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Recurring anxiety

Hi people

Last year, I've posted a question on a presumed possible exposure to HIV. That was in October last year. I took HIV and STD test a few days after the exposure and all results yield negative. However, I was deemed at Zero risk by Dr Hook. The same is also said by the clinic's Doctor. I did not went back for further testing since I was deemed to be Zero risk. Simply put I engaged in protected oral sex and protected penetrative sex (although there was no ejaculation)
Case can be found in this link:

In the early part of this year, I engaged a service with a prostitute from Thailand who was on a social visit past while in Singapore. Realizing my zilch appetite for all forms of STDs, I engaged in unprotected oral sex ( there was no ejaculation). After this encounter, I did not went for further test since oral sex, protected or not, was not deemed a risk exposure. I have no further exposure to any form of intimacy ever since. I got into a relationship recently and have been highly paranoid when kissing my girlfriend and I never went beyond kissing due to a strong fear.

I have been in severe depression since October a year back over a failed relationship. I have been put on 30 mg mitazapine and hydroxine. 2 months back, however, I had bad cough with phlegm for over a month. General practitioner diagnosed me with bronchitis. I did not recovered. Last week, I visited a hospital and did several tests pertaining to allergies and a breather test and I was diagnosed with dust mites allergies and rhinitis/ post nasal drip.
Somehow, it sparked the anxiety in me and it led me to think that I might have contracted HIV. I know its irrational but for the past one week I have been waking up in the middle of the night having difficulty breathing due to a strong fear. I am in the army after having been conscripted since last year. There are strong thoughts of suicidal tendencies.
People, I want to know if there are any cases, documented or otherwise, regarding HIV transmission via unprotected oral sex?
22 Responses
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480448 tn?1426948538
There is no way we would have a clue what is wrong with your toe.  It certainly has NOTHING to do with HIV, which is the purpose of this community.  If you are concerned, see your doctor.
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It looks like a small corn
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But why is there an elevated piece of hard skin the size of a pin head between my toes? It has the shape of a chancre except it doesn't look like those which are found on the net. Could this chancre has healed hence the colouration similar to my skin while the bacteria remains in my body?
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480448 tn?1426948538
As you were already told...your problem is with anxiety and irrational thinking.  

" I have been preparing ways to end my life in the case I am infected. I've begun carrying a personal Swiss knife to end my life in case I'm pricked by any needles in the street. ."

This statement speaks clearly of your need to seek professional mental health help promptly.  You will not move on from this kind of thinking without it.

This forum cannot help you any longer as you do not have an HIV concern.
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I've noticed a small elevated skin that is similar to a chancre in between my toes. It has that typical "hole" except it is harden and with coloration similar to the surrounding skin. Is it syphilis..I can't believe this is happening...
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Given this last post I urge you to seek out mental professional help as soon as possible.  You yourself has described your thoughts as paranoid and I tend to agree with you.

You are not at risk and you will not get pricked by a needle in the street, these thoughts are those of a mind that, at present, is very irrational and as you said paranoid.

Facts are facts and will not change, you are being driven by fear.  Only the help of a professional and more than likely some medication will help you.  You can seek all the reassurance from here you want but you will not get over this without seeking one on one help.
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The facts tell me I am unlikely to be infected but with all the extreme paranoia I have been preparing ways to end my life in the case I am infected. I've begun carrying a personal Swiss knife to end my life in case I'm pricked by any needles in the street.
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You yourself can see that you worry is irrational this is a very good first step in self awareness and conquering OCD.

Antihistamines will not effect test accuracy, giving or receiving oral sex will not transmit HIV, mutual masturbation will not transmit HIV, rimming and frottage will not transmit HIV.  YOU DO NOT HAVE HIV.

You do however, have a deep rooted OCD that requires medical attention.  You will never get over this until you begin to address the fact that your fear is not real and it is your OCD brain making you believe it is.

You are presenting us with fear and not facts, I understand you are scared but you do not need to be scared of HIV and OCD is a very treatable mental health problem once recognised and addressed. You recognise it you just need to start working on getting better.

HIV is not your problem, but deep down inside you already know that don't you?  Your OCD needs to cling to something in order to keep going and at the moment it is HIV, it could be a million other things.  The illness is the same regardless of the topic, obessions, ruminations, urges and compulsions.

You can get better you just need to try and coming on here searching for reassurance is not going to help you.
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As you already know oral sex contains no risk of HIV transmission. Please listen to the advice of others and seek mental help.
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I'm sorry, the last encounter involving only unprotected oral sex was 10 months ago.
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Also, I've been taking an antihistamine known as LORATADINE and am worries as to whether this medication could have affected the test results.
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I am usually highly rational and employ a logical framework from which I make decision. Yet, when my OCD reacts I develop a strong fear and paranoia towards all forms of pathogens and viruses-this, especially so when in the case of HIV. It seems I can't help but think that I fall outside of the test's accuracy given that no tests are 100% accurate due to a myriad of factors and product failure.
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nothing that you have brought to the forum out you at risk for HIV and you did not need to test.  

You did however, test to give you peace of mind.  The negative that you received from this test is conclusive, no further testing is required.  You do not have HIV.

I suggest you get some counselling, it seems that you have an irrational tendency to think HIV whenever you feel a physical symptom that you are  not used to.  Lots of people get sick and lots of people do not have HIV.  You will very easily get into a viscous cycle of testing and re-testing to appease you.  This is how OCD works, you obsess over something and then come on here or get tested for reassurance.  You will be reassured for a short while and then something new will trigger the worry and off you go again with the internet and testing.

The only way to move on from this is by addressing this issue for what it is, anxiety, not HIV.

Seek out some professional help, you sounded desperate in your post and you do not need to feel like this.  Medication and a therapist can help greatly so that HIV is not the first thing you think about.
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Hi Teak

I went ahead with the test. My last sexual encounter was between February and April. This makes it about 7-8 months since that event. The HIV rapid blood test yield a negative. However, I've requested for a HIV antibodies screening. Results should be out by a week.
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You keep on thinking that. You never had an risk. Have a good day.
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I believe false positive results are statistically low. Product failure occur. Upon attaining a true negative I will move on once and for all.
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And what would you do if you received a false positive test result? You can't accep thatt you never had a risk. I suggest you move along.
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I see the idiocy of my worries. I do not wish to hamper your time either as I believe they're better of spent on note-worthy case. Nonetheless, I will be going for a test to appeal to my anxiety. What is the test that would yield result in the shortest time possible. Is it oraquick? (at under 20 minutes)
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What part of you didn't have a risk is it you don't understand?
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I want to go for a blood test. I have the Oraquick test in mind. Is it highly accurate?
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I understand Teak. I have all correct knowledge of HIV transmission. I seem to be caught in a strong "analytically paralysis" scenario and it is severely affecting my life. I haven't had more than 5 hours uninterrupted sleep for about a week and I am starting to feel the physical exhausting.
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Seek professional mental help, you do not have an HIV concern.
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Condoms are the most effective way to prevent HIV and STDs.
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