1287560 tn?1272216521

july ivf cycle anyone?

Hello everyone, just want to pal up with anyone starting ivf again or for the first time in July. Some of you who read this site alot may have read about our previous ivf attempt, BFP in April but I miscarried 10 days later. We decided to try a couple of months trying natuarly but if no success we are going for one last time at ivf as we know it DOES work with me. So when af arives in July here we go again, on max menopur 450(2 injections a day) plus buserelin injection. good luck and best wishes to each and everyone of you beginning or for those who are in the middle of this process already. melissaxx
208 Responses
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652899 tn?1284047173
I will know tuesday if we are starting then. Fingers crossed that will be:) Best of luck and keep this thread active for those trying in july!!! XOXO Cindy
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1130046 tn?1282042404
Just wanted to say good luck! In the middle of my 2nd after a miscarriage in march! So far ,,so good!
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how are you?? Am ready to go next af which is due next week I'm not sure if I will be on same meds but they worked last time so I expect the same. I was on a sort ivf cycle lasts the 15 day one gonel f for first three days then orgalutron for 10 days !!! I was on 112.5 of final f I hope they increase this to get more eggs!! I have never looked forward to an af in my life!!!! Lol best ov luck to all at what ever stage of the journey your on xx
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809236 tn?1280606158
Just wanted to wish you best of luck! :)
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1305677 tn?1300819420
Hi all we hope to do FET in July, I won't know for another 2 weeks or so... I pray this one works!

Good luck to all starting soon.
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1132307 tn?1357908608
Ill be doing first ivf in July! Start meds at the end of month with retrieval 2nd week in July. Best to everyone!
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1287560 tn?1272216521
Thanks for all your feedback, best wishes to you all and keep each other posted on this site, it does help having support from all that are going through the same as each other , to have a baby.xxxxx lots of baby dustx
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1319924 tn?1282294143
Hi Melissa,
Thanks for starting this thread!
I am on the slow road, 6-7 weeks all up - start BCP 6/21 for 3 weeks, then on to stims for however long it takes to grow a good batch of follies and retrieval in late July.
Best of luck to everyone and wishing you all BFPs!!
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1287560 tn?1272216521
hello, I may be on the same time scale as yourself, have scan on 2nd july, if no period it will probably be because the clomid I am on has given me cyst again! therefore will be put back on bcp to get rid of it, then go onto to stimms until egg retrieval(will be then begin august for me) but if no cyst and lining thin enough, i will begin stimms 2nd july so my cycle will be slightly ahead of yours. best wishes and keep me updated lots love melissax
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1151801 tn?1446596102
I will be doing my first IVF cycle in July.....should have my ER around the 2nd or 3rd week of July and trying for a 5dt.  I am really excited....getting a little nervous but super excited!  Wish everyone the best and lots of prayers and look forward to hearing about all of our BFP's!!!!!!
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1287560 tn?1272216521
best wishes to you on your first ivf, lots of couples have success on their first attempt, we did too(but i miscarried) anyway,  our second attempt approaches and we're  on same time scale as yourself as i am on short protocal and wil be starting stimms for 12 days begin july time, so egg retrieval mid july. keep posting as support really helps, lots love melissax
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1319924 tn?1282294143
Melissa, so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. Wishing all the best for a sticky BFP in July!!

How is everyone doing?

I am not quite through with week one of BC, so still a long way to go. I don’t mind too much that things are moving slowly though, it has been nice to have a break from ttc and taking meds, and to get back into things I forgot I enjoyed like running (always great stress relief!). I’m pretty sure I won’t be doing it for much longer though - does anyone know what level of exercise, if any, is ok during IVF treatment?

Would be great to hear how everyone is doing - what dosage of stims (gonal-f, follistim) will you be taking and how many embies will you transfer?

Is anyone doing acupuncture?

Chelsea xo
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1287560 tn?1272216521
Hello there, as far as exercise goes, my gyny/dr said carry on as normal, swim if you swim , run if you run, all fine before embryo transfer but after wards I will DEF be taking it more easy. Had miscarriage and will never know if it was to do with all the lifting I was doing and rushing here and there(I only have this in the back of my mind as it was the very next morning after I had been lifting heavy that I miscarried)silly I know but if you have a toddler you don't have a choice. Next time my mum and husband will help more. Anyway my stimms consist of menopur and buserelin-will begin 2nd july unless at scan they find a cyst, then back on bcp for 21 days before I can begin, really hope I don't have another cyst, they put me back on clomid and thats what caused it before! I will be on high dosage of menopur 6 lots of 75ml per day as I how low follicle production, probably due to being just 41yrs.Have injections for 10-12 days depending on how follies go, then ER and ET. As we have our beautiful son Alfie, who was miracleously conceived natuarlly, we have requested just one embryo being put back, I know the odds are against us but 3 friends of mine had 2 embies put back and all had twins! its a risk but we would really struggle finantially and physically with a toddler and twins. My gyn says 1 good embie has just as good chance as as 2, theres no gurantees with ivf.
We have also thought about acupunture and we are looking into it, have you heard good reports on it? sorry this is so long!!!! best wishes to you and keep me updated lots love melissax  
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All the best for you Mel in July !!! All will be perfect this time, you will see !!
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1132307 tn?1357908608
Hi July IVF friends!

I'm getting prepared for the IVF in July. Meds should arrive this weekend. I'll let everyone know what dosage of each med I receive. Should have baseline end of next week and then start meds next weekend. Getting VERY excited and pray everyday that we all will be blessed with sweet, little babies in July!!

Take care everyone!
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1132307 tn?1357908608
Hi Chelsea,

You asked the question about acupuncture. Are you going to do it? I've heard pros and cons about it- not sure if I'm going to try it or not. There's a place right across from my work that I was thinking about going to.

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1340676 tn?1309281062
I am praying to see positive posting and lots of babies. I will be following this post closley, because i start IVF in August...My doctor didnt have a IVF session in July....Baby Dust to everyone....
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1319924 tn?1282294143
Hope everyone is doing well!!

Melissa - will be thinking of you on July 2nd and hope that you don’t have a cyst from that dastardly clomid (not a fan of the stuff) and can get started!

Jen & Melissa, I have been unsure whether to go ahead with acupuncture so decided to do some research on the subject. Below is a summary of what I found – warning (extra long post)!!

There’s also research which says it can be helpful for DH during IVF too, but I haven’t included this for now.

I have decided it can do no harm and I will give it a try – I have an appointment on Monday near work. Jen, I think your idea of going somewhere convenient is a good one – the last thing any of us need is more stress with getting to appointments. I tried acupuncture in April 2009 and didn’t find it relaxing at all but will give it another chance. If I still feel the same way about it though I won’t continue as I think that if it adds stress it isn’t going to help. Will let you know how I go.

And some extra info: it seems like a good idea to go to an acupuncturist who specializes in fertility and IVF, if possible, as they will be familiar with the research and know about how to best time the acupuncture treatments with IVF stages. Another important thing is that some acupuncture therapists also provide herbal supplements – these can be good for natural conception but are definitely not for us – with IVF we have everything we need and supplements may interfere with IVF meds (prenatals only for us!).

Ok, so here it is:
Research suggests that acupuncture may be helpful to couples undergoing in-vitro fertilization (IVF).  In 2002, a team of German researchers discovered that acupuncture significantly increased the odds of pregnancy among a group of 160 women who were undergoing IVF treatment. Forty-two per cent of the women who received acupuncture got pregnant, compared to 26 per cent of those who didn't receive the treatment.[1]

Since then, more research has given support to the benefits of acupuncture for women undergoing IVF. One study, also in Germany, reported that conception and ongoing pregnancy rates were higher for women who had acupuncture treatment in the second part of their menstrual cycle (the luteal phase) following IVF or ICSI.[2] While a Danish study found that conception rates were best improved by having an acupuncture treatment on the day the embryos were transferred into the uterus.[3] Their findings also showed that having an additional acupuncture treatment two days later did not improve the chances of conception or ongoing pregnancy.

So how does it work? Nobody really knows, but researchers think that acupuncture may help increase blood flow to the uterus and relax the muscle tissue, giving the embryos a better chance of implanting. Most experts believe that we need larger and better studies, ideally random and double blind trials, using fake needles for some patients and real ones for others, in order to really know whether acupuncture is effective.[4]  In some of the studies mentioned above, the patients and healthcare providers knew that acupuncture was performed, so the studies weren't "blind" and the success of the treatment might have been due to what's known as the placebo effect. Perhaps it was the patients' belief in acupuncture, rather than the acupuncture itself, that accounted for the treatment's success.

However, in the end it doesn't matter that much whether the success of acupuncture is a placebo effect or not. The bottom line is that acupuncture is relatively safe, and if it improves fertility, even if it's only because you think it does, it may be worthwhile.

[1] Paulus WE, Zhang M, Strehler E, El-Danasouri I, Sterzik K. 2002. Influence of acupuncture on the pregnancy rate in patients who undergo assisted reproduction therapy. Fertil Steril, 77(4):721-4
[2] Dieterle S, Ying G, Hatzmann W, Neuer A. 2006. Effect of acupuncture on the outcome of in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection: a randomized, prospective, controlled clinical study. Fertil Steril. 85(5):1347-51.
[3] Westergaard LG, Mao Q, Krogslund M, Sandrini S, Lenz S, Grinsted J. 2006. Acupuncture on the day of embryo transfer significantly improves the reproductive outcome in infertile women: a prospective, randomized trial. Fertil Steril. 85(5):1341-6
[4] Chang R, Chung PH, Rosenwaks Z. 2002. Role of acupuncture in the treatment of female infertility. Fertil Steril. 78(6):1149-53
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1319924 tn?1282294143
How is everyone else doing?
Loveday – that’s so exciting, you are well on your way now. Wishing you lots of beautiful embies!
Cindy414 – wishing you a swift AF so you can move onto the next step.
Marceyb – where are you up to?
Jamaicababy - are you with us for July?
whynot123 – how are you doing with the nasal spray?
Levi97 – thank you for your good wishes and hope we can provide you with lots of inspiration for your August journey.
Wishing you all truckloads of babydust!!!
Chelsea xo
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hiya ,
still on the nasal spray waiting for the 5th july to hurry up and come round so i can start the injections then transfer,soooooo wish i knew if this is going to work hoping and praying it does.anyway will keep everyone posted.hoping everyone gets the bfp that we have all been wishing for xxx
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1151801 tn?1446596102
Thanks for the well wishes....I am praying for lots of embies too :-)  So have you decided if you are going to try the accupuncture?  I actually did accupuncture during all 5 IUI cycles that I did and it really helped calm me.  I know it is different for every person.  I am actually going to do accupuncture with this IVF cycle as well, but with a different facility that is closer to home.  I was going to a place that was about 45 minutes from home but it was close to my RE office.  Now that I am going to a different RE I am going to go to this place that was highly recommended here in the area.  So you are still on BC right?  When are you looking to be done?  I have my baseline b/w & u/s on Friday.....I am nervous.  I hope and pray I have no cysts!!!  
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1287560 tn?1272216521
hello all, feeling very cheesed off, had scan at clinic and yet again I have a cyst(3cm) cannot start stimms for 3 weeks , taking birth control pill to collapse it which it did last time. So angry the dr put me on clomid after it gave my cyst last time, now its done it again, my lining is nice and thin but the cyst prevents me from beginning the treatment. Best wishes to all in july cycle, i will now hopefully be starting third week in this month, please all keep me posted with your progression, it gives me great support to know how u all do.melissax
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hi all im starting end of july e/c august. et early sept.. ive had 3 failed icsi. but just found out i have raised anticardiolipin antibodies.. any advice.. this is my final attempt... pray it will work xx
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