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does chronic appendicitis exist?

Here I go again looking for answers! at 16 was told I had IBS,wasnt too bad nothing I couldnt handle or tolerate..have some bad days constipated or the big D with cramps but didnt hit me like what im having now for last 7 months,usually had relief after bm, now its severe abdominal pain,belly button area, low left and right side pain,,sometimes radiates upper area and pelvic/rectal pain,stabbing pain,not crampy.Lost almost 60lbs,metal taste in mouth,heartburn,bloating,bad nausea,hair loss,appetite loss due to the pain (was on ensure but just now starting solid food..nothing agree's with me)bm's alternate,fever and night sweats,trapped gas (i havent been able to pass gas in months)alot of bowel noises and rumbling.After bm still continue to have urge to pass gas or stool but cant,Many trips to er,nothing can be found wrong,but this mimics appendicitis or  sometimes partial bowel obstruction,few times a month wake from sound sleep with "gassy diarrhea attacks" feel clammy/sweating/ feel like im gonna die.In April was in hospital for 3 days for this pain.Have had many procedures,tested for porphyria,celiac lactose intolerent,sprue,negative,mercury/toxin poison now.waiting on results.Many catscans,pap/pelvic exams,and ultrasounds,
Colonscopy-normal?,gi noted on biopsy some inflammation,said its ibs.
hida scan-gallbadder is ok
laparscopy-no endometriosis
kidney ivp-no stones
I'm 28 and use to be active,I had to quit my job (cosmetologist) because most of time I cant even stand up,any ideas or similar experiences appreciated,ty (:
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Thanks for your post it gives me hope . I think I might be begging my doctor  to have my appendix removed he did not seem so hot on the idea to begin with but I feel like I'm on my death bed. I  had so many tests and  then I had  exploratory laprascopic surgery two small ovaries,  but the dr did not think it was causing my issue, She told me at this point it was reasonable to just ask the doctor to have my appendix removed, She told me that she saw tons of women come in super sick thinking it was a female issue which she ruled out , She told me that the medical doctor  orders to have the appendix removed and then the patient returns to there life!
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When I was a in the ER an older doctor that had worked in the ER for eons gave me the statistics on how many people go to the ER with low right quadrant pain and have appendicitis and the appendix is removed . And how many people actually are sent away because the scan does not show that it is NOT inflammed enough so a large  number of people sent away return to the ER  months later with APPENDICITIS!  So the ER doctor that work there may very well know they will see you back
Do not suffer it is there job to help us get well and get to the bottom of the issue.  
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Chronic appendicitis does exist there are so many cases where the after the poor patient has suffered to the point of death the doctor orders to remove the appendix and the patient is cured,
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I started having pain on my right side below and to the right of my belly button in May 2011 which was misdiagnosed. The pain was the worst I have ever experienced. I was first diagnosed with cystitis, then IBS. I became really ill with it - fever and vomiting.

I had lots of trips to doctors and hospitals, and lots of tests. Scans didn't pick up anything and urine tests would always have blood and protein, which doctors said could mean any infection. They guessed gut or bladder infections.

Over 18 months the pain came and went. When it came, I would be in so much pain that I would be confined to my bed for days. I was prescribed increasingly strong painkillers while doctors palmed me off with more and more antibiotics, telling me to keep an eye on it. At my worst points, I lost 10 kg in weight, collapsed while at a work conference in Sweden and suffered depression.

I discovered forums like these and they really helped me. I looked into chronic appendicitis and took journal papers to my GP to beg her to consider the possibility. She said all the doctors in the surgery had a meeting about me and agreed there was no such thing!

I eventually convinced a doctor to take my appendix out while they were doing a diagnostic laparoscopy. (By the way, a gynaecologist was doing this - I was a 25 year old woman and so doctors automatically assumed the problem was gynaecological when they ran out of their other options). When I woke up after the surgery, doctors said the same thing to me, that the appendix looked fine but they'd taken it out anyway. They also found adhesions - scar tissue that was sticking my intestines together that resulted from a nasty infection.

I just got the results of the lab analysis of my appendix. It was appendicitis! The appendix was blocked, and the cells were all transformed, as if the tissue was trying to heal. I have spoken to people since and they have all said I was very lucky my appendix did not burst over the 18 months of recurring appendicitis.

I just wanted to thank you all for sharing your stories, and giving me the drive to look into this, and push to get it done. You really do need to take your health into your own hands and push for treatment. It's difficult when you're very sick but it really pays off.

All the best to all of you.
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Who can we contact at Cleveland Clinic? Do you remember the Dr that helped you? I am desperate and also angry at his Ped GI that responds with "He doesn't have that!" every time I try to suggest something I have been reading about. He wants to just refer my son to a pain clinic. Ugh! I am near Knoxville but I will go to Ohio if that will put an end to this nightmare.
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I am having the same problem with my son. LRQ pain for YEARS with no diagnosis. Some days he is OK, others he can't get out of bed, pain is usually worse early am to about lunch time. He has had several ~oscopies including the camera, 2 CTs both normal, barium, gastric emptying, etc. all normal and his ped GI wants me to take him for a psychological evaluation to see if it is anxiety. Meanwhile he cannot function and he is in legal trouble over school. Everywhere we go it is the same thing, we can't find anything wrong, his appendix is fine, etc. but he has been complaining of this pain since he was about 8 and he is now 16.
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