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4451049 tn?1387153437

Has anyone pulsed abx?

I've been treating for Lyme or possible TBIs and because of odd reactions I was told to stop the abx to see how I'd do.  Well I was sort of left hanging.  I'm fine now but I was thinking about pulsing these abx I have left in with some Flagyl.  I've read Doxy is good at forcing the bacteria into cyst form.  And all I have is plenty Doxy and about a months worth of Zithromax in addition to the Flagyl.  I've been taking Doxy for a week.  Does anyone know how to properly pulse the abx?  I don't want to build resistance.  I want to do it right, and I'm not really sure how.  I thought 7 days of Doxy 7 days of Flagyl.  Or should I do less Flagyl?  Anyone have a clue??

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1763947 tn?1334055319
I pulse with my Flagyl, the cyst buster every two weeks. So 2 weeks on and two weeks off. The other meds I take daily.
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The only meds I was ever told to pulse were Diflucan (for yeast) & Tindamax (for Lyme). Technically, I'm pulsing my Rocephin shots as I do 4 in a row and then take 3 days off.
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4451049 tn?1387153437

I thought maybe I'd get more answers.  Pulsing abx must not be to popular.  Your right in that Drs have so many different ideas and everyone is different.  I have seen so many different combinations and techniques, it's hard to know what may be best.
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1763947 tn?1334055319
I took Doxy and Flagyl at the same time. I know you can't have any alcohol when taking Flagyl. I also took it at the same time as rifampin and Zithromax.

I just got switched over to tindamax for my cyst buster.

So many doctors have so many different ideas about Lyme that is why its so difficult to treat. One size does not fit all!
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4451049 tn?1387153437
Okay thanks!  Can I ask what other abx you take the Flagyl with?  I've came across a few articals  that discourage the use of Flagyl and Doxy together.  But then I came accross a few threads where Drs do just that.  So I'm not really sure.  It seems like most of the time Drs stop the Doxy and do the Flagyl separately.  Not really sure why.    
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I've, over a decade  or more, seen more different ways to administer abx for Lyme that I could possibly remember.
Pulsing was one of them. Popular back in the day and I believe Dr. Jemsek still uses it, along with other doctors that I can't remember at this point.

Every way has it's proponents and it's nay-sayers. As far as I can see it comes back to the "everyone gets better (or worse) using different protocols and no one way is the best".

Report back to us how you do on whatever way you pick, okay? I never pulsed so I can't give you my experience on it.
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