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Based from my chest x-ray there is a subtle noducalcific densities that are seen at my left upper lung field. And from my apico-lordotic view it shows and confirms an ovoid opacity at the left apex and considers it as TUBERCULOMA. I’m now undergoing a medication and the doctor gave me same medicine to treat tuberculosis within 6 months but he said that I can be cure but then the tuberculoma egg size would still be there at my lungs, it won’t just be active and its growth would just stop. My question is can I really be cure with what he said I know its growth would stop  but still the tuberculoma is there and it’s just not active?  Can I die because of that?  What will I do so that it would never be active again? Can you please give me some suggestion or any other option after my medication to really remove the tuberculoma and not just to stop its growth and no longer be active?  Thanks.
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I think that being diabetic makes people more susceptable to getting it. Usually, harder for them to heal as well. Have you had your fasting blood sugar done lately? In any case the drugs will take care of the problem over time.
take care,
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hmmm i dont have a TB before just right now but my family has the history of being diabetic...
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ahh i see.. what are the effects after taking medicine? or while undergoing ur medical tratment?
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Hi Emmy07,
The usual symptoms if you get them are cough and sputum production, general weakness, and fatigue. The treatment may be 6-12 months depending on how well you do and how quickly the nodule shrinks. Have you ever had TB before or are you diabetic? Being diabetic or immunocompromised can make you get this easier. But you probably came in contact with someone that had it and acquired it and TB bacteria (mycobacterium tuberculosis) can get in the lung and wall itself off for a long time without symtoms. Then when you get lowered immunity it can come out as disease. So it has to be treated. But also, you have to stay on the drugs even if they make you sick. They may do a needle biopsy to confirm diagnosis and recheck your chest Xray in various times to see when it shrinks.
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yeah thanks, no i dont have any symptoms, ive just learn it after my x-ray result on our employment medical exams,   ive not undergo sputum since im not coughing. I dont feel anything... can u pls. give me some symptoms of it??
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Hi Emmy07,
So sorry you are going through all of this. My mother had TB and so I know it is hard for you. But your description is great in that it sounds like the doctor has defined that there is a ovoid opacity and that it is a calific densitiy (both of which are indicative of TB not a tumor). Do you have any symptoms? Have they tested your sputum to check for TB bacteria? Have they confirmed that the sputum is positive too? If not they will at some point. So, usually what happens is you go through treatment and they will check to see if you become negative if your sputum was positive before. Also, if you have symptoms such as cough, night sweats, fatigue etc. then you will  have to rest. Until your sputum is negative they won't let you go in public without a mask. Once you are clear then the other problem is for the doctor to check to see if your nodule becomes active or is healing. So, what usually happens most of the time is the lesion will heal over time and will eventualy go away with a little scarring. Very rarely the nodule can spead to the other lung and then you would need more treatment if this is past the time of your treatment (after 6 months). If you have no symptoms and are TB sputum negative then they will let you go back to normal activity and work. It is very very rare for complications to occur so no you should be ok and recover from this with the antibiotics and rest. It is extremely rare for anyone to die of this.  They can tell by your symptoms over time and you CT scans over time how things are going and you should just rest and not worry as from I have seen you have a very good prognosis or outcome. I hope they did a sputum and follow up culture on your sputum?  Yes you really can be cured of this. But there are rare cases where the bacteria can break off from the nodule and go to other areas in that lung or the other. But, it is not likely ok? Once it heals then you should be also be ok and healed. Did I answer all your questions.
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