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sinus problems again.... and stomach pain

Hi everyone..... I came back from my family vacation 2 days ago, and yesterday spent the day in my pj's with a heating pad on my stomach. On top of the stomach pain, I have also been dealing with the post nasal drip (stuck in my throat) feeling with my sinuses not being able to clear out all the way.

I know I have asked this before, but I was also wondering if , when I had the abx for the sinus infection about a month ago, could it be possible that I could have stirred up some little critters or something to bring the sinus infection back again, and give me such horrible stomach pain?
After I had the abx, my eye pain felt better, but the sinuses didn't clear up. It actually feels like I have something stuck in my throat, leaving me sucking on halls all day because I think you can smell the infection. (sorry, I know that sounds gross) but I can't stand it.

Does anyone else have bad sinus problems like this?
Thanks for any help,
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Jackie and wonko,

Thanks so much. I think the experience is the wisdom.

I learned how to play piano on my own my ear, not by someone teaching me chords and notes from a book, it makes more sense to go through the motions to get the full picture!!! I hope that makes sense, LOL  It did to me when it first popped in my head!! Ha ha

Take care girls, Pam
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428506 tn?1296557399
I just wanted to throw in that stomach pain and chronic sinusitis were issues for me as well, and they were infection-related.

In fact, my brain MRI report remarked on indications of chronic sinusitis.

It has also been the case for me that antibiotics do stir up my symptoms.

No real wisdom here, just experience...Hope you feel better soon!
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Good for you, keep on plowing ahead!  Let us know how you do.

You could probably get a regular doc to test and treat you for a fungal infection, apart from any possible Lyme issues.  I learned somewhere along the line to avoid mentioning Lyme to my other docs unless it seemed they would need to know.  

Interesting reactions from them:  my ophthalmologist got very interested when I said I had been diagnosed with Lyme, and he paid extra attention in the shine-a-blinding-light-in-your-eyes part of the exam (owwie!).  I was glad I mentioned it, tho I almost didn't.

Anyway, a nonLLMD should be able to deal appropriately with a suspected fungal infection.  Whatever treatment given would, I don't think, make your Lyme any worse.

And PS, I saw a few highly respected and experienced docs about my bloated gut etc., and NOT ONE of them considered fungal infection.  Turkeys!!  And that includes a really good gastroenterologist who comes highly recommended.  

Hang in there, stay in touch.  
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Hi Jackie, Thanks so much, when I googled my problems I am having in the sinus area, it came up fungal infection.

I still haven't gotten in touch with a LLMD, I know I sound like I am procrastinating but I guess I am waiting for next week when the kids are in school and I have a chance to look , review, and make a phone call without interruption.

Greatly appreciated,

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You might ask your doc about testing you for a fungal infection, esp if you've been on antibiotics.  It happened to me, and it took a long time before anyone figured it out.

Docs assume a 'fungal infection' means a v*ginal infection, but it can be systemic.

I was very bloated in the midsection and had stabbing pains here and there, my brain was like pea soup, my eyes were bloodshot, and then my teeth got loose and sore.  Fungus likes to hide in warm, dark places, and the sinuses sure qualify as that.

Finally my Lyme doc ran a *blood test* for fungus, and it came back extremely high.  Doc had never seen anyone with such high levels.  

There are strong oral meds that take care of a systemic infection, as opposed to the tube of cream with an applicator that the gynecologist would prescribe.

Stripping sugar out of your diet might help too, if it's fungal.  

Hope you feel better soon.
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