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255722 tn?1452546541

LLMD on Eastern Shore of Maryland or Delaware?

Does anyone know of any?  If my MRI comes back clean, I want to get a jump on this.  I recently found a detailed lyme's symptom checklist, and I've found 2 or more symptoms from each category that I've exhibited--recently.  

THey include:
fatigue/lack of endurance (after working out for an hour a day all the way up to July 29)
Headache(caffiene w/drawal intensity)
Jaw pain (thought I had a bad tooth, dentist says all is well--jaw feels fine now)
increased floating spots
tinnitis (I know of 3 times in past 4 months when I nearly fell over because my hearing in one ear just "stopped" and was replaced with a 30-40 second ring--only to be fine afterward)
Upset stomach--sometimes out of nowhere and then gone just as fast
frequent toe cramps (weird)
Skipping heart (I have PVC's anyway, but they were intense three weeks ago--haven't been like that a loooong time)
anxiety (though whether it's from being sick or fear because I"m sick is hard to tell)
brain fog
difficulty concentrating and/or reading
fainting (I do this, but always with a trigger, this time, out of nowhere)
sciatica in right leg
loss for words--forgetting what I'm talking about
poor balance
always sleepy---bed at 7 if I can get there, and soooo tired mid day

So--LLMD near Dover, Delaware anyone???

5 Responses
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Would love to know who you saw in DC
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That's to the good, to have many things crossed off the list of possibles.

You are exactly right, docs are like the blind men and the elephant:  they only focus on the trunk or the foot or the tail or whatever part they are touching.

Get and keep copies of ALL the test results you have had done, because otherwise your medical records will never be viewed as a whole, and that's sometimes very helpful and even necessary to getting a proper diagnosis and treatment.

A Lyme doc will look at the big picture, and that is where I would suggest you go, now that these other docs have signed off.  I had a doc like your kindly neuro, who looked at me after all the tests and questions and said, "I know you are sick.  I just don't know what it is."

That doc gave me the nerve to keep going, and eventually I found a doc who in desperation tested me for Lyme.  When the test came back positive, however, she said I couldn't possibly have Lyme.  Oh-kay!

I took the test results and found a Lyme specialist, and it was the beginning of getting well at last.  And I am now so well that I fairly vibrate with energy again.  I have my life back.

My best advice to you would be to find an LLMD and get yourself there pronto.  Best wishes -- I've been where you are, and it is a lonely and scary place sometimes, filled with self-doubt.  Stay in touch with us and let us know how we can help.  
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255722 tn?1452546541
So--MRI shows that I don't have a tumor, or MS, or other damage or deadly lesion to worry about.  All my cardiac work is fine too.  Blood work, is 100% A OK.  SO--huge sigh of releif on that front.

BUT--I still feel off balance and sooooooooooo tired all the time.  I know there is SOMETHING not "right."  For the immediate moment I am reveling in the happiness that my brain is currently "normal."  But I also know that I can't stop looking for answers.  

The biggest problem now will be convincing people that this is not all "in my head."   Nothing obvious has shown up, so I already know they are going to come back with the hypochondriac thing--thankfully the neurologist today seemed to take me quite seriously.  He felt as though there were definitely something to find, but that it wasn't blatantly neurological.  This guy was AMAZINGLY kind and generous with his answers--he spent an entire hour taking my history and explaining why my very scary symptoms were not necessarily as medically serious as they seemed, but that he agreed that they were real.  

The only major frustration now that I am three months in, and finally have all the deadly things off the table, is that everyone treats the symptoms and ignores the complete picture.  Neuro looks at neuro, cardio at cardio, ear nose and throat--well you get it.  If it's not "their" area, it's off you go--without any more answers than you started with.

Where is HOUSE M.D. when you need him in real life???

THanks all--for your advice and help.  I'll keep at it.
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280418 tn?1306325910
My MRI was NOT clean and I have Lyme disease.  What is your definition of "clean"?  And yes, those symptoms could be associated with Lyme.  The tinnitus can be Lyme or it can be other things, too many to list.  But, it all sounds awefully familiar...my doc is in DC, but it's best to use the LLMD search Jackie is talking about.
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truth about lyme disease [dot] com (take out all the spaces) I think has a referral function to find an LLMD.

Also just search something like

llmd delaware

or whatever cities/states you can get to and see what pops up.

best wishes -- let us know how you do.
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