hi my name is christine and june of 09 i started having severe pain through out my whole boday, i noticed it first when i was trying to do a pull up and it caused a severe pain throughout my arms and body.. i then experienced tingling in my hands and electric shocks in my arms while doing push ups. i went to my family dr who sent me to have lab work done for lyme disease and the test came back equivocal they gave me doxy and i got sick so quit taking after a day. the pain went away for several months and came back in sept of 09 and i went to the er where they gave me another lyme test.. this one tested positive 1.14.. i was given a month of doxy and took all of it.. pain ddnt go away and my dr gave me another month of doxy and gave me another lyme test along with the western blot.. western blot came back postive on some bands but ultimately read negative.. i dont know who to turn to or what else could be going on.. i have pain everyday sharp pains in my forearms down my legs all over.. in all my joints.. ive been tested for rhemo arthritis and lupus neg.. all labs are showing normal.. im tired all the time.. please someone have the answer!!
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I am suprised your Dr. tested for lyme right away......that but all NEVER happens!  

I would also like to know what else your Dr said and tested for.... be interesting!

I am not saying you don't have lyme...just unusual for a doc to do that as an initial curiousity.
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Sorry you are having such a tough time.  

Were you tested for anything other than Lyme?  The ticks often carry more than one disease, which require treatment different from Lyme.  Doxy is not, in my experience as a patient, necessarily the first drug used again Lyme these days, tho that's not to say it won't work.

What kind of MD are you seeing?  GP, neurologist, infectious disease, other?
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