but in discharge report suggest i follow up with hospitals cardiology and tell me they can only test on emergency basis and cant tell me whats causing other then anxiety in their opionion cause ekg and labs and chest uktrasound and stomach ct came back normal just showing i have lot of constipation and impacted stool but said they dont think i have anything blocking it from coming out in colon but think its due to opiod med i am on for back issues and pain also saying the opiods cause gi issues like acid reflux
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I'm 40 and have noticed this very strange empty burp in my esophagus, if you will, when I lay on my left side. This last year I've also noticed major swelling in my hands and a red rash that resembles childhood pimple outbreaks on my face. I'm pretty tired all the time but honestly have thought that was because I'm a full time real estate Broker with a three year old and not a ton of help managing our home life schedule (married to a doctor!)

I'm desperate for a diagnosis. No one can figure me out. I've been seeing an internist for 6 months and have been tested for everything from Lupus to Hemotomocrosis. Nada enchilada. Help!!!

Desperately seeking answers.  Was a former college volleyball player and have always been fit, full of life and happy. This is super depressing.
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I knkw feeling im 30 and have same issues fatigue swelling in left leg n foot and left pain in chest breast area and left shoulder and jaw on bottom left side and when i fall asleep get waken up coughing with acid flowing up throat wall and cant breathe and i am so scared i am having hert issues and i have no insurance so im scared to death everyone including my bf and parents downplay as anxiety cause ive had ptsd from abuse as child and adult for years and doctors say that at er and then tell me follow up with gi and cardiologist. I also was diagnosed with hepatitis c 2 years ago so have no clue what cause of any of this is.ive had the gurgling since was kid along wih reflux but unlike alot if people in this thread i burp and have reflux and am ratger gassy
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I've also had this problem for ages. It's super embarrassing as I'm still in school and it always seems to happen when the class goes quiet. I've been turned away many times by doctors and they have absolutely no idea what's wrong and think it's no big deal. However I did a bit of googling and found this article http://www.laopinion.com/2015/01/20/why-is-my-throat-making-%C2%91frog%C2%92-noises/ which is the most promising thing I've read so I might ask my doctor about this. Hopefully this is what we've all got and can be cured because it is really embarrassing and does hold me and I'm sure many of you back from living life to the fullest. - 18, caucasian, female.
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This is exactly what I get, its so embarrassing especially in school Assemblys and its gotten to the point where I feel anxious about it all day, I dot know what to do??
That’s the thing that I hate. I went to the doctor too and they turn me away saying “you’re fine, that’s just how your stomach reacts”. Like wth are they doctors for. They wait until you’re about to die so they can do something about it. I’m seriously fed up!!
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Thank god I found other people who have this problem. I only started getting this a few years ago, maybe when I was 15 but I've never been able to burp as well. I always played it off as nothing and my friends thought I was so weird for not being able to, I'm now 21 and the gurgling has gotten to an all-time annoying level, so much so that I cant sleep at night and have to just wait for it to go away. I was diagnosed with acid reflux but i rarely, if ever, have symptoms of it, I take all the meds for it and have tried all the home remedies but it's not acid reflux I'm trying to cure, I'm just  misinformed. I now know what it is and am starting the Omeprazole today to try and stop it for good. I did notice that when i cut carbs out, it stopped for a bit, ive since started eating them again and it's come back. Hope this stuff works because it's unbelievably annoying in class or with people. Good luck to everyone.
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I have the same problem Im 20 I have never been able to burp neither it also started when I was 15, its so embarrassing because Im a massage therapist and I feel horrible
Omgg! I am 15 and i have this problem. What is it?? I cant burp either idk how unless im sick cuz it just like happens once or twice. Is it going i be something im gonna have forever?
Omgg! I am 15 and i have this problem. What is it?? I cant burp either idk how unless im sick cuz it just like happens once or twice. Is it going i be something im gonna have forever?
Did the omeprazole work?
Did the omeprazole work?
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Ive also had this problem for years! Im 27 years old. When I eat a little more in one sitting or drink alcohol it gets pretty bad. Theres a strange as I would call it a "light roar" that comes up through my throat. I also never burp, only about once or twice a year unexpectedly because of a hiccup. Everyone thinks Im nuts and Im not "relaxing" when I try to burp! Lol. IVe had stomach problems all my life too with bloating and such. Had my gallbladder out recently which helped but Im still having these problems! Anyone have an answer? My docs just tell me acid reflux but the meds didnt work..
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16639922 tn?1449950886
I have it to I'm 70 had it all my life, very embarrassing I'm going to try that OMEPRAZOL over the counter , and see what happens ?
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16639922 tn?1449950886
I have it to I'm 70 had it all my life, very embarrassing I'm going to try that OMEPRAZOL over the counter , and see what happens ?
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This is a very brief article on a problem that maybe behind many of your inabilities to burp and sensations of 'stuck' air in your stomach.


If you discuss it with a specialist doctor then they can test you for it and if necessary there is a surgery to fix the issue.
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I've had this problems since middle school! The worst is when the class was silent and all you could hear was my stomach, classmates would laugh and I would try to hold my breath to make it stop but that made it worse.

It happens if I eat with somebody, and talk at the same time. I think it's because if you eat and speak, you ingest more air, therefore you need to burp more. I CAN burp but I'm terribly embarrassed to burp if someone's around so the air gets stuck and then, if I go to the restroom to try and burp, I can't anymore.

Situation 1. If I'm at a party when all of that happens and I have to dance, it gets horribly painful. I start to hiccup, I feel like there's a balloon in my stomach.

To make it stop, I need to be ALONE, in bed, on my left side and it only takes like 15 minutes until I can burp and then it's all ok.

Situadion 2. If I sit down and eat and talk to people, I get the sounds, not too much pain but I get horribly bloated, so bloated that even if I sit on the toilet for 2 hours I can't do anything.

I was first diagnosed with Gastritis, then IBS but I don't have the typical symptoms of either of those, no stomach lesions, no spastic colon, nothing !!

Only God (or whoever you believe in) knows what it is.

My solution is to avoid eating with people, which is sad. If I do eat, I explain my situation and I try not to drink anything, and eat a small portion of food.

If I have to go on a date / party / dinner, I eat at home, then I go and basically pretend to eat.

Wish I had a better plan.

I'm 24, female, caucasian.

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I know the solution!

I had the same problem for many years. Recently i started to take a medicine called Omeprazol which is for heartburn. You can buy it from a pharmacy whitout prescription. Since I've started to take this medicine my throat has stopped making these annoying noises.
And it has completely changed my life!

Really recommend it !
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I, too, have suffered with strange throat gurgling noises my whole life, as has my brother, so its definitely genetic.  My mom says that both of us were very difficult to burp when we were babies, and now that we're older neither of us can burp voluntarily - I burp maybe a few times a year, completely unexpectedly.  I also don't throw up - haven't since I was young (though my brother seems to throw up just fine), and I have difficulty swallowing things whole (like pills).  Although I used to become really embarrassed by the throat gurgles (especially when they would happen in quiet places, like while taking exams in college), it seems to have gotten better in recent years.  I've never found any correlation between diet and throat gurgles, nor found any other correlation or any remedy that really stops it, other than breathing out deeply - it just stops on its own, when its ready, usually after a few minutes.

I do have an interesting note to add though - I recently became pregnant (18 weeks along now), and it has definitely affected it.  I'd read that when you become pregnant you often burp a lot more, and I wondered how that would affect me, since I can't burp.  It turns out that I do get the "gurgly throat" more (since the burps aren't being released), and if it gets really bad then I'll actually start dry heaving burps.  No food actually comes up (like I said, I don't vomit), but I dry heave nasty burps - I think it's the only way my body knows how to release the pent up air.

Female, 26 yo, Caucasian (Just an aside in relation to another commenter's post - I don't think posting ethnicity has any bearing on the validity of people's comments, but I do think it is interesting to hear what ethnicities seem to be affected by this.  The vast majority (at least the ones commenting here) are Caucasian).
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12116051 tn?1423510618
I have this exact same problem, have had it ever since i was little. unfortunately, nothing helps. i have tried just not eating at all, and that helps, but yeah it's super embarrassing :/ if anyone knows anything, it would be much appreciated!!
~Female, Caucasian, 16
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First of all - I am glad to know I am not the only one suffering from this. Most people and doctors either have no idea what I'm talking about or think I'm crazy when I try to explain it.

However, I think it's funny that everyone is posting that they are 'Caucasian.' lol  I'm not sure why it matters if you're white, brown or what ethnicity or background you are? If someone posts but says they are something other than "Caucasian" are you less likely to believe or trust what they are saying?

I'm almost 40 and I've been suffering from this for as long as I can remember. I can't burp (unless I'm really sick and about to vomit) and I know the noises are so loud they can be heard by other people (because I work in a spa where it's very quiet). I have tried altering my diet, but that didn't work or help. It does seem that at times the noises get worse if I'm hungry and especially if I'm hungry and decide to chew gum. And as someone in another post mentioned, laying on my left side also makes it worse, but switching to my right does make it stop.

I have not been to see an ENT about it. So I am curious about the "pocket in throat" surgery - another poster left. I have asked many of my other general doctors over the years and during my routine visits and check-ups my concerns have been dismissed. All that being said - I am NOT Caucasian. I am a well educated, working mother of 2, born to 2 parents that can burp just fine. Both of my children have no problem burping. Hopefully before I need a facelift, I can find an answer for this gurgling problem. :)
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People post their race as it provides more information on them to better determine the problem as different races are more or less susceptible to different risks, not because they think being caucasian makes others more likely to believe their symptoms. Just as gender and age is an important factor, so is race, the fact that you are "well-educated" however, is most likely an unnecessary comment in regards to these issues. Stop being so sensitive.
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I am also going through the same problem its very annoying ..but i have noticed that these weird growling sounds mostly start after having a meal usually after an hour or so i dont know the exact reason for this and have searched alot ...most people say it is due to gas and indigestion ...or after eating carbohydrates ...but these strange noises start and stop at their own and i have no control over them ....btw i have tried Mucaine suspension it has really helped alot ...and these embarassing noises usually stop after 5 to 10 mins of taking this syrup :) hope this helps some of u
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Just thought everyone would like to know that there is a technical name for the gurgling sound/feeling in our throats that we experience. It is called Boyce's Sign. Boyce's Sign usually comes from a condition called esophageal diverticulum which is a pocket in our esophagus. Fortunately, it is nothing serious but it does cause annoying symptoms: acid reflux, trouble swallowing, trouble burping, neck pain, bad breath and rarely in more severe cases phenomena. If your symptoms are bothersome enough you can have surgery to remove the pocket, but usually surgery is not needed. I too suffer from Boyce's Sign, acid reflux, inability to burp and trouble swallowing. I will be finding out in a week if esophageal diverticulum is the cause for me. Good luck to you all! Hope I helped ease your minds.
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Also i never vomit either, i think i did when i was a young child and the only other time i did was when i was really drunk and was underage.  Id mostly just dry heave if i was about to though.
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Ive had this forever and never thought about googleing it until now! im 26 yr old white male.  I mostly noticed also when i was nervous or after i ate. ( i remembe rkissing girls and making the noise sometimes lol) i just drank all night and ate taco bell and now im doing it worse then ever.... I never burp unless one random one twice a year haoppens.  I swear it has something to do with not beiung able to burp to release the gases.
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Hi katie457, I have had this exact problem since I was 12. Sadly it took me 34 years to figure it out and conquer it. The culprit was carbohydrates, which in turn could be gluten. Still not sure. But try a low carb diet and see if it works for you. Beer, pasta dinners and bread would cause the "growlies" to take over and I was miserable.
A dinner of steak, salad, cheese etc for me = no growlies and a good nights sleep on my side. Hope this helps!
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It gets worse with pregnancy...
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My throat also tends to gurgle. I too, cannot ever remember burping. Sometimes I wish I could just so this problem could go away. I think, if whoever's theory above is correct about the Inability to burp being tied to the gurgling noise,  then I think I am also thankful for it. Burping is considered rude in my opinion, Although I'd hope for the gas in my throat to be released rather than it just sitting there or coming up the esophagus or trachea and back down. It has its pro's and con's. I, for one have never had it checked out but plan to in the future. Unlike most comments above, Mine USUALLY only happens within an hour after eating, and if only i put my head down on a desk at school as I'm in my Senior year of Highschool and graduating in a few weeks.
I'm almost 18, Caucasian and female.
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Both I and my mother have had this inability to burp and gas buildup with throat gurgling; however, she reported to me that she had an epidural during childbirth (with me) and she let out and extremely large burp in the delivery room and has been "cured" ever since. Obviously, we haven't pinpointed a cure, but if that information helps anyone else discover anything that can be done...this is AWFUL to live with! I've never attempted to initiate an air-vomit, mostly because I have what borders on a fear of vomiting and I could never do such a thing to myself. Please keep posting here -- maybe collectively we can find something to help us!!!

Btw, 32 y/o f here; have "accidentally" burped maybe a dozen times as long as I can remember! My mother had this problem until she was about 30.
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I have the same problem, i can't burp, i don't know how to and i get a gurgling noise from my throat after eating a meal or drinking too much. It's not painful bt makes my chest ache sometimes like after you have had hiccups, that kind of ache. Want it to stop, please help:(
i'm female, 16
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