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255722 tn?1452546541

Yeast--this question not for the faint at heart--sorry

I will be tactful, but this is surely not just a "me" thing, and I could use some advice.  

I have always had problems with amoxicillin and yeast infections.  And, I can't tolerate doxy, so the doctor put me on amoxycillin (900mg 2x/day) and I'm supposed to add probenecid (a drug that increases orally taken amox levels in the blood to nearly intravenous levels) starting next week.  Here's the deal--the yeast infection started three days ago--ugh.

So, my LLMD gave me an Rx for the problem since I knew it would happen, and I've used it, and it helped, but I know that the minute I stop it will be back, and I don't want to keep using the cream 100% of the time if I can help it.  I take 2 Florastor a day and 1 Ultimate Flora/day--and I just ordered a probiotic called Femdophilus too.  Here's the embarrassing question--and really, I'm sorry, but I really sort of need to know--

One of the reviewers for the Femdophilus (it's an oral probiotic) claims to have used the capsule as a vaginal suppository to increase acidophilus colonies at the source with great success--but I don't know if this is wise/safe/warranted/common.  Heck, I only recently googled yogurt and found out that you aren't necessarily relegated to EATING yogurt to treat yeast infections--who knew??  I mean, my mom and I were pretty open when she was alive, but we really didn't talk about THAT.  

So, I see this as a real problem for me, as I anticipate being on amox for at least 2 months at this very high dose, and chronic yeast infection is just no joke--so any advice would be appreciated.

And again--I apologize for the nature of the question.
12 Responses
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I was recommended a fantastic product called Candex. It is enzymes that break down the cell walls of candida and other yeasts.
I've tried literally every antifungal that exists, herbal and prescription, as I have had candida in the intestine and vag since I got Lyme disease 28 years ago! Candex works better than any of them and you get no die-off symptoms either.
You take 4 tabs of candex a day to clear up the infectin then one tablet a day at bedtime as a maintenance to prevent it coming back - which I do need on all these antibiotics.
You do have to give up eating sugary foods to make it work properly.
I have also been using an Italian equivalent of femdophilus up THERE, I used a proper vag one and also experimented with one that was for oral use (as it was much cheaper), and both worked very well and were perfectly safe.
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1763947 tn?1334055319
Saw my LLMD today and she said to stay on the diflucan for awhile and of course take the probiotics. Before,when I saw a non LLMD,  I use to go on and off the diflucan but the yeast would always come back and very painful so I like the LLMD's thinking. Eventually if I get use to the diflucan, we will switch to something else with same effect.
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fwiw = for what it's worth

About looking fine to people around you ... yeah, I remember being totally out of it and no one picking up on it.  Amazing, eh.

Keep after the yeast thing ... it has subtle effects that are hard to recognize until they are gone.  Docs aren't much good at figuring this out on their own, and I've had them be 'yeast deniers' pretty much like 'Lyme deniers', because yeast is all around us.  Well, so is plant pollen in the spring, and that doesn't mean we're not allergic to it!  

If you want to pursue the yeast angle and your LLMD won't go there, you could try an allergist, but they may have the same blind spots as other docs.  Dunno.  This is where supplements and herbs can help sometimes.

Look up 'crook yeast' on the internet, and it will take you straight to a lot of links about yeast.  Dr Crook was the first doc I ever read who addresses yeast directly, and that was some years ago when it was REALLY a fringe
concept.  His first book that I read was called The Yeast Connection, and I see that the first hit on a search for crook yeast is called ... yeast connection.  So his ideas are still out there, probably carried on by others.  Not like you need another ailment to deal with it, but if it's dealing with you, then fighting back is necessary.  It's not as strange as Lyme in its ways, and there are ways to keep it at bay.  

I was always a bread junkie ... I loved bread more than anything ... but I gave it up when I went to war against my yeast infection, and truthfully I don't miss it.  I may also have a wheat sensitivity, dunno, but I get plenty of carbs from rice (there are so many kinds!  red rice [not red yeast rice] is my current favorite) and quinoa (a tiny plant seed from South America that tastes and acts like a grain).  

I don't mean to overload you here, just tuck it away for future reference when you feel you can deal with more data.  fwiw!
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255722 tn?1452546541
It is seriously wonderful to have this support as we go through all this.  Jackie, I'm going to be the online dummy for a second and ask FWIW???  Is that, like forewarned is wise or something? ;-)

Everyone else--am expecting the "wonder" probiotic for women today, so will let you know if it seems to work.  And thanks so very much for being around--I have never had to be on this sort of abx dosage, and the fear of side effects, along with the actual ones is just not all that fun.  To people around me I 'look" fine, so they don't get what's up with me and I keep most of this to myself, but I know you guys "get it" and it's good to know we have a place to go when we need it.

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1763947 tn?1334055319
My dentist actually mentioned that capsule thing and it was the first I had heard it. I get the yeast on my tongue as painful clear bumps and after trying nystatin I use diflucan. I am going to my LLMD tomorrow and will see if she wants me to stay on it or just take it when it arises.
Good luck
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Whether yeast infections are less likely with injected abx, dunno.  If you start feeling yeasty, call the doc's office and tell them, head it off at the pass.

Saccharomyces boulardii (aka S. boulardii) is the generic version of Florastor.  But in some people like me, a yeast does its yeasty thing.  For most people, it works just fine.  My VERY experienced LLMD said he had "never" seen happen to anyone what happened to me.

I'm just really, really special that way!  Most people it won't bother.  So, fwiw.
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Boy, I sure have learned a lot about yeast! ;).

I feel lucky in that I showed no yeast in a GI analysis done right before starting treatment.  I'll get the follow up results next week.  

Dolfnlvr - I feel your pain!  I have had 2-3 bad yeast infections in my life and they are miserable.

Is a yeast problem more likely with oral antibiotics?  I'm doing Bicillin LA shots with probenecid and the PA said it wouldn't interfere with my gut the way orals do.  I didn't think to ask about yeast, though.

For probiotics, I take an enteric coated multi strain acidopholus along with saccromydes boulardii (sp?).  S. boulardii is supposed to be very good for preventing c.difficile when on abx.
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Thanks for the data on why antifungals are so hard on the body.  I didn't know any of that.  I do know that a bunch of my hair fell out when I was on megadoses of Diflucan, then it came back in curly instead of straight, but now has gone back to straight again!  I was plenty scared, tho, so being a baldy was the least of my worries!  

I think what docs tend to miss is that a v*ginal yeast infection may well not be limited to that particular location of the body .... it's just one that we are more aware of.  But a mucous membrane is a mucous membrane, regardless of where it is in the body, so I'm surprised docs don't get more interested when there's a raging v*ginal yeast infection, because the yeast likely isn't picky about what mucous membrane it colonizes.  Thus a blood test to see if it's gone there too.

As to a probiotic vag. suppository, I think I read someplace once about d*ouching with acidophilus or whatever in solution -- whatever gets the medication to the yeast.  Open up the capsules, mix in water, and go for it.

You might also consult with your local health food store vitamin department, or dig around on line to see what alternatives there are.

Garlic is a goodie!  Yeast hates it.  I've read somewhere (perhaps in Dr Crook's books) about ways besides eating garlic, as in suppository style in a little piece of cheesecloth for easy retrieval, but don't know if the oil would be too irritating to tender membranes.

Let us know what you figure out ... and think systemic, not local.
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255722 tn?1452546541
Thanks so much.  I had read some of your posts about the yeast, and I know the horror story you went through.  What a mess.  

I am really hopeful that the additional probiotic, which is lousy with acidophilus, will help to keep things in check, though I know that every pill I take competes with the other.  My biggest thing though, is the bothersome v*ginal yeast infection(s).  I will be absolutely sure to speak with my Dr. about all of this next week when we have our mid-session phone call (will explain in a minute) but aside from the Diflucan I was wondering if there was a probiotic v*ginal suppository that was recommended by anyone here who's been through all this.  I've found a few online, but you can find nearly ANYTHING online these days, and I would prefer experience over a shot in the dark.  

Yeast is a fungus, and as such it is a eukaryotic cell, so any ingestable drug that kills the fungus is really hard on your system/body.  SInce body cells are eukaryotic too, anything that kills a fungus tends to be at least mildly if not moderately poisonous to us too, and Lord knows I'm pumping myself full of enough chemicals right now to throw my body into chaos so if there is a way to help adjust my natural ecosystem at least temporarily so I can get through with one less harsh chemical (or at least a minimum of such) I'd be ever so grateful.

You are such a wonderful help to all of us "newbies."  Thanks for your guidance and candor.  

As for the phone call thing--my LLMD is 2.5 hours away, and I have had to miss so many hours of work here and there in the past few months due to dr. appts and tests and such that once we figured out that this was Lyme and settled on a treatment plan, we agreed to have me call in every 6 weeks and come in person every 12 so I could lessen my time out of work.  Meanwhile, if anything weird happens I have promised to see my primary care practitioner ASAP.  
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... and I may not have been clear about the nature of probiotics:

-- Acidophilus is bacterial, so any antibiotics you take within a couple of hours on either side of the acidophilus will kill the acidophilus.  That's why docs recommend Florastor.

-- Florastor is a yeast-based product, so it is NOT affected by antibiotics and can be taken any time, unlike acidophilus.

That difference is the important thing about Florastor.  The antibiotics you are taking to kill the Lyme bacteria will also kill acidophilus, but will not kill the Florastor.  

Therefore, because the antibiotics are wiping out the Lyme bacteria AND the 'good' bacteria that keep your gut and body humming along without fungal infections, it is necessary to either take the acidophilus far enough away from the antibiotics that the acidophilus bacteria don't get killed off by the meds.

That's the bonus in using Florastor, because it is NOT affected by the presence of antibiotics, because Florastor is a yeast and not bacterial like acidophilus.

If on long term antibiotics, you need something to replenish the 'good' bacteria in your system, or bad yeast will take over.  That's what Florastor does, but if it has side effects, then it's a problem.

I hope this makes sense.  If not, let me know and I'll try again.  And DO talk to your doc.

Here is a link to a scientific article (I think it's free to access, not sure) on this topic:

www [dot] sciencedirect [dot] com / science /article / pii / S0002934398001338

and if you search "boulardii invasive" (without quotes) you will find more.

Most of these reported cases seem to be in people who are severely immunocompromised, meaning their immune systems are not up to par, but not all of them, and my immune system was just fine.

This shouldn't scare you, but simply arm you for a talk with your doc.  
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and PS, as part of kicking the yeast, I found certain supplements very helpful and continue to take them to this day.

Two of the brand names are YeastCleanse and DIDA clear.  I ordered them both off the internet, but they are I think also available in some stores, esp health food stores.

They contain antifungals like grapefruit seed extract, tea tree oil, caprylic acid, pau d'arco, acidophilus, barberry root, odorless garlic, licorice, and maybe some others.  I use them for maintenance purposes even tho I am not on antibiotics and have not been for quite a while.  I may have a small lingering bit of fungus in one sinus, and am hoping it will Go Away soon, but if not, will be seeing a doc, tho don't know which one.  The ear/nose/throat guy I went to when the fungal infection was really bad but as yet undiagnosed was CLUEless.

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No no no -- don't apologize!!!  That's what we're here for -- there's nothing to be embarrassed about.

I too got a massive yeast infection, but in my case I got it FROM the Florastor, because Florastor IS yeast.  It is considered a 'good' yeast that will crowd out the 'bad' yeast that often springs up after antibiotics wipe out ALL the bacteria (good and bad) in your system.

My LLMD said he had never seen anyone react as I did to Florastor, and it may be just a genetic susceptibility for me.  I would NOT assume it is for you.

That said, your doc needs to get on top of this, because it will just wear you and your immune system down.

Docs and everyone else assume that 'yeast infection' means vaginal (or v*ginal, if the computer blocks the actual word), but in fact yeast infections are happy to grow anywhere moist and dark, and that includes in your intestinal tract and can even spread to other parts of the body.  By the time my my docs figured out what was wrong, I was terribly bloated in the gut, my eyes were chronically red and itchy, my teeth were loose and aching, and my brain fog was awful.  I wrongly assumed it was Lyme's own brain fog, but it was not.  

A systemic yeast infection needs to be treated (in my experience) with more than v*ginal cream or suppositories.  Diflucan is the usual oral medication for this, and I would not hesitate to tell my doc I want to try it.

Docs are incredibly ignorant about yeast, even the wise LLMDs, it seems.  If your LLMD won't play ball, go your gynecologist and tell him/her what's up and ask for Diflucan.  Tell them your complete list of symptoms.  There may be (as there was for me) some overlap with Lyme symtpoms, which is what caused NO ONE to figure it out ... I even end up at a gastroenterologist and had a colonoscopy, but because the prep meds for that procedure totally clean out your gut, there was no yeast to be seen through the little camera.  

It was a BLOOD test for yeast that caused my LLMD to say he had 'never' seen such high test results for yeast.

I was so motivated to get rid of this beast that I stopped eating anything with yeast in it ... which means bread.  I put myself on a very strict diet of vegetables and protein for a period of time, to starve out the yeast.  I felt like h*ll for about 3 weeks, lost about 20 lbs, tho I was eating all I wanted to of 'greens and proteins', and then at some point started adding back grains and fruit.  I probably went way overboard, but that is how scared I was by the sky high blood levels of yeast.  You may not want or need to get that extreme, but this may not be just a v*ginal issue.  If your Lyme doc won't think bigger thoughts on this topic, find another doc, maybe your gynecologist and explain how you are feeling and what seems to be wrong.  S/he can do the blood tests as well as any other doc, and you may get some traction there.

There seem to be people who have genetic susceptibility to yeast infections, like those with chronic athlete's foot -- it's a fungus.  There is/was a doc, last name 'Crook', who wrote several books on fungal infections and how they are underappreciated by mainstream medicine.  Anyone who has been on long term antibiotics can be set up for a bad yeast infection, and while many people seem able to coexist with the yeast, others cannot.  I'm vaguely remembering that he said if you're part Irish you might have that tendency, but maybe I misremember ... and I'm a bit Irish.

Crook's analysis is that docs pay no attention the fact that repeated rounds of antibiotics through our lives wipe out all the GOOD bacteria along with the BAD bacteria, and that leaves the body open to yeast colonization.  It is a real and potentially serious issue, and you are wise not to ignore it.

I don't mean to scare you, but pluck up your courage, stop apologizing for it, and know that it's not a v*ginal thing.  Even babies get yeast ... it's called 'thrush.'

End of lecture, now go deal with your doc!  Let us know what s/he says and what happens, and I'll be happy to tell you what I would do next if they ignore you.

Hang in there -- you'll feel tons better when it's under control.  The symptoms of a systemic yeast infection are similar to Lyme ... brain fog.  Once it's under control, life is better.  
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Hi, I have same prob. After doc giving same treatment every time for yeast (vag cream..useless!) with diflucan, I have no improvement-never goes away. Yes-done the diet steering clear of sugar, carbs, etc. and do have a slight improvement during diet-but as soon as I start slowly introducing even healthy normal foods, it comes back. I'm also a lover of sweets & was hard for me-can't live completely without-don't know if I would want to! Changed dr's three times, this last one a female gyn..she was the worst. She suggested it was 'just in my head' , and to stop thinking about it, and said maybe I just have a normal thick discharge. (Tests were done after my tx, which would make yeast levels at their lowest, of course. But would rise again a few days to a week after the same useless treatment prescribed. Sometimes they'd find bacteria (which is Vaginal bacteriosis), and I'd be given a treatment for that -which is..you guessed it-an antibacterial! So, all in all, haven't found a Dr that will listen, or prescribe anything else to help-they all ignore it since they can't figure it out. (My female gyn even refused to let me have any other testing done). She's the worst-shouldn't be practicing in healthcare. So you mention to ask you if our Dr ignores our problemz what can I do? Your help would be greatly appreciated!  Thank you for your article too!

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