299260 tn?1304216105

Calling All Women of Strength!!!

A Strong Woman VS. A Woman Of Strength

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings and capitalizes on them.

A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.

Author Unknown.
Michelleinhawaii is CANCER FREE!!! Congrats & best wishes =)
Arlotheslug: We're praying that you're home, loving your little girl!!! Update soon =)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! Congrats :)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long

ArmyPrincess - 40 weeks! (Jeremey is due tomorrow!)
Stacey: BFP!!! 33 weeks!!! C-section 8/12!
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 29 weeks & It's a girl!!! =)
Luvkayln: BFP!!! 17 weeks with her little girl!!! =) (u/s 7/28)
Dnikkki: BFP!!! - 10 weeks!!!
Looloo: BFP!!! 9 Weeks! (twins?!?)
Rachjas: BFP!!! 5 Weeks! (1st u/s Tomorrow!)

Keyan: Will ttc again after only 1 more Lupron shot 8/14!!!
Guesito: Planning to have a tubal reversal & looking for a new RE!
Hannah:  Taking a break, waiting for AF

kmcarino: Retrieval Yesterday, transfer soon!

pyar:  CD7 (appt 7/28)
Candie:  CD7
Mrspace:  CD8
Mamatina:  CD11
Lina: CD16
Naf: CD21
ad_06: CD24
jmh2005: CD28 (On vacation!)

scripps:  6dpt!!!
Mommyin10:  8dp5dt! +HPT! (beta Fri)  
110 Responses
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478429 tn?1265244387
Mommyin10: YAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH-WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm sooooo happy for you!!! I'll be rubbing my belly for you lol!!!!! YAY!!!

Rachjas: Keeping my fx for you today! Good luck and let us know!!!

Mrspace: Yay for no biopsy! Are you done with your clomid this cycle?

Well, I go in for my U/S today!! I can't wait to see the little peanut! Hopefully everything is still looking great! We are going to the fair today so I'll update you all later!!
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449498 tn?1338772039
Dnikki & Rachjas- Best wishes to you both at your u/s's today!! Can't wait to see baby pics! :)

Mrspace- Oh, good! I'm glad you don't have to do the biopsy either! I know you were hoping to get around that, so congrats! ;) Good luck to you!

Mommyin10- :) Only 1 more short day till your beta!! Woo hoo!!! ;) You'll know by noon(ish) your time tomorrow, right? I'll be at work when you find out, but trust me, I'll be logging in to see your great news! :)

Well, I have the day off today! :) Usually my 2nd day off for the week is Sunday, but we have a bridal show to go to for work, so that'll be fun! We provide winetasting there, and just talk to bride to be's about what we offer at the winery as far as weddings/receptions/rehersal dinner's go! Usually at these things I have some wine myself, but not this show! Haha!! :) You know what aggrivates me?! Last week, 2 pregnant women came to the winery with a friend and they BOTH drank and smoked the ENTIRE time they were there! :( Don't they know what a blessing they have??! Uugh... it's just sad, and so unfair to that baby!! :( All the wait staff were just fuming b/c it's just upsetting to see that!!! I just wanted to rush up to them and say " Don't you realize what you're doing can cause still birth, among other health risks?!!!" But they won't think about that until it happens, and then they'll have no one to blame but themselves! I just can't believe their husbands don't say anything, unless they just don't care either! :( Sorry girls, just had to vent!! Well, there's a garage sale down the road today with baby girl's & baby boy's clothes so I'm heading out the door to go! Hopefully I'll find some cute little things, but if not, I'm sure I'll find some on Sat! :) Hope everyone has a great day, and I'll check in later to see updates! :)
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299260 tn?1304216105
Michelleinhawaii is CANCER FREE!!! Congrats & best wishes =)
Arlotheslug: We're praying that you're home, loving your little girl!!! Update soon =)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! Congrats :)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long

ArmyPrincess - 40 weeks! (Jeremey is due TODAY!)
Stacey: BFP!!! 33 weeks!!! C-section 8/12!
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 29 weeks & It's a girl!!! =)
Luvkayln: BFP!!! 17 weeks with her little girl!!! =) (u/s 7/28)
Dnikkki: BFP!!! - 10 weeks!!! (u/s TODAY!!!)
Looloo: BFP!!! 9 Weeks! (twins?!?)
Rachjas: BFP!!! 5 Weeks! (1st u/s TODAY!!!)

Keyan: Will ttc again after only 1 more Lupron shot 8/14!!!
Guesito: Planning to have a tubal reversal...
Hannah:  Taking a break, waiting for AF

kmcarino: Waiting for fertility report, transfer soon!

pyar:  CD8 (appt 7/28)
Candie:  CD8
Mrspace:  CD9
Mamatina:  CD12
Lina: CD17
Naf: CD22
ad_06: CD25
jmh2005: CD29 (On vacation!)

scripps:  7dpt!!!
Mommyin10:  9dp5dt! +HPT! (beta tomorrow!)  

dnikki:  Thank you!!! =)  I'm still sheltering my excitement a bit... I just hope to get a strong beta and then I can burst out in celebration!  =)  Best wishes at your u/s today!!!  I hope you're able to get some pics & that all's well with your little one ;)  Enjoy the fair & keep rubbing that belly!

luvkayln:  Yay!  I'm so glad I'm going in tomorrow instead of Sat!  I will definitely update asap & yes, it should be around noon my time...  I can't believe the girls at the winery ;( And for you to have to see them & say nothing, I'm sure that was frustrating.  Most people definitely do not recognize what a true miracle a baby is, that's for sure!  Well, enjoy your day off! I hope you find some cute clothes =)

mrspace:  Congrats!  That's wonderful news =)  How are you feeling on the 100mg?

rachjas:  Thinking of you today!!!  Please update asap! =)

Armyprincess:  Today's the day!  Best wishes =)

Candie:  Are you feeling better?
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299260 tn?1304216105
Today is Thursday, and so.... Happy 18 Weeks to Luvkayln!!! =)  I'll update your stat tomorrow, sorry!
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688022 tn?1275944889
Good morning everyone!  I am cd9 and feeling okay I guess.  Today is my last day of clomid.  Woo hoo for that.  I am really really starting to feel it.  My ovaries are killing me.  But I'm SO happy about that.  I'm going to start my opks tomorrow.  I am hoping that I O around cd14, but we'll see what happens.  My moods are really bad right now.  DH and I got into a little tif last night but it blew over pretty quickly.  

I have a bridal shower to go to on Saturday.  My cousin is getting married in a month.  I am excited for her.

Other than that...I don't know much!

mommyin10- I am sooooooooo happy for you!  Just a few more days til your beta.  I can't wait for the results!

luvkayln- I'm so jealous that you have the day off.  My boss is gone until Monday, so at least it's quiet in the office. It just gets boring right now.  But oh well.  How are you and that little girl doing?  I'm so excited for you!!!

dnikki-Yeah I am so excited that I don't have to have a biopsy.  I can't believe that AF stopped on its own!  I feel like I'm making so much progress.  It's really great.  Hopefully I O soon and I find out soon.  How are you feeling? How's the job going?

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655897 tn?1328018445
I got my update and 15 and of 16 have divided which is good.  They like to see them between two and four cells at this point and I have 3 at 2 cells, 3 at 3 cells, 8 at 4 cells, which is the best I think, and 1 at 5 cells.  It is a good sign that I had 8 at four cells since last August when I went through IVF I only had two at 4 cells at this point.  I still do not know if the transfer will be tomorrow or Sunday.  If the embryos continue to do well, it will be Sunday.  They will call me tomorrow morning to discuss when transfer will be.  We'll have to wait and see how many are still doing well by tomorrow...I can't wait to find out.

dnikki and rachjas- Good luck at your u/s.  I hope that all is going perfectly:)
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465737 tn?1315754922
I am sooo sorry. I just haven't had the courage to post lately. I didn't know...should I be excited and have hope...or not. The wait until today was horrible. As I walked into the room... I was panicking. My heart was pounding out of my chest. There was a sac. Actually, there were 2 ! We couldn't believe it. Today, I should be 5w6d. The smaller sac measured 4w6d and we are pretty sure there was a yolk sac. The larger sac measure 5w2d and we couldn't find a yolk sac. Based on my inital numbers I should be measuring a week behind. But, I really shouldn't bc we did IVF..we know the exact dates.  We needs a miracle. I am really hoping at least one of my babies pull through.  Blood work at this point isn't really going to tell us much... we know it's going up. We did end up giving blood just to see where it's at...but I don't think any decision will be made off of that number. I think no matter what a decision will not be made until next U/S. The next U/S is 7/30. We need a miracle.. perhaps two.... Please pray for our babies.
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299260 tn?1304216105
Rachjas: Don't apologize! The stress you've been going through is unbearable & I'm so sorry you couldn't just get an "all's well" at your u/s today.  Please stay positive & know we're all pulling for your little ones!!! There will be lots of prayers & bellies rubbed for you & for them :) Take care & keep us posted!

Mrspace: That's great you're moving on to your opk's! =) Enjoy the shower & best wishes for a super-sized O! ;)

kmcarino: That's good so many are dividing well. Our offices do things very different 'cause mine sees them the day after retrieval & decides on a 3 or 5-day based on how many fertilized. I don't think they take them back out til the day of transfer. It's interesting how they're all different in their methods. Sounds like everything's going well :) Good luck!  
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449498 tn?1338772039
Rachjas- I agree! Please don't apologize, we all completely understand how you're feeling and it's scary experiencing what you are, b/c it's all a waiting game! I'm SO shocked that there are 2, that's just absolutely awesome! I know you're worried, but I believe your little ones will catch up and everything will be ok! You're still so early! At my 5+ week u/s, all we saw was a sac too! Hang in there, and of course we are ALL praying for your little ones to make it through this! Prayer is a powerful thing, and God is with you! I know he will take care of you! (HUGS)

Mommyin10- Haha! That's ok that you forgot about me! :(  J/K!!!! :) I'm glad I went to that sale, although they didn't have much newborn stuff, which is exactly what we need! But they had SO many cute outfits for 6+ months, so of course I bought a ton! :) And the awesome part is, I only spent $16.00!!! :) I couldn't resist! They were all little baby gap and old navy outfits and little dresses! Aww... I just can't wait to put Adalynn in them! :) Yes, I'm thrilled for my next appt! I wish it was sooner, but Tuesday will be here before I know it! :) Ok, so tomorrow at noon!! I can't wait!!! :)

Kmcarino- Great news! Congrats! :)

Stacey- Thank you for the note! :) NO, it definately doesn't feel like we're already at 18 weeks, it's just going by so quickly!! But the funny/ironic part is, with Kayln I just wanted to be pregnant forever, b/c it was my first real pregnancy since our 1st ended in m/c. Now with Adalynn, I just want to have her already and be done being pregnant! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being pregnant, but I feel cheated b/c I went through my whole pregnancy last time and didn't get to bring her home. So now I feel like I'm just wanting to rush through this pregnancy, and just get her here and bring this baby home with me this time! Is Jake's room finished yet? I can't wait to see it! What theme did you go with?

Mrspace- Yay for your last pill! It's almost time for me to start stalking your chart again! ;) Hopefully you'll O sooner this time, and it'll end in a sticky BFP! :)

Scripps- How are you feeling? Do you think you'll test before your beta? Thinking of you and wishing you the best! :)
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I'm glad everyone seems to be doing ok.  I had some cramping today--it's been exactly a week since I did the transfer.  Breasts about the same, otherwise nothing to report.  Of course I worry that the cramping could be early sign of my period.  

We're seeing another doctor tomorrow evening because if this cycle doesn't work, we have to change facilities.  Too many mistakes, too little variety in approach, plus it takes an hour and half to get to the hospital from my home via metro and bus.  I was really hoping this would work because the summer is the only time I get to see friends and family since I live in France, and I gave up most of the summer to do this cycle.  It's amazing, the financial, emotional, and physical risks we take to have a child.  

Out of curiosity, has anyone else been told to take baby aspirin while on the 2WW?  They have us take it here, believing it to develop the uterine lining.  Finally, am I right in thinking that some of you take drugs to help with follicle development apart from the fsh drugs like Gonal-f?  If so, could  you tell me what it is--I would like to ask the other doctor tomorrow.

All the best to kmcarino and rachjas during your anxious time.  Mommyin10 and luvkayln, you seem well on your way!  
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p.s. to answer people who have asked me about testing: I don't know what to do.  I have some tests and have read about them on this site.  Roughly speaking, it seems that people get reasonably reliable results after the 11th day or so--does that seem right?  

However, it appears people are using tests like First Response, that can detect low levels of hcg.  The only tests I could find are Clearblue.  The insert says the test can be taken the first day of a missed period.  It says the test is reliable at 99% after 50 mUI/ml.  I'm not sure what mUI/ml means, but if it means the hcg has to be at 50, then I don't see how I could be there already only a week after a 3-day transfer.  

I'm torn, because I don't want to have false hope--anyone who reads my posts can see that I am already quite shaky in terms of confidence about this cycle.  On the other hand, if there is still an embryo fighting to survive, and attitude matters for anything, I don't want to add negativity.  So, I don't know what to do...
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465737 tn?1315754922
Mommyin10- I am sooo excited for your beta tmw! Have you tested anymore?

Luvkayln- So, you only saw a sac at 5+w? I was just concerned bc the larger sac didn't have the yolk, but the smaller one seemed to.....

Dnikki- Can't wait to hear your update!!

kmcarino- I have been following you lately. All seems great. I am sure you will have beautiful blasts to transfer Sunday!

AFM- Just got a call from my nurse.... I was expecting a number around 3684 (doubling from my last beta last week).... Nope... it was 6421!~~ Could I have made up some ground?
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574521 tn?1313495146
Wow!! Great beta numbers! I was in shock when I read there where 2!!! looks like babies are growing and everything is good!! @ my 5 week U/S all we saw was a sac. Don't worry everything will be ok. ****2 OMG**** Sooooo awsome! Congratulations!
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299260 tn?1304216105
rachjas:  Wow!  Your #s are awesome & I'm sure that's given you time for a quick sigh of relief! =)  It sounds like your little ones are definitely making up some ground... and fast!  I'm so happy to hear such good news!  AFM, yes, I keep testing!  I can't help it.  It makes me feel relaxed, just knowing that it's still +.  So, tomorrow is my beta & I sure hope I can breathe a sigh of relief, too ;-)

Guesito:  I'm sorry about dh's job! ;(  I'm sure things will look up soon :)

scripps:  As far as testing too early, you did a HCG trigger shot before your retrieval; right?  That stays in your system for, I believe, 10 days.  So, if you test when it's still in your system, yes, you can get a false +.  Don't count yourself out because of the cramping!  I had cramping last Fri-Sun & Sun was the worst.  I thought to myself, maybe that's my baby implanting?!  So, I tested Monday and it was negative.  At least then I knew the HCG was out of my system...  When I tested next, it was a faint +.  Then it was clearly a BFP!  My dh is mad that I tested.  He wanted me to wait because he was afraid I'd get my hopes up, which I understand completely, but it actually made me feel better.  I needed to prepare myself either way...  I know we're all different, so if you're too nervous, just wait for your blood test.  It's coming up soon!  What meds did you take before your retrieval?  I was on birth control pills for two weeks & Lupron for part of that two weeks, and then continued on the Lupron & started Menopur & Follistim.  I actually had to stop the Menopur & Follistim five days before my retrieval because my estrogen went so high, but then it leveled out & I took my trigger.  Yes, I've been on baby aspirin the whole cycle. From my understanding, it prevents clotting & promotes blood flow to your reproductive organs, so it is a good thing :)  Honestly, if I could describe how I felt before getting my +hpt, it felt like AF was on her way!  So, do not count yourself out, okay?! =)  Take care, best wishes & good luck with the new doc!
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574521 tn?1313495146
Congrats again.... I knew it work out for you. Im sooo posititve your beta is going to come back BEAUTIFUL! You will see. ;) sooooo soooo happy for you!
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465737 tn?1315754922
mommyin10- We are all thinking about you today!
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478429 tn?1265244387
Mommyin10: Good Luck today!!! Let us know ASAP!!!!

Rachjas: 2?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! I am keeping my fx for you and you are also in my thoughts and prayers :-) What wonderful numbers!!! I can't wait for your next U/S! Was this your first IVF?

Stacey: Girl, you are getting closer! Are you and DH all set? I can't wait to see pics of little Jake (just keep baking in there baby lol)...

U/S went great yesterday - baby has gotten so much bigger!!! Still measuring right on and he/she was moving all over yesterday it was too cute! DH was amazed lol! I'll post the picture later today. Well, we never made it to the fair - by the time DS got up from his nap the storms had rolled in and I wasn't feeling that great - I got sick 3 times yesterday... That's alright though, we are taking him to the zoo next week :-)  Check in later!!

Hugs, Love and SSBD to all :-)
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299260 tn?1304216105
Michelleinhawaii is CANCER FREE!!! Congrats & best wishes =)
Arlotheslug: We're praying that you're home, loving your little girl!!! Update soon =)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! Congrats :)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long

ArmyPrincess - 40 weeks! Induced yesterday...
Stacey: BFP!!! 34 weeks!!! C-section 8/12!
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 29 weeks & It's a girl!!! =)
Luvkayln: BFP!!! 17 weeks with her little girl!!! =) (u/s 7/28)
Dnikkki: BFP!!! - 10 weeks!!!
Looloo: BFP!!! 9 Weeks! (twins?!?)
Rachjas: BFP!!! 6 Weeks! TWINS! (u/s 7/30)
Mommyin10: BFP!!! Beta TODAY!

Keyan: Will ttc again after only 1 more Lupron shot 8/14!!!
Guesito: Planning to have a tubal reversal...
Hannah:  Taking a break, waiting for AF

kmcarino: Transfer soon!

pyar:  CD9 (appt 7/28)
Candie:  CD9
Mrspace:  CD10
Mamatina:  CD13
Lina: CD18
Naf: CD23
ad_06: CD26
jmh2005: CD30 (On vacation!)

scripps:  8dpt!!!
Thanks for the good luck & well wishes!  Now that today's the day, I have to admit I am nervous!  I should have my results by noon Pacific time, so I'll update asap =)

dnikki:  Thanks =) I'm glad to hear that your u/s went well & your little one is doing great!  When is your next u/s?  Feel better!!!

Stacey:  Happy 34 Weeks!!! =)

Rachjas:  Happy 6 Weeks!!! =)
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299260 tn?1304216105
Michelleinhawaii is CANCER FREE!!! Congrats & best wishes =)
Arlotheslug: We're praying that you're home, loving your little girl!!! Update soon =)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! Congrats :)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long

ArmyPrincess - 40 weeks! Induced yesterday...
Stacey: BFP!!! 34 weeks!!! C-section 8/12!
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 29 weeks & It's a girl!!! =)
Luvkayln: BFP!!! 18 weeks with her little girl!!! =) (u/s 7/28)
Dnikkki: BFP!!! - 10 weeks!!!
Looloo: BFP!!! 9 Weeks! (twins?!?)
Rachjas: BFP!!! 6 Weeks! TWINS! (u/s 7/30)
Mommyin10: BFP!!! Beta TODAY!

Keyan: Will ttc again after only 1 more Lupron shot 8/14!!!
Guesito: Planning to have a tubal reversal...
Hannah:  Taking a break, waiting for AF

kmcarino: Transfer soon!

pyar:  CD9 (appt 7/28)
Candie:  CD9
Mrspace:  CD10
Mamatina:  CD13
Lina: CD18
Naf: CD23
ad_06: CD26
jmh2005: CD30 (On vacation!)

scripps:  8dpt!!!
Thanks for the good luck & well wishes!  Now that today's the day, I have to admit I am nervous!  I should have my results by noon Pacific time, so I'll update asap =)

dnikki:  Thanks =) I'm glad to hear that your u/s went well & your little one is doing great!  When is your next u/s?  Feel better!!!

Stacey:  Happy 34 Weeks!!! =)

Rachjas:  Happy 6 Weeks!!! =)
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473246 tn?1293833673
Mommyin10 - What a big day for you!!  How is dh doing? I am very excited and feeling very confident for you.  Your hpt test was beautiful and dark so your numbers have to be good!  I love seeing you back on the BFP list :)

Rachjas - Amazing numbers!!!  Your u/s was really early so try not to get too worried.  My first one was at almost 7 weeks...they wouldn't do one before that because it is too hard to see.  I know the waiting is killer but with those numbers there is something baby happening in you!!!

Scripps - I agree with Mommyin10, if you are nervous about testing just wait for your beta.  That will tell the true story.  Cramping is very very normal so don't worry about that!  Hopefully it's a good sign! :) Hang in there!

Dnikki - So glad your u/s went well!!!  Isn't so amazing seeing them move around at only 10 weeks???  Sorry you are still getting sick.  Dh and I are almost ready for little Jake!  A couple of more small shopping trips and we still need to wash all of Jake's things and then organize.  Other than that we feel pretty good! :)  I am just counting down the days!

Luvkayln - I hear you!  I am so excited to get my pregnancy done and to meet little Jake.  I think if I didn't have all the drama around my pregnancy I would not be so anxious and would enjoy it more but...oh well!  Great deals on all the clothes! WOW!

Kmcarino - All the best for your transfer!  Sounds like you will have some great blasts.

Mrspace - Glad you don't have to have the biopsy!  And it sounds like the clomid is making your ovaries work hard...that's good! :)

Candie - How are you?  I really hope you are feeling better!!

We are doing good.  Just hanging around...surprisingly my "to do" list seems to keep growing so I still feel busy.  Poor dh has to keep listening to me and all the things HE needs to do!  I can only write the list!

Happy friday friends and SSBD!!!!
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655897 tn?1328018445
HI ladies:)  I wanted to update you all that we will be having a day five transfer on Sunday.  We have ten that are looking good so far.  Keep me and my embies in your prayers please.

mommyin10- Good luck today!  I have a feeling that your number will be nice and high!

dnikki- I am glad that yoru u/s went great and that you saw the baby moving around:)
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I was so tortured by the waiting and by the sense that I was not pregnant that I had a blood test this morning, 8 days after a day 3 transfer.  The result was 20.  That isn't good of course, but I am truly shocked that it worked at all.  The woman at the lab said that that number means that the embryo has only implanted for a day or two.  I do realize that it may have implanted a few days ago and that the low number means I'm losing it, but even if that happens, I'm glad there has been some result--my first indication that this is possible.

kmcarino--that's great news!  It's wonderful that you get blasts!
mommyin10-I'm feeling for you, as I imagine you are waiting to make that call!

Stacey1718-thanks for the support!

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478429 tn?1265244387
Scripps: That is a good number for you being "just a little bit pregnant"!!!  Just b/c it's at 20 - It doesn't mean you are losing it!!! Keep your head high and go back for another beta in 2 days!!!
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473246 tn?1293833673
scripps - I completely agree with dnikki!  Obviously it is very early but it is definitely a BFP.  As long as those numbers rise you and little one are just fine!!  All the best!
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