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Urgent HELP needed, boils,saddle sores

Im a 23 year old male living in south africa.  I train about everyday of the year cycling and running. bout 2 years ago i got a boil on the front part of my shoulder aswell as on my penis shaft, i got a three day coarse antibiotic doxyciclne i think.  Then all was fine for about a year then i started training hard in 2014, when i got boils or hair fonicle infection on my upper leg and but part about 5 times throughout the year and i needed a antibiotic for all of these.

BUT now the past 3 months ive been on 7 coarses antibiotics with only a week pause between thm because of reoccuring sweat gland infections in my thi aswell as huge abseses on my hamstring part and but area. now ive only been of the anti biotic which was 5 days( the previous one) and i went cycling and got 2 infection at the side of my scrotum and one o my but AGAIN.

I dont have diabetes, aids or a bacteria livining in my noise all have been tested (using bactron nose balm asweell)

I realy dont know what too doo im at a point of giving up my training and ironman dreams my confidence is low and the constant anti biotics is breaking me down physicly...

ANyone with help plz reply
Thank you
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I am so sorry you have developed this problem. We are not doctors on here. I am a microbiologist and can give you some advise. So to be clear you have had your nose tested for the bacteria to check for Staphylococcus aureus or MRSA (resistant Staph)? Have they said you have MRSA as opposed to regular not resistant staph? It sounds like a resistant staph to me. Staph aureus cause boils, furuncles, and folliculitis and other problems. Do you see any scabs or sores on your skin that have a hair growing out of them? So I wonder if you have folliculitis, which is infection of the hair follicle? It is good if you can get to the source of the infection. Yes one thing is to try to keep your body dry once you do exercise and finish sweating and cool down then shower and then dry yourself very well. You can use non-talc powder in the private areas and be sure if you have any boils or scabs to wash the towels each time as well as any shirts and so forth to not reuse them. The nose can carry staph as well and you can reinfect yourself that way.

If those things are not the problem you may have resistance to the antibiotic they gave you. The treatment for community acquired MRSA (if you have that) is now daptomycin plus tigecycline. Otherwise, you can get resistance and the staph grows back.  Also, once they treat you bleach down the sink and wash bedding and clean any areas that might have come in contact. Even disinfect your bike seat and don't go to the gym. You can get it there unless you are very careful. I do go but I wear long sweats and don't touch my face or anything I wash  my hands as soon as I walk in the door and then disinfect the handles of the doors and water facet etc. It is one of the big ways to get it.

You don't have to give up training.  But maybe wait until you get rid of the infection in the areas that are near the bike seat /groin area if those will be aggravated by friction first though and then go from there.

There is a new drug coming out but it is researchy and not released yet.

let me know if you have any questions.

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Hay thank you for the reply,

Im thinking of seeing a specialist sometime now . The anti-biotic helps for the infection but it doesnt seem to kill the bacteria, ive had this bacteria for almost two years now and maybe the nose swipe came back negative cause i was using nose bactroban at that moment in time? I do have Epidermolysis Bullosa which is a inherited connective tissue disease causing blisters in the skin and mucosal membranes so my skin comes of easier than other people , not sure if it could be a factor. But its weird i seem to get more of these during exams and stressed periods, but now as i said they just come at will.

Sometime they seem too be infected hair follicles and sometime just normal pimples on my but that get bigger and other times its sweat gland that infect under my armpits and groin areas.

But i would really appreciate it if u could maybe give me the drugs name if know it ust so i can be aware of it.

One last thing do you maybe know how anti biotics effect performance intensity training or is it a mental thing?

THank you for reply
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Not sure about the staph type im gonna leave the nose bactroban for now and get tested again,
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Can i get red of a MSRA?
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Yes if you were using bactroban inside the nose it would probably give a false negative result. That isn't to say you for sure have it in the nose but you don't know for sure since the test was invalid.

Regarding your epidermolysis bullosa, that is a problem with exercising the way that you are. The blisters may appear in response to minor injury, heat, or friction from rubbing, scratching or adhesive tape, etc.  So once you have these blisters and the skin is broken any bacteria can get in and cause infection. So you may or may not have MRSA you may just have a Staph aureus that isn't totally resistant. Have you had the blisters that get infected cultured? If not you may have to if they are not responding to medication.

Does your doctor that you are going to now know you have the epidermolysis bullosa ?

First thing is to find out if you do have MRSA by getting a culture or PCR of the ones that are infected. Then getting rid of them is by the methods I mentioned above. But since you have this genetic problem you have a higher probablility of getting infections that the community since you have open skin at times. Any time the skin is open to the air it can get infected easier than when it is intact. So then that is more problematic about the kind of exercising. Maybe running would be better than biking. There will always be some friction in anything you do. But more in some types of things than others.

You may be getting more of these during exams and stress maybe due to sweating more or some other factor.

I mentioned the drugs above in the first post. You don't want to take both of them if you don't have MRSA because they are hard on you.

Antibiotics don't really affect performance unless they have side effects. Side effects are different for everyone. So if you are taking them during your event (running or biathlon etc. you might be tired or feel sick) but other people may not feel anything. It depends on the person. All antibiotics and drugs have some side effects.

Again I wouldn't take them unless you find out if it is indeed MRSA. Because if it is regular Staph. aureus the treat may be working but you may just be re-contaminating yourself or because you get a lot of open wounds the bacteria can get in.

However, if you do have a lot of crusty or scab like things on follicules you should try triple antibiotic ointment on the follicules to see if it works on them. Try only a few. If you have a lot like all over the body then see the doctor and they might give you an oral pill instead. But they really should culture them. You can ask them to do so it is your body. That is if you can afford to have the cultures done.

The ones on your butt and armpit sound like a Staphlycocci, so you need to stay on top of this.
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One other thing my husband said he used to use vaseline on all areas where you get friction. He said it helped him not get rashes in between the thighs and under the arms. A runners store may have some type of jelly or cream for that purpose i.e. to prevent chaffing. I know this a bigger problem with your illness but it is worth a try. Then there is control of the infection as well.
take care,
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Thanx again for all the advice i really appreciate it!

I dont think the epidermolysis bullosa is that big of a factor my dad has it aswell and does lot of cycling without the same problem, but it seems to be getting worse i got another one today just from driving for about 9 hours in a car, im on anti biotics again now, macropen 500mg.. Did get a appointment at a docter again tho.

Any pimple or hair folliccle infection on my upper body goes away in about a day, but my upper legs and but area wil form a big lump about 2cm diameter in 24h of seeing the pimple at first. Cycling has never been a problem for me until now.

One last thing then il stop bothering :) , Is it possible that I maybe have some kind shortage of a type of vitamin or mineral and that my immune system doesnt work properly,but i almost never get a cold i see myself as pretty healthy but maybe theres somthing i miss in my diet? i started taking garlic pills now.
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It seems too be pimples that infect and not hair follicles ive checked a few now and almost never a hair inside them
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Maybe the pimples are really small boils? It is possible your dad has it less bad than you or that yours is getting worse. But, also that you just got this resistant staph. You need to get it cultured and find out if you are on the right treatment. They keep giving you antibiotics without knowing if they are resistant to the antibiotic or not (without testing). The antibiotic you are on now isn't that strong if you have MRSA. Maybe you should see an infectious disease doctor. You are not bothering at all.
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Ive got a appointment with a specialist now in about a week sooo im hoping for the best.   THANKS for all the help !!!
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Good. Let me know how it goes.
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Hey , soo i got my nose throat and groin tested and all samples came back negative. my immunity is strong and my bloodcounts and sugar are normal.

You were right when you said that the epidemolise makes my skin mire susceptible to harmful bacteria. I must now go on doxiclyn ir something for a few months and i must start eating alot of broccoli..

Thanx you were very knowledgeable!!!
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Glad your tests came back well. I hope things go well for you!
take care,
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