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Is it herpes or genital warts

The last time I had sex was August 3, since then I didnt have sex, few weeks ago, I had some perineum cuts.  I went to OB-GYNE and had pap test and High Vaginal Swab test, tests were normal, I asked my OB about the cuts, she can't even explain to me, she just gave FUCICORT cream which I applied to my perineum cuts(from vagina to anus), these perineum cuts are like paper cuts, and after I put the cream, after a day, it's gone, then it didn't come back, but since starting of Nov. I was experiencing some skin protruding on the left side cut I had before, i had 1 tiny bump like skin tag, but not hanging, and 2 like warts but doesn't look warts and I can't explain, it's a bit rough, not even look like blisters, I am always checking my vagina if I have some warts inside or in vulva and i have nothing.  Please help me .. I am freaking out.
63 Responses
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101028 tn?1419603004
no, herpes won't come and go this quickly.

warts are a cosmetic issue only, not a health risk. Not a big deal to stop treating them at this time.   I'd consult a different gyn at this point to be honest. I'm a bit suspicious of the diagnosis the gyn you usually see. usually these aren't warts but just normal skin.  Very easy to remove one and send it to the pathology lab to confirm.
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Grace, I haven't gone to my Gyne last Tuesday but I went to my GP last thursday, I was wrong, I thought it was rash, but it just instantly occurred as painful sores.  I had it Monday, it was gone Tuesday.  I told my GP bout that sores, she said it's herpes, when she looked inside my vagina, I have 2 ulcers, 1 big and 1 small which are painless, she said maybe it's syphilis.  She didn't swab on anything.  If I will get tested, I need to pay more for herpes and syphilis test.  I asked her if it's possible that it 's the cream, she said, it's possible .  This is what happened grace, I put on aldara Saturday last week , then painful sores appeared on left and right side of perineum(vagina to anus), Monday, I got that painful sores.  I am supposed to put Aldara on Monday but I didn't, so after I had my appointment with GP, I put again aldara, then this saturday, I had this painful sores again.  I am suspecting it's Aldara.  

If this is herpes, is it possible that it will occur on Monday and gone in Tuesday and again appear on Saturday? And I've got slight pain that saturday when I sit, it's like pain in the buttocks because of the painful sores i have(the pain is close to the painful sores like the pain is in the bone or something).I will totally stop aldara for the meantime, the problem grace is that, i have 3 warts inside my vagina now and 1 outside.I still have to wait end of january to get all these since the Doctor who can get all these is on vacation. :( , what do you think grace?
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101028 tn?1419603004
i'd follow up with your gyn monday .
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Sorry again grace, this morning, when I went to the toilet, I checked mine, the black sores that surrounds urethra are slightly black now but inflamed urethra, an ulcer/like canker sore formed on that black thing last saturday on the right side of labia minora, 2-3 weeks ago, i have like skin irritation/rashes on the right side as what I have told  you last time, now, i have both, right nd left side rashes which the center is perineum area (vagina to anus), the rash formed on the left side are likes small sores,like they were pressed by a needle at the center to have open sores but they are very small..  It's like everyday , i have a new symptom down there, it just doesn't stop.  It makes me crazy each day.
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101028 tn?1419603004
sounds like normal skin issues from the aldara. Honestly at this point I'd stop using it.  
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grace, last night, an ulcer formed on that right side labia minora inside, the spot i told u aside from urethra.  It formed an ulcer/like canker sore, it's only one on the right side, but isn't painful when i press it.  And i started to have yellow discharge.  Do you think this is herpes now?   I just dont get it.  Why did these black thing that surrounds urethra and a spot that now turned into ulcer/canker sore right after I finished taking Acyclovir.  Do you think this is a side of Acyclovir or Aldara?

And I've been asking the stupid guy if he has herpes, he is telling me, he has nothing, nothing on his body, he didn't get sick , no flu or whatever.

Do you think this is yeast infection even I had test with Chlamydia,Trich,Candida and Gardnirella which are all negative?  I have an appointment tomorrow, but I just want to know what you think about this grace, if you think this doesn't sound herpes still.
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I am not applying aldara on that area, only on the right side of vaginal opening inside, coz I have wart inside and she told me to put aldara on it, Its impossible for aldara to scatter there on urethra.   :(
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101028 tn?1419603004
you weren't applying aldara in this area were you?
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I just made an appointment, it would be on tuesday.  I just hope she won't declare it's herpes, coz I can't take to have a double such deadly diseases in this world.  thanks a lot for the info grace, i'll just update you on tuesday.  Good night
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101028 tn?1419603004
I'd try to see your gyn monday if you are able to get an appointment. hopefully they do a more thorough job.
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She didn't do any testing Grace since I had chlamydia, trich, gardnirella,candida tests a week ago and all are negative.  These black sores just came out suddenly yesterday morning, right the day after I finished Acyclovir.  For me, they look like ulcers.  I am so afraid now.  I am looking for some Urethritis or whatever, couldn't find any answers, I dont even feel any pain when I urinate.  It's itchy actually but tolerable if I press it, I dont scratch it.  And still my throat hurts, this is over a month now with my throat, still getting answers since I've been through a lot of tests. :(
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101028 tn?1419603004
so no testing for yeast and bacterial infections vaginally. No swabbing of the lesion for bacterial skin infections? nothing?

usually when the lesions look black it's because there was enough irritation to cause bleeding. This typically doesn't happen with herpes and recurrences also tend to be single lesions.
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My GP said yesterday, it doesnt look herpes, but whenever i look at it, it looks like black ulcer surrounding urethra and another black ulcer on the right side of labia minora.  GP said, it it opens and i feel any pain, she's gonna swab it.  

Grace, am I right with my conclusion? that, it is not herpes because I have just finished Acyclovir for a week, then after 1 week, these black ulcers/sores on urethra appeared?

I really couldn't find any answers on net. It's black sores/ulcers which is painless
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101028 tn?1419603004
it doesn't sound at all like herpes going on.

ddi your gp bother to do any testing at all?
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Grace, Im wrong, I think it is in Urethra itself, it's black , painless sores surrounding the urethra.. :(
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Grace sorry again, today morning(Saturday), I freaked out after seeing black spots(looked like burnt by cigarette), 3 of it, and another 1 is on the right side labia minora below my urethra, it's not painful, it's just itchy sometimes, it's in the middle of vaginal opening and clitoris which is below the urethra.  Last Saturday, I was given by my doctor Acyclovir, just yesterday I have finished Acyclovir(friday), then this morning(saturday), these spots appeared.  I went to my GP this morning and let her check it, she said, it looks like burnt spots , she didn't give me medicine.  She said it doesn't look like herpes, and she said, if it opens and if it hurts, she will swab it for herpes.  Do you have any idea about this?  Does this sound herpes?

I was thinking if it's herpes, why would it appear right after I finished 1 week Acyclovir 800 mg.?  Please help me grace..
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ok i'll do that, thanks grace.. :)
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101028 tn?1419603004
yes you can.
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another question, shall I apply estrogen cream even the cuts are present?
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101028 tn?1419603004
recurrences can go away that quickly but odds are these aren't herpes related as I've said multiple times now.

follow up with igg testing at the proper time for peace of mind :)
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thanks again grace , I will try the cream, hope it works.  But does herpes appear 1-2 days only? i mean it appears and gone after 2 days? And does herpes appear even 3 days after taking Acyclovir? How can we really identify herpes?  Sorry grace, it's just hard to understand :(
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101028 tn?1419603004
usually just cuts in the skin aren't due to herpes, especially when painless.  unfortunately with the aldara, your genital skin is going to be messed up for awhile. when you are done with it, talk to your obgyn about starting topical estrogen cream for a few months to strengthen your genital skin more. meanwhile do something as simple as - only plain mild soap to the genital area - white unscented dove is a good one.  apply a barrier cream to the genital area like desitin, aquaphor, xinc oxide or any diaper cream ( yes, a grown adult using diaper cream...lol ).  That will help protect your skin which is helpful even when using the aldara as well as helps to moisturize.    also look at changing toilet paper too - sometimes even the "best" toilet paper can cause us gals issues too.  

best of luck getting everything back to normal down yonder!
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grace, another question, does herpes appear 1-2 days only? i mean it appears and gone after 2 days?  Second question, If you're taking acyclovir already for 3 days, does herpes reappear?

My doctor just gave acyclovir 800 last saturday and I started taking it, but before that, remember I used to get perineum cuts that appears and gone after a day or two and she said, it's normal for perineum to split sometimes.  Two weeks ago, before another wart appeared on the skin above clitoris, it appeared as splitted skin/paper cut/tear then it became a wart, then now the wart is gone after applying aldara, it became like tear/split/paper cut and they are 2 but only 1 wart appeared on it, but the wart is already gone.  Does this sound herpes?

I've been tested negative for Chlamydia,Trich,Candida, Gardinerella, Hepatitis.

The splits dont burn, they just itch sometimes but tolerable, it doesn't hurt, doesn't form blisters, doesn't take longer than after 2 days.  It just comes and go.

Does this sound herpes?
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thanks grace :(
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.