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Viral infection for 8 months?

I'm sick for 8 MONTHS. 26 years old male. My ESR is 45. I'm HIV negative. Pain in lymph nodes (neck, ear, jaw, armpit, chest). My head feels like I have very bad case of flu. Black under my eyes. I was diagnosed with "viral infection". I was given many antibiotics and last time I was given broad spectrum antibiotics. Crixan 500mg, Levofloxacin 500mg. Since then pain in lymph nodes little bit decreased. My head feels still the same, almost like drunk.

Problem is, that I moved to Thailand and health care works here on demand. I HAD TO ask for blood tests. I HAD TO ask for broad spectrum antibiotics. If I don't demand anything else, I will be given same antibiotics. Is there any test, that could determine what kind of infection is that? Or some other test I should consider? Or what kind of medicine should I take? I'm not a doctor and I don't know what should I demand. And if I not ask for it, they will not give it to me.
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A parasitic infection could cause your lymph nodes to swell and they could become painful. You have to take certain types of antibiotics for parasites (anti-parasitic antibioitics). Some antibiotics that work on bacteria also work on parasites such as metronidazole. Some parasites can get into the brain or eyes. If it is from raw meat it may have been a tapeworm. A parasitic infection does make your Eosinophil count go up as well. If the antibiotic worked on the parasite as well then yes it would make the lymph nodes go down as the infection was being treated properly. It will be good to see if they find anything in the stool sample. Usually, they test it before giving you antibiotics. Unless they want to see if it is gone after antibiotics.
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So I went to doctor today. As I presumed, he wanted prescribe me more antibitics and send me home. But I insisted on full blood test. Everything come back clean except EOS (eosinophil), which come back high (normal is 0.5 to 5.0 and I have 5.4). According to doctor it could be parasite (from raw meat).

He gave me antibiotics for next 2 weeks and after 2 weeks I have to go back with stool sample.

Question is, could parasite cause pain in lymph nodes and head feeling sick (for 8 months)? And after 5 days on broad spectrum antibiotics could pain in lymp nodes rapidly decrease? Don't know.
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Thank you very much.
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I looked up the side effects of crixan and some of them are:

The most common (>1%) side effects are gastrointestinal: diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting. It also can cause headaches, insomnia, and abnormal liver function tests. Allergic reactions include rashes and anaphylaxis. Less common side effects include extreme irritability, hallucinations (auditory and visual), dizziness/motion sickness, and alteration in senses of smell and taste, including a metallic taste. Dry mouth, panic attacks, and nightmares have also been reported, albeit less frequently

and for the levofloxacin

Common side effects of Levaquin include nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and constipation. Difficulty sleeping, dizziness, abdominal pain, rash, abdominal gas, and itching also occur.

So it isn't surprising you have some of those side effects.

Hopefully, if it cures whatever bacterial infection you have you will feel better after. It is a great sign if the lymph nodes are going down.


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Crixan 500mg, Levofloxacin 500mg
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Nope, antibiotics don't work on viruses. I think perhaps they got the right antibiotic and it is working on whatever infection you have. The other symptoms are probably side effects of the antibiotic. It should pass. What did they give you?
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There was very interesting development. 5 days after I started using broad spectrum antibiotics pain in lymph nodes went away. Almost completely. That never happend in last 8 months. But my head went crazy. I fell dizzines, vertigo, I'm extremly tired, I can't focus. Like 10 times worse then before. I would like to belive, that antibiotics cured lymph nodes and my head is just in a curing process. BUT what if it's not bacterial and it's viral? I read, that in that case antibitics would make it even worse? Could they completely shut down my lymp system (no pain in lymph nodes) and spread diseases even more (head problems)? Something is happening, but I'm not sure if it's good or bad.
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Hello and sorry you have these problems. We are not doctors on here but I am a microbiologist and can try to give you advice.

Firstly, antibiotics don't work on viruses at all. Also, The ESR test is non specific and doesn't just mean you have an infection it can also mean you have:

    Autoimmune disorders
    Bone infections
    Certain forms of arthritis
    Inflammatory diseases that cause vague symptoms

Have you had a complete blood count done yet? If not I would get that done and an electrolyte or metabolic panel. Also get your LDH done and liver enzymes. That would be a good start. The lymph nodes being enlarged for that long may be something else. Also, TB can do this kind of thing.

Do you have any diarrhea or fever? Were you bitten by any flies or mosquitoes? Any cough or night sweats? Chest pain? Problems breathing?
Bad fatigue?
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