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does chronic appendicitis exist?

Here I go again looking for answers! at 16 was told I had IBS,wasnt too bad nothing I couldnt handle or tolerate..have some bad days constipated or the big D with cramps but didnt hit me like what im having now for last 7 months,usually had relief after bm, now its severe abdominal pain,belly button area, low left and right side pain,,sometimes radiates upper area and pelvic/rectal pain,stabbing pain,not crampy.Lost almost 60lbs,metal taste in mouth,heartburn,bloating,bad nausea,hair loss,appetite loss due to the pain (was on ensure but just now starting solid food..nothing agree's with me)bm's alternate,fever and night sweats,trapped gas (i havent been able to pass gas in months)alot of bowel noises and rumbling.After bm still continue to have urge to pass gas or stool but cant,Many trips to er,nothing can be found wrong,but this mimics appendicitis or  sometimes partial bowel obstruction,few times a month wake from sound sleep with "gassy diarrhea attacks" feel clammy/sweating/ feel like im gonna die.In April was in hospital for 3 days for this pain.Have had many procedures,tested for porphyria,celiac lactose intolerent,sprue,negative,mercury/toxin poison now.waiting on results.Many catscans,pap/pelvic exams,and ultrasounds,
Colonscopy-normal?,gi noted on biopsy some inflammation,said its ibs.
hida scan-gallbadder is ok
laparscopy-no endometriosis
kidney ivp-no stones
I'm 28 and use to be active,I had to quit my job (cosmetologist) because most of time I cant even stand up,any ideas or similar experiences appreciated,ty (:
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Don't let them rule out Chronic Appendicitis.  All tests, ultra sounds, CT scans, etc. look normal.  Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, performs surgery on cases every month that other doctors pooh-pooh as non-existent.  The laparoscopic surgery to remove the "normal" looking appendix can provide almost immediate relief, with pathology reports following a few days later to confirm/deny diagnosis. My friend's 10 year old daughter suffered severe pain for 15 weeks, not helped by home-town doctors, then slept through the night after surgery at Cleveland Clinic.  For some reason part of the gastrointerology community refuses to acknowledge chronic appendicitis.  
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I have a 7 yr. old nephew with similar symptoms, extreme abdominal pain followed by vomiting then fever on episodes of once or twice a year until this weekend.  He is in the hospital at this time with episodes every 4 hours or so.  The pain and fever is relieved with medication.  Once the medication wears off, another episode starts.  

Doctors cannot find a cause since all tests including blood work look normal.  They are ruling out appendicitis since they claim that medication would not ease the pain if it was appendicitis.

Any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thank you.    
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Oh my ! I want to hug you because you basically gave people an great deal of insight about a test they need to take to help determine the cause! I too have been so sick I cannot even  begin to tell you my life has been upside down.. Started with pressure in my stomach pressure under my rib cage, nausea, chills fever dizziness, sleep deprivation from the pain.  rash on my face , sometimes  pressure on the right side sometimes lower right quadrant .  The GI specialist didn't find anything so he told  me maybe I  have anxiety ..I'm semi retired and young  I have zero anxiety! . I was diagnosed with  SIBO ...seriously my symptoms seemed way beyond SIBO.  I kept seeing more DR.ND chiropractor that maybe my alignment was off, I saw  energy workers, Ayurvedic dr.Chinese med dr  you name it I saw them!! Until my relative who is an surgeon MD  suggested a Upper GI Baruim with a Follow Through and poof the answer appears Appendix ..It took almost eleven months to figure it out and I actally read that appendicitis is caused by protozoa  I wish I could recall the exact species  it is two words and that it  can be easily cured. Can you IMAGINE That ? Just what if you went to the ER /DR only  once and they checked you for that and gave you some pills and it kills the protozoa. WOW/ ,Most doctor have no idea it seems so unbelievable  the pain and suffering ...the time and energy that some of you poor people have suffered my gosh ,  my heart really goes out to you! I'm so done with all the pain and suffering .  Once they nailed it I was at the end of my rope well I was happy that it was finally over
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i have had pain in my stomach for almost 5 years now and every one call me crazy they think i am making all is pain up and when i go to the er they think iam there for drugs  they are wrong i have chronic appendicitis and ibs but what hurts most is the side where the appdix is
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Your story is SO similar to mine.  A few months ago, my husband and I were camping deep in the woods in a pop up camper, two dogs, two kayaks, two bikes.  I spent the weekend walking the dogs, biking, kayaking almost 24/7.  The night before we were to leave, I woke up with excruciating pain on the right side.  Thought I had just pulled a muscle and decided to suck it up until we got home in the morning.  A five hour trip after my husband had to pack everything up and drive 2 hours.  I was curled up in the front seat with a pillow.  I could hardly walk for a week and was in major pain, but never thought to go to a doctor.  Took some aspirin and pain went away.
A couple of months later similar symptoms reappeared again.  I had a gyn appointment and mentioned to my doctor who thought I had just pulled a muscle, too.  Took aspirin and pain went away.
But even people at work told me later that I always seemed tired, not quite right.  A month after the second episode, I was at work and had a strange feeling on the right side.  Not quite pain, but didn't feel right.  I went home, and within an hour was doubled over in excruciating pain.  Long story short, ended up in ER with acute appendicitis.  Had a laporoscopy and woke up in ICU - the appendix had been leaking and was ready to rupture.
As a final note - I explained all my symptoms to the doctors and colleagues at work (I work in a health oriented environment) and ALL of them said that the previous incidents were unrelated.  I don't believe them and am sure that I experienced chronic appendicitis.  I am 8 weeks after surgery, and have no pain and lots more energy.  Interesting thing the doctor told me was that he had a hard time finding the appendix.  It was shorter and stubbier than expected; about half of the normal length.
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I had the same problem in the past three years, starting with uncomfortable feeling in the upper abdomen, then nausea, vomiting, and the pain going down in right lower abdomen and around navel. Symptoms are resolving in maybe 48h. I had those attacks almost every 3-4 months in past three years, but with time they got very mild so usually when i get to the doctors they thought it's maybe ovulation, or some ovary cysts, urinary infections, kidney stones etc. I've done bunch of tests (CBC, urine, ultrasound, MRI) which showed nothing, everything was fine, but i still had pain, and starting to believe maybe I'm hypochondriac. Anyway month ago i had the attack, with severe pain, never felt like that before, with vomiting, high temperature, in the end my appendix got perforated and i went for an urgent surgery. Fortunately everything went fine, perforation was blocked by surrounding intestines so it didn't make any complication, i feel good now. Anyway everyone who has the same symptoms i am recommending you to take a seriously the problem, make some tests, at least CT scan, because consequences may be very serious.
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