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burning lips at night....but no sores....very depressed...

This is my story....I was dating this lady for about three months....since the very beginning ive asked her if she took a herpes test and said yes ....right after her last long term relationship. and have not been with anyone else after that just me.....and takes all the tests  including a herpes test every 6 months....we had intercourse numerous times....every time protected....i never did oral on her until the end of our relationship...which i regret for the symptoms i felt and feeling till now....at first when i did it....i felt this burning sensation all over my lips so i stopped giving her oral ...something i never felt before giving oral to my past relationships....i told her about it there and then and she was like shocked...so i went to the bathroom to wash up my lips with water....ok...then like two days later i got this white blister under my tongue....on the bottom of that elastic part on one of the little gland type flesh...hurt a bit...but i do remember having that same thing one time with my past relationship which was years ago on the same spot after oral....so i thought i was a bacterial infection that i got from giving oral sex....it cleared in a day or so....sooo.....we didnt speak about a week...so after that 9 days later it was a hot day i was out....and started feeling this tingling burning on my lips..which was june 1st....now its june 21st....and still feel this but mostly at night...i have not have a sore or blister.....all this time ive been so worried ive gotten infected....because of this ive had nights with little sleep and feeling depressed, looking up information on this....been to the ER, they checked me out they said they dont see anything that would resemble it that it was anxiety related.......i went to another doctor to get a check up and took a few STDs test except HIV and herpes..they didn't have a herpes test there....i'm really hoping its something else....because im been really depressed about this.....now the tingling comes and it goes...in the morning im fine if i rested well....afternoon sometimes....but the burning starts at night around 10:pm. and last a while but doesnt look sore at all...i put a bit of promegranate lip balm eat a bit of yogurt kinda helps then it makes it go away and it stops... but sometimes crawling or tingling happens but minor and goes away....im not sure if it could be an infection of some kind lasting this long or what...please help im so worried what could it be,,,,,ive read other people with the same problem lasting this long these symptoms and no sores....not sure if there's ever stopped or what happened to them....but most were concluded with that they were very obsessive of thoughts this like i am.......sigh
33 Responses
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101028 tn?1419603004
your mouth symptom sounds more like a mucocele than herpes. they are fairly common and the irritation of performing oral can sometimes cause them to occur.  

just dry burning lips at night isn't a herpes symptom.  herpes would cause non-stop symptoms for a few days at a time and then go away. more likely this is chapped lips or even a mild fungal infection of the lips.  I'd go with just plain vaseline or even the unscented burts bees balm  on your lips at bedtime and see if that helps.

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Thank you Grace for your kind and prompt response....i forgot to mention, additionally during the day and night i do get annoying lip tingling or crawling sensations in certain spots of my lips and like above my lips more to the left everyday.....and has been going for over 20 days just about already... the same thing on the same spots sometimes they alternate and there are times im fine during the day but when i think about it the crawling starts again but mild sometimes then goes away...starting to think some of it is mental....but i get the burning around my lips during the day as well...but seems more worse at night but doesn't look sore.never did.............never an outbreak....never had one in my life either....i figured by now something would have shown....now to be exact... the day i gave her oral was on may 21st...... and on that day is when i felt the weird "major" tingling /crawling allover my lips... then the next day later is when i had that mucocele then it cleared ..then June 1st.... 9 days later from may 21 the first oral contact is when i started feeling these lip symptoms so its been about a month since i had this....i document everything on my calendar ever since i gave her oral.....i really get scared though whats going on with me i hope im not in some sort of prodome period....i will try the burts bees....right now as write i feel ok...no symptoms....but they do come through out the day...then the burning around the lips at night on time at times too....from 9-10pm....sometimes the symptoms surprise me though too...smh
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101028 tn?1419603004
no std causes burning right after you perform oral. this isn't likely to be std related at all.  

you wouldn't have prodromal symptoms of oral  herpes for this long either.
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There's been a couple of occasions where i had some shooting pain on my lips on certain parts of it...more like it trying to poke out.but saw nothing  ....with the tingling in other parts but calmed it down with some herbs ....ive also been having swollen lymph node more on my right side since last sun for a few days off and on but been taken some lymphotonic to clean them does help...ive been taken some super strong oreganol and applying in the areas that have been bothering me...and do make a difference and makes the pain and tingling go away....im also taking some monolaurin for the past few days to boost my immune system....and this has helped me allot the discomfort on the lips don't show up as as they use to like almost all day.with out it.....but im preparing for the worst.......but now today....i just noticed a pimple like in my inner thigh on the back like near my testicle but closer to the bottom buttox...very hard to reach and look there....i touch it but doesnt hurt....but do have some pain or discomfort somewhere near there but closer to the front of the part of the leg. but has gone away....now im worried is herpes related....i should mention i was getting some burning sensations a couple of weeks ago around the anus and up my penis shaft but only lasted maybe 10 mins and would go away. a few times...i was hoping it was a rash but had nothing there so didnt think much of it....im still worried. though.....i took a HIV test this Thursday just to rule that out came out neg...thank God....because i had a docs appointment...with the dermatologist for a cyst on my back and Shamberg spots i had for long time on my bottom legs and i mentioned the tingling and burning on the lips he said he didnt think it was herpes either for this long..but...im still worried cant sleep or concentrate...went to see some counselling  and referred me to see a therapist.....because he said i have some mild depression and anxiety sometimes feels more than that at times....not able to sleep very well, concentrate or enjoy certain things. at times all because of this....thinking about my future.....im thinking of taking a herpes test...on Tuesday....but am afraid too but anxious as well....
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feeling my life is over...full of deep regret
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i was looking at that small wart looking at the way bottom of my buttox again with a mirror and flashlight tried taking a pic of it not easy to do so...looks kinda oval long maybe half inch or so...with scales on it like it drying? but light pink as well....touched it again doesn't hurt....but washed my hands off course after wards...idk i do ride bike allot i hope its a rash bike related....and thats where the seat hits...because i have noseless seat...and the end parts hit there that same area....im praying thats what that is....
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im hoping its a boil
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101028 tn?1419603004
you didn't show this to your dermatologist when you were there? if not, give them a call and ask to go back again to be seen to have it looked at.

why not seek out a type specific herpes igg blood test to know your status in general?  

be careful with what you are supplementing with. if symptoms get worse, stop using them. many folks have reactions to some of the essential oils and supplements.  

once again, none of this sounds like a herpes issue going on. test to know your own status for future partners.  it's being sexually responsible to get full std testing in between partners :)
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I finally took the brave step to take the herp test yesterday...i had to to get this out of my head...... so im waiting for the results in a few days....the doc says she dont think i have it she told its very painful youll be screaming.... she inspected me down there and my mouth and inside...didnt see or think anything related to it... checked my lymps all fine at the moment of inspecting and i was calm..felt ok...so started to wonder if this is stress, anxienty, depression related... so i went home got good sleep for once ........now today it was very hot i was in the sun doing shopping....got home lips started tingling / burning that happened another day too when it was hot ....some light burning bottom lip and then later shooting pain in one part of the lip didnt last too long...  i try to massage to relieve it put honey on it and does help....so im waiting for the results.....right now i have some burning down but area and testicle and feet  one white pimple been there for days on butt-cheek but doesn't itch or hurt....now been having swollen lymph node on my right side of my neck for a few days for the past few days of and on but now it was gone today felt ok  with the occasional light tingling on lip on the left sometimes....i was suppose to get a tooth extraction....i put off till i get my results because i read dental surgery can cause a breakout if i am +....i truly hope praying im not positive.....but am expecting it somehow i am one and two because...i was just reading another poster with similar symptoms like mine with no sores ever... but hers seem worse and she turned out positive in the end.....i feel for her. ....oh God....how will cope with this for the rest of my life if i am so with such a stupid mistake i did for of one time.... is causing me all this greif, very little sleep,, moments couldnt eat much  lost a couple of pounds,..but been trying to gain it back some...though taking the test did give me better sleep...so much i tried to avoid oral sex with this lady i had confidence she was ok cause told me she took the test.... this will haunt me forever ruin my life......
.....i did not ask for any specific test because....i was so anxious to take the test and forgotten to ask that but was.. waiting  so long in ER....sigh....i will post back with results....one thing i notice the sun does make me tingle on my lips later on....but had moments when the sun didn't do it......strange.....and when i was in the dentist the hot lamp was hitting my lips i felt the heat more on my lips more....but went away.. like mentioned in my earlier posts..the first time i felt it was first contact....then a week later i was so stressed that whole week....and was outside in the sun that when it started continuously for all these weeks up til now....now lately i was having eye twitching because of poor sleep but has calmed down...
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Well just to update my post, i did test for herpes 1 and 2....and test came back negative two days ago....it is a partial relief of mind....but what concerns me i still have the burning sensation like on top of my lip, tingling sometimes and slight inflammation in another part of my lip...more so at night not sure if its what i eat or sun exposure doing the day or stress, or not enough sleep that affects it more later or during the day...at times it not so severe and at times it feels it....i did wake up yesterday with a white pimple under my nose...had to shave my mustache a bit to see it..no groups of it others around it...but does feel sore in that area but doesnt look it...and there was a few very very light sore spot on the other side but went today and the pimple seems like its healing...looks like the same pimples i had last week down on the back o f my legs in the buttox.....i asked to be checked out down below near my inner buttocks twice...once in the ER...then the day to get my results with the few white pimples i saw on one side and the other both doctors indicated it wasnt herpes related just ingrown hairs or rash.....i still have little sleep at night waking in the middle of the night...but because of the oral symptoms i have....thinking i still may have it.....the symptoms come and go through out the day sometimes they do last a while....i was suggested it may be mental......but im still not convinced....i just wish this would go away....i may see a nuerologist or an internist specialist....idk....still depressed....thinking how my life will change....knowing one day it may happen i might get an outbreak or this will never go away.or never be able to kiss passionately again with fear of infecting someone...and i will never have my dreams happen just for one careless mistake i did upon impulse and pressure....i feel like my social life is over....i also need to get my tooth pulled and afraid to do so because of the risk of a possible break out due what i read that if they put my mouth to sleep it may cause that....feeling.i am cursed....gonna see in a few days a shrink cause its affecting me allot....there must be cure for this problem....the more i read online about this causes me more anxiety....theres gotta be a solution....
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another concern is.....since i have these symptoms....could i be contagious? i live with my sick bedridden moms which i take care of....i wouldn't want her to suffer...she suffering enough....im reaping what i sowed....i shoulda stayed home that day. and broke the relatiionship sooner...all this ordeal and stress woulda of never happened....
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101028 tn?1419603004
talking to a professional for your anxiety is usually a good idea :)  did you make that appointment yet?

so many things can cause these issues. dry, chapped lips as well as fungal infections of the lips are common.  ingrown hairs and folliculitis from shaving the face are also common.  continue to follow up with the dermatologist as needed.
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yes i'm suppose to see a therapist on Monday....though i wish i didnt have to
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its gets to a point at times, that i still wonder what it could be....i dont have chapped lips, there are no sores of any kind my mouth and lips look normal as the i was told by a few doctors....and its hard to describe it i dont thin its mental but coincidently there are times i think about it and the tingling starts briefly but goes away....the tingling could be sometimes on the lips, sometimes above the lip in the mustache area to the left...but always in the same spots...sometimes pain below my lower lip i feel a line of swelling but that particular symptom is mainly at night but have it during the day on a hot day outside....they come and go....i could be hours without it or maybe almost a full day without it especially when taking a immune booster then i think it curing me or making it go away...then in my mind im thinking its gone....im free...a sign of hope...if maybe i eat something i dont think about it much.....then later on it happens again....maybe in the morning i wake up happens maybe minor discomfort....or in the middle of sleeping...if its an infection or bacteria i wish i knew what could be make it disappear....i mean ive never had this before....only that one time after giving her oral sex....i remember the first time it felt was like a "crawly feeling" on my lips..then i went to wash off my lips with water....it was immediately after oral sex like a minute or two that i stopped doing it....that scared me to death....then after  9 days later is when i started feeling tingles on the actual lips on the lower left lip and that where i feel pain at times when in the sun on my bike.....so i dont know what to think....was it activated when in the sun....i did go through a period of stress because of the break up during those 9 days but no symptoms....i hope there is some medicinal, or herbal supplement to end this....idk what to think at this point.....when i see a sigh a relief and hope is when i get some sleep and sometimes i do when i take something to make me well like a supplement of some kind....will i ever be able to kiss with these symptoms...i know one thing for sure i will "never" do oral again.....or maybe sex for that matter for long time.....the world is scary too many diseases, infections.....i was all well before this and am real health nut.....but what depresses me is that i have no one now....i want a future with someone...and maybe a child before i die....i hope i can accomplish this one day....and be well....anyway grace thanks for always getting back at my post.....im just so desperate for an answer and solution....i truly believe there is one were created to heal...
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Writing does help makes me calm....don't feel nothing right this second....
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i cant sleep grace....some nights are better than others with at least 4 hours but this night i couldn't for nothing....my mind is racing...
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101028 tn?1419603004
are you talking to friends and family to help you through this too?
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yeah i have talked to a few friends not family i don't want to scare them....told a close friend of mine...a few times about it.....he reminds me it should of happened by now....and reminding me what i told him that if the girl i was with said the man shes with now isn't complaining or any of her exs and i was negative.then i should be ok... it should be something else....but i'm so afraid how long is this gonna continue or is it gonna get worse....i read another lady poster of a few years back....she had similar symptoms tingling especially the soreness feeling more so at night and she took benedryl and symptoms stopped....thinking to get some to see if that works reading that clams me down a bit....sometimes i could be hours without feeling nothing....then i feel something for 5-10min and goes away or fades away that feeling sometimes makes me feel anxious or paniky... right now some soreness feeling inside but seems to be fading im thinking maybe its burning mouth syndrome..BMS i hope so cause at night my mouth feels acidy and hot and i drink allot of water to ease that a bit...eat yogurt that doesnt help much.......now i woke up this morning with a black spot on my right side of my tongue...looks like a small poppy seed...lymph node was bothering a little but calmed down now....sometimes i cant concentrate...now 5 days from now will be 8 weeks since oral contact...which was may 19....will be Jul 19......a day before my dad passed away and my moms had and operataion on her hip.....i hope nothing bad happens to me that day....sometimes i feel i need to talk to others....to ease my mind....but i just want this to go away....and not thinking what it could be....or what im having inside my body...
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101028 tn?1419603004
anything you feel for 5-10 minutes isn't herpes related.  

when is your appointment with the therapist?
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Hi, Grace... i just got back...from the intake...and paper work...and talked to a social worker...they scheduled me a therapist for next week. for  wed. felt a little something on my lower lip for like 20 seconds on the opposite side during the session even mentioned it to the social worker then it went away...today was a very sunny and hot day....was on my bike.afteer the  session..went to a  dentist for brief moment to check my tooth then went to eat something then the lip was hurting a bit more....maybe less than an half hour i didnt keep count maybe less  this discomfort that got me very depressed....i'm pretty sure it was the sun or maybe the heat not sure which....now i'm back home.. inside drank water and a some green juice....the pain subsided very much that eased my mind..oh and my black dot on my tongue disappeared which i was glad...i did have a decent sleep last night at least 6 hours...and this morning i woke up with no discomfort....that kinda made me start my day off well.....till the afternoon is when i got upset....but...i am currently taking some good krill oil in the morning it seems to be controlling the pain or other symptoms quite well almost through the day...so im guessing its some kind of inflammation or free radicals going on in there....i hope so....but i might still go and see some kind of neurologist or internist...
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one thing i notice that every time im in the sun on a very very hot day a different part of my lips will hurt inside but happens not right away i could be in the sun for a while maybe hours later....or so i would feel it....for the rest of the day will have discomfort of that though and on off maybe for 1/2  hour then it goes out the night including the soreness inside feeling i had this again a while ago then went away as im writing.....i mentioned the discomforts im having with my lips to the dentist i saw today  she said thats because of my teeth and gum problems im having...so maybe that could be the cause....im trying to rule out so many things...bal palsy, or burning mouth syndrome....gotta see my general doc this thursday also for a follow up.. appointment....will mention this to her again....maybe she can recommend some specialist this time
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101028 tn?1419603004
best of luck :)
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thanks grace, im still distraught about all this....and worried....not sure what it could be....sigh i need answers....its still affecting my sleep and life...i cant even enjoy a good movie at home...i lose interest.....i dont know how these symptoms will last....tomorrow will be two months since the oral encounter....ive read people having symptoms and stories like mine maybe for 5 years and doctors still cant find out......i know these symptoms can be anything..maybe a deficiency or some sort...but never had them before..it all adds up to oral sex....and in my mind i think its herpes and in the future its what ill be living with..if they ever surface i try to keep the symptoms under control with certain remedies but...im worried im contagious when the tingles and soreness some pain feelings come and go....because the way it feels....like i said i got my follow-up general doctors appointment today...going to ask her if she give me a referral for a MRI scan or specialist.....im becoming a Hypochondriac....and im too anxious for my to go to my therapist as well next week
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my stomach feels full of dread....
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
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