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Ear pain and fullness with headaches and neck pain

I was wondering, does anyone have ear pain without any ear problems?
I have been checked out by Neuro, ENT and GP and NOTHING. I'm wondering if I have TMJ but I don't know.
Here are my symptoms...
Right ear pain
Right ear fullness/ringing
Pain behind right eye
spot headaches on right side
grinding teeth at night
stiff neck - going into my shoulders

I had an MRI/MRA back in Oct and all it showed was chronic sinusitis which I am being treated for by my ENT however he knows the pain is not coming from my ear. I am worried. Could this be an aneursym? I know a tumor or something like that would have showed on MRI. I've heard horror stories about aneurysms in carotid arteries and next to ear. I'm terrified of dying from one. Does this sound like that? Should I have another test? I am going to see a TMJ specialist in March but I feel I can't wait that long and sadly my birthday is tomorrow and I just want to know what is wrong with me! If anyone could help I would be more than greatful. Does anyone know about TMJ or aneurysms?
I would appreciate it...THANKS and good luck to all of you!
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I'm very glad I found this thread, I thought I was alone suffrering through this. I started with Flu like symptoms with ear pain in Dec 2011 . saw my Doctor and she said had ear infection so I recieved antibiotics, did not do much. I feel ear pain, fullness, popping, ringging in my Right ear, waking up with Neck pain on Right side, vertigo symptoms. Saw my ENT and he tested for pressure on my rt ear and it was really elevated, he said possible fluid, so he performed a minor insicion on my ear drum and tryed to suction the fluid out but no fluid. well since then I had MRI, CT, Ultrasound to check my siliva glands possible clogged, but only showed swollen but no blockage. My ENT said possible TMJ wants to send me to Physical Therapy. I have take pain meds (I hate it), was also given hypertension Meds only relifes for a bit, but does nothing. I am tired of going to see the MD, and temp relief. If anybody has a remidie I would like to try. Thx Jrios
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I notice when ENT Dr's can find the problem,they always will say maybe it's a TMJ problem or a brain problem,
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I just found this and like the rest of you am glad I did so.
I’m a 56 yr. old male nonsmoker, non-drinker. I have very loud tinnitus in my left ear 24/7, I also have fullness a lot to the point to where it feels like me ear is going to explode. I have ear pain in same ear and it radiates outward to the top of my head and down to my neck with inflammation.
I’ve see a many doctors and even been twice to the Shea Ear Clinic in Memphis, TN. They did profusion on my ear but it hasn’t helped. I’ve tried acupuncture, chiropractic, vitamin regiments all haven’t helped. In fact as time passes it gets worse. Now I have a burning in the left ear too. I just want my life back.

thanks all Blair
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I'm very glad I found this thread, I thought this was something i just have to live with. I'm 27 years old and about 6 years back I had an intense ear infection, it lasted about two years. I was in hell, a growth grew on my ear that the ENT didn't think was necessary to test, I took medicine a,b, c, d, e, f to treat and it finally went away. However, I had this stuffyness and ringing in my ear that lingered.
I saw a doctor and they told me my nose was stuffed on my right side causing my right ear. I went through medicine a, b, c, d nose spray and they did nothing. I saw about 5 doctors and finally ignored it after I was told its tinnitus ringing in my ear. I thought i would just have to live with it.  
About 2 years ago I started getting headaches and neck pains. My dentist told me i grind my teeth so i started wearing a mouth guard. Now off and on I have neck pains that lead to headaches, than pain in my cheek and jaw.
I saw my regular doctor who recommended massages or muscle relaxers. I hate taking drugs, absolutely hate taking drugs so i started getting massages. They did help a little but the pain came back here and there.
In the last month it's been almost unbearable.
I'm really tired often, the only time i feel comfortable is when I lay down or ice my neck. I am going to see my doctor again and an ENT. If anyone has any help it is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,

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I am suffering with similar issues.  pressure feeling in my ear that radiates to the back side of my ear and then to my lower jaw.  ibuprofen works however as it wears off it all returns.  what in earth can this be...my mind goes to the most horrible places and I'm freaking out.  Please Help
Hi HeidiGreen, welcome to MedHelp.  In all sincerity, I had this too and I had it for a long time. The inner ear is tricky and likely you have some inner ear dysfunction going on.  This can happen because of a virus or because of the Eustachian tube being funky.  Things that worked for me:  reverse ear pops. Hold your nose and blow.  This pops your ears.  Do it several times over and over many times a day.  It kind of has the effect of chewing gum when you get a little pop that gives relief?  But on a bigger scale and it can clear the tube.  An Antihistamine works pretty well too take it for a few days.  These are over the counter and are brand name Claritan and generic name loratadine.  I get the generic (cheap) right off the store counter.  Benadryl is another one but it makes me sleepy.  So, I don't use that.  You can also try pseudophedrine which you buy at the drug store.  You get it from the pharmacist although it is over the counter. They just control how much someone gets.  This is kind of activating so don't take that before bed.  And the ibuprofen is giving you relief, so keep taking it.  If you have pain though, it might be worth getting an ear check. Doctor looks inside and can tell you if it is infected.  Antbiotics can clear that right up.  It is not something to be super scared about as this is common issues that many people have from time to time.  Let me know how you are doing!
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I have had the same symptoms for the past month. Noticed I was dizzy driving on the highway, couldn't drive, then became more dizzy. I have had 4 visits to doectors, first one said there was fluid in my ears, gave me medication for teh dizziness, doesn't really help. I went to my regular Dr. who orded an x-ray which didn't show nay issues in my sinusses. right now I am taking nasonex(2 days in) and medication fior dizziness, Nasonex has helped a bit, but I still have pressure/tingling in my head and still don't hink i should drive, So FRUSTRATING! At least I've stopped thinking I have a tumor since I started reading this thread.
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Just wanted to let you know I'm suffering from the same symptoms.

Here are my symptoms:

1.  Part-way diagnosed with GERD
2.  Swallowing difficulties (food
     getting caught on right side)
3.  Throat spasms
4.  Severe right-sided
5.  Right-sided eye pain with redness
     and excessive watering (pain
     behind eye, in eye, beneath eye)
6.  Sensitivity to light in right eye
7.  Ear pain (feels like I have an ear
     infection, though each time I go  
     to the doctor, I never do)
8.  Pain in right jaw joint
9.  Severe neck pain
10. Severe pain in right shoulder blade
11. Pain in upper right teeth.

My symptoms began about 2 years ago with dental pain, then ear pain, then acid reflux, then eye pain, then jaw pain, then difficulty swallowing, then throat spasms, then neck pain, then pain in shoulder blade.

These symptoms keep me awake at night.

Here's what I've tried that has NOT helped:

1. Root canal
2. MRI of brain - came back perfect.
3. Antibiotics - nothing changed

Here's what my doctor (alternative medicine) has recommended me to do:

1. Try a night guard such as "Doctor's Nite Guard" and
2. Get Myofasial release therapy/trigger point massage.

My Advice:

1. Look into finding a Myofasial therapist in your area - after reading up on it, it sounds like it may finally bring some relief!
2. Google: Myofasial Pain Syndrome and read up on it.

Hope this helps!
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Ok I'm really scared not sure if its gerd lyme disease tmj a tumor abscess or hiv..yeah I know etensive googling lol..but anyway, I have been suffering from symptoms for about 3 months now and I'm bricking it. At first I noticed in this order:(4 mnths) pins and needles, piercing migraine in temple(once 4 mnths ago),(1 month ago)acid reflux,(1 month ago)neck pain/like tightening in throat and a dull stabbing pain sometimes)(3 days ago)jaw pain,(3 days ago)ear pain and just today(14.02.12) painful knee joints, bearing in mind I am 5ft 6 n half and weigh 17 stone I just don't know where to start. I will go to the doctor but I'd just like some thoughts on this ppl, thank u for any replies xxx
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