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Book by founding member of IDSA - Lyme DOES need long term treatment

Treatment of Chronic Lyme Disease: Fifty-One Case Reports and Essays in Their Regard
MD FACP FIDSA Burton A. Waisbren Sr.

http: // www . amazon . co .uk/ Treatment-Chronic-Lyme-Disease-Fifty-One/dp/0982513887/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1364113669&sr=8-1

Has anyone read this book by a founding member of the ISDA?
Apparently he says you DO get results by treating lyme with very long term, aggressive antibiotic treatments and completely back-pedals on the "lyme doesn't even need treating" stance of the IDSA.

Has anyone read it?
Any comments?
How come it's being ignored by the IDSA policy makers?
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I've read about him before.  He was apparently treating Lyme Disease well before Alan Steere wrote his paper about "Lyme Arthritis."  Waisbren knew it was caused by an infection, as extended use of penicillin usually cured it.  But he didn't know it was a spirochete.  He's been open about his disagreement with the official position for a long time. Perhaps the IDSA hasn't had an excuse to go after him yet.  

I think the IDSA just ignored Waisbren, the same way they ignored Sam Donta who was on the Lyme committee when Gary Wormser took over and shut down all discussion.

It shows you the phenomenal positional power and influence some people can have, and how stunningly they can change the landscape.  The culture of medicine with its hierarchy and class distinctions trains its members to respect the experts and do what they're told. As a result, most docs just believe what the experts say, assuming that they're right because they're the experts. In this kind of culture, an opinion becomes accepted as fact, which requires enormous evidence and effort to overturn.

It has amazed me how difficult it has been to try to budge a committee of people to change recommendations. Entrenched is too mild a word to use.
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Because straying from received wisdom is a hanging offense ... ?  Just a wild guess.  :)

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