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Book List

Here are some books about Lyme or spirochetes that helped me understand the disease better.

1. Cure Unknown by Pam Weintraub

This is the best one, in my opinion. But it may be a bit more technical than a newbie is ready for.

2. The Widening Circle by Polly Murray

An excellent book by the woman who was instrumental in getting Lyme recognized. Easy to read.

3. Biography of a Germ by Arno Karlen

Easy to read. It's the 'biography' the spirochete that causes Lyme but isn't specifically about Lyme disease.

People are welcome to give their critique (good or bad) about each book and encouraged to add to the list.

[I don't know if there's another book list extant here. If so, could someone give me the url and perhaps those books can be added.]
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A book that I read over and over at the beginning of my saga.

"Coping with Lyme Disease: A Practical Guide to Dealing with Diagnosis and Treatment" by Denise Lang. Kenneth Leigner listed as a contributor (probably in a Forward or consultant.) It would be hard to find a better 'contributor' than Leigner!

Lang does a credible job of giving some background, some of the politics (although the book was revised in 2004 before the IDSA sunk their hooks into our lives) and some treatment 'suggestions'.

As always my warning is-----  just because one person has a long term remission with a certain treatment protocol---- it won't necessarily mean the next person will. But it could be well worth trying, never-the-less.

It's available at Amazon in used, paperback format. Also for Kindle.
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428506 tn?1296557399

Just as an FYI, there is a new "chapter" to Cure Unknown that recently came out called "Seeking the Cure Unknown: A Report from the Lymelands."  It can be found on amazon.  I have yet to read it myself, but saw it announced.
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428506 tn?1296557399

It has been years since I read it, but early in my diagnosis I found and read:

The Lyme Disease Solution
by Kenneth B. Singleton

The author is an M.D. who suffered from Lyme himself.  It covers Lyme controversy, symptoms, treatment, co-infections, suggested diets, and more.
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OH---- I missed that. Thanks for posting. Will it be offered for anything besides the Nook, do you know? (I have a Kindle)
It's only 40 pages so it's probably not going to be a 'book'---- more like an article?
Nook eBook is available in July 2013.
But good to know about it. Thanks again.
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I've heard good things about the Singleton book and him. Thanks for adding that.
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'Cure Unknown' has two aspects to it -- it alternates chapters of individuals' Lyme experiences with chapters discussing the scientific stuff.  I found it quite readable, and I'm not scientist.
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I forgot about this book. I have only read parts of it but one of the authors is on a forum I'm on and I've always appreciated her no-nonsense input.

Confronting Lyme Disease: What Patient Stories Teach Us (IPPY Award Winner - Health/Medicine/Nutrition)

Karen P. Yerges (Author), Rita L. Stanley (Author)
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Here's one of my favorite books but I'm sure no one else here will want to read it.

Borrelia by Oscar Felsenfeld

I bought it years ago, used, for a 'mere' $41 dollars. I see that it's now for sale at Amazon for about $95 dollars. :)

It was published first in about 1971 but probably from material garnered even earlier.


"Aspects of Lyme Borreliosis is a comprehensive scientific presentation of virtually all aspects of lyme borreliosis. It starts with a concise history of lyme borreliosis and its causative agent, Borrelia burgdorferi. The morphological and biological characteristics of B. burgdorferi are presented, followed by outlines on the ecology and histopathology of LB. The various aspects of the clinical manifestations of LB are systematically dealt with, starting with a clinical overview. A special chapter covers the microbiological diagnosis. After a presentation on the susceptibility of B. burgdorferi in vitro and in animals against a great variety of antibiotics, a thorough discussion on the treatment of LB including critical remarks follows. The book closes with a chapter on the epidemiology of LB."

Later it was on Project Gutenberg, free, plain vanilla but I can't find it there now.

As I sais----- it's not for everyone. But it's a very interesting look-back at some of the history.
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